So far, the human race and the orc race have entered a period of peaceful development, and extraordinary powers continue to emerge, becoming the decisive force that dominates the history of the two races. 】

When a new round of dynasty-changing wars was going on within the human race, Chen Luo came to the sea named Endless Sea for him. It was the sea area where the blue devil fish was born. A very interesting species appeared here. .

After two days in the real world, that is, 200 years in the Western Fantasy world, 1/3000 of the [-] players have been eliminated, leaving less than [-] species.

Although the Hunyuan pen judged that the initial species they created had the possibility of evolution, most of them died halfway, and the deaths were all kinds of strange things, such as being drowned, trampled to death, natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc.

Standing on the sea, Chen Luo stretched out his hand to grasp the rough sea surface, and a black bug stretched out from the sea. First, something like a loach shot out and floated in front of him.

"The mutated electric eel is interesting."

Chen Luo touched this electric eel, and the growth history of this electric eel appeared in his mind.

This electric eel was created by a player called "Super Electric Eel Clone". This player seems to have specialized in electric eels, and the created electric eel group is similar to the electric eels in reality.

Electric eels are freshwater animals that can emit up to 300-800 volts of electricity. It is no problem to electrocute a cow, let alone a person, so it is also known as a high-voltage line in water.

But the electric eel group created by this player is different from the reality. It can not only survive in the sea, but also devour other species and evolve continuously, and its discharge ability is also continuously enhanced with evolution.

As soon as this group of electric eels appeared, they broke the balance of the ocean.

At this time, the overlord of the endless sea is still the blue devil fish. They dominate the entire endless sea with their sharp teeth and huge size, but unfortunately they encounter this group of electric eels with "special functions".

The sea has high salinity, low resistance, and strong electrical conductivity, which is very suitable for the ability of electric eels.

This player named Super Electric Eel clone, using this abnormal ability, has no natural enemies at all, because most animals do not have the ability to resist electricity.

The electric eel group quickly dominated a sea area, and then he set his sights on the blue devil fish, the overlord of the ocean.

Because at this time, except for the blue devil fish, other species in the sea have been devoured by him, and there is no value in further devouring them.

The blue devil fish is not resistant to electricity, if it encounters an electric eel alone, it will be eaten by the corona.

But if you encounter a group of blue devil fish, it will not work, because the discharge capacity of each super electric eel is limited, and the time is extremely short, usually only about 15 seconds, once it is discharged, it will take seven or eight hours to replenish .

Therefore, an electric eel can at best stun a blue devil fish. Once there is a window period where it cannot be discharged, it will be torn to pieces by swarms of blue devil fish.

This player named Super Electric Eel Clone is also extremely cunning, and began to develop wretchedly. He specially picked out the blue devil fish who were alone, and gradually began to eat away at the slightly smaller blue devil fish group.

Up to now, this player has developed this group to nearly [-], and the short-term discharge capacity has reached an exaggerated [-] volts, becoming the absolute overlord of this sea area.

"Analysis of the super electric eel gene."

"Analyzing... the primary life form has evolved to the peak of the group, and its genetic value is low. Currently, it can produce 0.05% of the god-descendant genes. Fusion has a chance to produce lightning abilities. Evaluation: normal."

Chen Luo couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw this. He didn't expect that this electric eel had already reached its peak evolution. He was going to try to integrate his blood into these electric eels to see if they had further opportunities.

It seems that there is no need for this now, they have evolved to the peak, and it will not be long before they will replace the blue devil fish as the new ocean overlord.

"There are still too few species in the ocean. It seems that we have to do it ourselves to create a powerful species. Otherwise, when this player dominates the endless sea, there will be no room for other species to evolve."

Chen Luo muttered to himself, and then heard the prompt from the Hunyuan pen.

"Is it integrated with the super electric eel gene to complement the god-born gene?"

Chen Luo threw the electric eel, which was constantly struggling in the void, into the sea, quickly returned to his house, and immediately said, "Integrate the electric eel gene."

"Fusion begins!"

A familiar mechanical voice came.

At this moment, although Chen Luo's body did not undergo any drastic changes, he could clearly feel that his physical fitness had improved a lot, and there seemed to be something more in his body.

Chen Luo suddenly stretched out his index finger, and saw a tiny blue electric light blooming from his fingertips.


The lightning lasted for less than five seconds, and then went out in an instant.

Chen Luo was dumbfounded, and the joy in his heart receded a lot in an instant. The lightning ability brought about by this fusion was still too weak.

It is estimated that this amount of power will cause a little bit of needle pricking pain at most, and it is too far away to use it for attack.

However, Chen Luo quickly calmed down, at least it was rewarding, and it was better than nothing.

Moreover, he now only has 0.16% of the god-born genes. As long as he continues to complete the genes, the thunder and lightning ability will continue to become stronger.

Chen Luo pondered for a moment, and with a thought, he returned to a desert in the Western Fantasy World.

Chen Luo stretched out his right index finger again, and a blue thunderbolt shot out from his fingertips, rushing straight into the sky.


The sky that was originally shone by the scorching sun was instantly overcast, and there were continuous thunder and lightning groups.

Following Chen Luo's finger pointing, all the thunder and lightning in the sky stopped suddenly, as if they had found their target, they all gathered together and condensed into a star-like light that fell straight down.


The desert shook violently, followed by a feeling like a mountain shaking. A bottomless crack appeared on the ground, and countless yellow sands were sliding down the crack into the abyss.

The land around the crack was even more scorched black by lightning.

Chen Luo himself was shocked by this power. Although he knew that the Western Fantasy World had a bonus to his power, he never expected it to be so exaggerated.

In reality, he can only create a little lightning, but in the Western fantasy world, he has the power to destroy the world.

[Author's digression]: Incoming call, incoming call ticket. em......Chapter 24 I drove a little car and was blocked. I modified it and it should be able to synchronize today. If you have read it, don’t worry about it. If you haven’t read it, you can go and see it at that time.

Chapter 29 Achievement Rewards

Chen Luo thought for a while, and casually released a system announcement.

[Notice: Congratulations to the player 'Super Electric Eel Clone', the evolved species of Super Electric Eel has certain potential and has been rewarded for achievement. 】

The sudden appearance of this region-wide announcement not only surprised the players in the game in the whole server, but also caused an uproar in the game forum.

Since the game's second beta, the first player to receive an achievement reward.

Liang Shaoyu was also stunned. He is a doctoral student in the Department of Biology of Zhejiang University. His main research direction is bioelectricity, applying it to medical treatment and energy.

So he is very familiar with the structure of bioelectric organisms, such as electric eels, electric fish, and electric rays.

After entering the game, Liang Shaoyu almost didn't think much, so he chose the electric eel.

It's just that 200 years have passed in the game world at this time, and the lifespan of the super electric eel created by Liang Shaoyu is only a hundred years. Even as the creator, he only lived 50 years longer than ordinary electric eels.

The super electric eel's biological level is far higher than that of ants, and it cannot transfer its consciousness to the next ant queen like Jiang Junhao, so Liang Shaoyu died of old age in the end.

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