There are hands and feet under the belly, and I have become such a warm baby. Jiu'er was annoyed, and now when I heard this, the hairs all over my body stood on end in fright.

There is still one month to celebrate the new year, and you are thinking about our grandpa's new year's money?

Are you still human?

Who else calls Xiaobaicai and Cinderella, and names my son indiscriminately, I will kill you.

Zhang Hao is advancing by retreating, and told Qin Qing that he can't practice without money, so you, a master, can figure it out!

But he made a mistake. To make the master feel sorry for the apprentice, the premise is that the master is a good person with a kind and loving heart!

Qin Qing grew up in the bandit den of the Spring and Autumn Sect. To him, kindness?love?mercy?

These are all unscrupulous words, which make people blush.

Therefore, upon hearing Zhang Hao's words, Qin Qing exploded in an instant, and could no longer suppress the violence in his heart.

With boundless anger, he grabbed Zhang Hao's leg and threw him to the ground.

After Qin Qing's beatings these days, the moment Zhang Hao was caught by him, Zhang Hao felt bad, and subconsciously circulated his Qi and blood.

Admiralty! ! !



When Zhang Hao's body touched the ground, he immediately felt a huge force coming into his body, and his musculoskeletal and internal organs were instantly in pain.

"Ah" screamed, a little out of breath.

The whole body collapsed among the smashed tiles.

Qin Qing's sudden outburst startled Fu Xue, and she clenched her palms resignedly.


But it was empty!

As soon as Qin Qing made a move, Jiu'er jumped out of Fu Xue's arms.

I will not let you pinch my belly a second time if I suffer a loss and gain a wisdom!

"Cut!" Fu Xue, who didn't pinch her belly, cut secretly.

"Not practicing?"

"I told you not to practice!"

Qin Qing roared twice, and then, as before, grabbed Zhang Hao's leg and beat it back and forth.




In Qin Qing's hands, Zhang Hao is like a broken rag doll!

After beating back and forth a few times, Zhang Hao was thrown out by Qin Qing.

As soon as he was about to hit the pillar inlaid with marble, Qin Qing's figure disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of Zhang Hao in an instant.

Grabbing his head in the air, covering his entire face with big hands, he slammed into the pillar fiercely!


Zhang Hao's entire head was stuffed into the pillar.


As the stone fell, Qin Qing grabbed Zhang Hao's collar and "pulled" him out of the pillar.

With Qin Qing's cultivation base, his control over power has reached the extreme. Although the previous action just now looked extremely fierce, it was under his intentional control.

In fact, it just hurts but not hurts.

After all, he just wanted Zhang Hao to practice, not kill him!

It doesn't have to be so troublesome to kill him!

Being grabbed by Qin Qing's collar, Zhang Hao hung up in the air, and his mind went blank at this moment.

Now all he could feel was pain.

Unparalleled pain.

Dazed, I heard the master ask violently and coldly: "Can you practice now!"

Zhang Hao wanted to shake his head to clear his mind, but he was afraid that his master might misunderstand, so he could only nod weakly!

Qin Qing let go, and Zhang Hao fell to the ground.After a while, he said angrily.

"Old man, you beat your apprentice hard enough." After he finished speaking, he paused, and then said, "Let me practice, that's fine, but I have to ask you a question."

Qin Qing looked at him dangerously, "What's the problem?"

"Do you have that kind of life-saving medicine for healing!"

Qin Qing sneered: "Don't worry, you don't need it yet."

"Never mind if I can use it, do you have one?"


"Since you have it, then I dare to practice."

Then start to practice the golden bell jar, and wait for it to be practiced once.

Zhang Hao immediately felt the familiar feeling.

hunger!emptiness!Pain as if you were eating yourself!

And the feeling this time is a hundred times stronger than when I got the system for the first time.

The only thought in my mind is: "I knew this would happen!"

Then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Chapter 33 "Master, Elixir!"

Seeing Zhang Hao fainted, Qin Qing raised his brows, and there was a faint anger in his heart.

What the hell is this kid going to do?

Do you think you don't have to practice if you pretend to be dizzy?

impossible! ! !

He thought Zhang Hao was pretending to be dizzy to avoid practicing.

When Jiu'er and Fu Xue saw Zhang Hao fall to the ground suddenly, they rushed over immediately.



Seeing Zhang Hao's appearance, Jiu'er immediately cried out in panic.

Fu Xue was relatively calm, after all, Zhang Hao had already fainted twice in front of her, so he has experience!

Comfortingly said: "Jiu'er, don't be afraid, brother is fine, he will wake up in a while."

"Meow!" Jiu'er howled at Fu Xue.

It's two laps younger than just now, it's okay, you're blind!


Seeing Jiu'er's anxious look, Qin Qing felt something was wrong.

This kid doesn't seem to be pretending.

After striding forward, Qin Qing was startled when he came in front of Zhang Hao.

I saw Zhang Hao's face was like gold paper, his spirit was like a gossamer, and he looked as if he would die at any time.

The most frightening thing was that his figure was obviously several circles smaller than before, his cheeks were sunken, his strong and powerful muscles had shrunk, and his skin was loose, like a skeleton with a layer of skin on it.

"What the hell is going on!"

Qin Qing screamed, then immediately squatted down and put his right hand on Zhang Hao.

A golden light appeared in his palm, and slowly spread until it enveloped Zhang Hao's entire body.

"He is already a trainee martial artist, and he also has a golden bell cover, how can his blood be so weak."

"His golden bell is so perfect that there is no possibility of error. Why is it like this?"

"Not good! The cells are eating themselves!"

Qin Qing was shocked, Zhang Hao's situation is very dangerous now, he may die at any time!

The person and cat next to him were frightened by Qin Qing, their little hearts were raised, and they looked at Zhang Hao nervously without uttering a word.

Qin Qing was at a loss for Zhang Hao's symptoms for a while. He didn't know how to rescue him, so he could only hang him with a life-saving elixir first, and then go to the hospital for treatment.

After finding out the elixir, just about to feed it to Zhang Hao, Qin Qing suddenly stopped!

He remembered that Zhang Hao had asked him if he had any elixir to save his life and heal his injuries before practicing.

"He knew he would become like this?"

Then scenes of getting acquainted with Zhang Hao flashed in his mind.

No wonder he has to drink a lot of protein powder before practicing every time!

No wonder there will be a certain degree of weakness after each practice!

No wonder he is so addicted to money that he is so mad that he wants to attack Lao Tzu's villa!

No wonder he didn't practice without the elixir.

At this moment, Qin Qing completely understood what happened to Zhang Hao's previous eccentricities!

His aptitude is too good, and his cultivation methods and martial arts are too perfect, and because of his aptitude is too good, the progress of each practice is dozens of times that of ordinary people, and his vitality cannot keep up with the consumption of cultivation.

Before the apprentice martial artist, he could barely maintain it by drinking protein powder. After the apprentice martial artist, he practiced the golden bell shield again. Without the elixir, he could not practice at all.

No wonder he became like this!

"Made! This monster! The aptitude is so good that I can't bear it!"

Knowing what was going on with Zhang Hao, Qin Qing scolded with a smile, and found a healing elixir to replenish vitality and feed it to Zhang Hao.

Then he turned his head and said to the terrified man and cat, "Don't worry! He's fine, and he'll wake up in a while."

Hearing this, the experienced Fu Xue was immediately relieved.

But these words were only a little bit of comfort to Jiu'er, looking at Zhang Hao who had passed out, Jiu'er's eyes were full of worry and fear at the same time.

Walking to Zhang Hao's arms, curled up in his arms, looking at him with tears in his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Hao woke up and felt a warm, prickly tongue touching his face.

Very comfortable!

He casually hugged Jiu'er to his chest, and took a deep breath on its neck.

"Don't be afraid! It's okay!" He patted Jiu'er's head, then without turning his head, he stretched out his hand to the side.

Fu Xue's eyes narrowed into a smile, and she handed him a hamburger that she had just ordered.

He knew that his elder brother would ask her for food when he woke up.

After eating a few hamburgers to fill his stomach, Zhang Hao clenched his fists and moved a little bit to feel the pounding strength in his body.



I can practice for a few more days!

Then he raised his eyebrows at Qin Qing and said, "Master, what kind of medicine did you give me? It's quite strong, isn't it cheap!"

Hearing this, Qin Qing's face darkened immediately.

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