On the top floor of that building, the English word "Stark" is written on the signboard.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Luo's mouth, his heart suddenly moved, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "The time is 2013."

Originally, the time set by the Marvel world was consistent with the time of the earth, which was 2019, but as Chen Luo snapped his fingers, time began to reverse rapidly, and returned to 2013 in an instant, and it was the time of the movie "Iron Man 3" node.

And Chen Luoren had disappeared in place strangely, and had appeared in Tony Stark's house.

At this time, after experiencing the Battle of New York, Tony Stark suffered from a very terrible anxiety disorder. He couldn't sleep every day, and he only immersed himself in the research of the armor, trying to make himself stronger and protect Pepper.

At this time, he has frantically developed more than 30 types of mechas, and produced models suitable for space travel and deep-sea diving.

At this time, the model has reached Mark 42, and it can already be remotely controlled and automatically assembled through sensors.

Chen Luo came here for the Iron Man suit, and he wanted to see if he could bring the Iron Man suit into reality.

Tony is trying to control the Mark 42 with his mind and assemble it automatically on his body, but unexpectedly, an oriental man appears strangely in front of him.

Tony looked at Chen Luo vigilantly. After seeing those gods and alien races, he was no stranger to these superpowers.

"Who are you?"

Although Chen Luo passed CET-[-] in college, he has never used it after graduation, so he can listen to the language used in daily communication.

But in this world created by himself, he can say that he can do anything, and of course he can speak English. He just learned English automatically with a thought.

However, Chen Luo ignored the vigilant Tony. He looked up and down at the person who looked exactly the same as in the movie, and suddenly said with a smile, "This appearance is not convenient to appear in the game world. In the future, all superheroes will use The image in the comics."

Chen Luo stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers again.

The next moment, the entire Marvel universe seemed to pause, and there was a brief stillness.

It seemed like a century or a second later, everyone came back to their senses, and then they continued to do what they were doing just now.

But the appearance of Tony Stark in front of Chen Luo has become the image in the comics, which is quite different from the one in the movie.

Tony also had a brief absence just now, and when he regained consciousness, he immediately yelled, "Jarvis!"

All the Iron Man suits in the basement lit up at the same time, broke the glass of the storage cabinet, and rushed out in unison.

Another Iron Man suit quickly flew to Tony's eyes and assembled it on him.

Chen Luo smiled, as if he didn't bother to answer at all, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Void of an Iron Man suit.

The Iron Man suit flew up in the air and flew towards Chen Luo.

Seeing this scene, Jarvis immediately activated the thrusters at the bottom of the suit, trying to get away from this invisible force.

At this time, Tony had rushed over quickly, aimed at Chen Luo and punched him.

Chen Luo casually waved his hand, and Tony directly connected the armor with him, and smashed through the wall, making a loud noise!

And the Iron Man suit couldn't resist Chen Luo's power in the end, and flew in front of him.

All the Iron Man suits in the room raised their wrists and aimed a white shock beam at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo's figure seemed to disappear again, and with that Iron Man suit, he appeared above the villa in an instant.

And Tony flew over with more than 40 Iron Man suits, and surrounded Chen Luo in the middle.

"Are you here to grab it?"

Tony asked in a low voice.

Chen Luo put his hands in his pockets, stepped into the void, and looked at the rather spectacular group of mechas in front of him with interest, "Well, let's get one and go back and play."

"You can't afford it!" Tony ordered suddenly, "Jarvis, blow it up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Iron Man suit under Chen Luo's control exploded instantly.


A huge explosion resounded through the sky.

After the flames of the explosion dissipated, Tony was shocked to find that Chen Luo was unscathed, even his hairstyle hadn't changed, and he was still standing in the air with a loose expression on his face.

"You really give me a headache. I just want to do an experiment, so don't be naughty."

As soon as Chen Luo finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place again, and appeared in front of him in the next second.

Tony's expression changed suddenly. He couldn't see how Chen Luo moved at all. He didn't know whether it was teleportation or the speed of the other party's movement was too fast and exceeded the limit of his vision.

However, before Tony could react, Chen Luo stretched out his finger and tapped Tony's forehead lightly.

"Go down and lie down for a while."

Like a meteor, Tony plummeted down from mid-air, hit the ground, and made a big hole again!

At this moment, the more than 40 Iron Man suits raised their hands again and shot a dazzling blue laser beam towards Chen Luo.

Chen Luo raised his hand calmly, and waved it again calmly.

All the blue laser beams disappeared into the air at the same time, as if they had never existed before.

Tony struggled to get up from the ground at this time, but after struggling for a long time, he found that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

In the end, it was Jarvis who took control of the suit and rescued him from the ground.

"Sir, his strength is too strong. We are not his opponents. We suggest retreating first."

Tony spat out a mouthful of blood, all sprayed on the armor, he took a hard breath and said, "Blow up all the suits!"

At this time, Chen Luo's lazy voice suddenly came from the sky.

"Hold on."

Chen Luo's voice was not loud, but it came down from the sky clearly, "Let's see who this is first."

Chen Luo stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers again, and Little Pepper appeared in the air out of thin air. She looked around blankly, not knowing what happened.

When Little Pepper saw clearly where he was, he immediately screamed and danced.

Tony was shocked. He couldn't see what method Chen Luo used. He just snapped his fingers and brought the little pepper over, which was beyond his comprehension.

Seeing that Tony stopped acting rashly, Chen Luo immediately waved his hand and grabbed an Iron Man suit from the air, and then disappeared into this world without a sound.

[Author's digression]: Robbing some money~

Chapter 32 made a fortune

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