Zhao Zhou was also taken aback after being excited, and felt that this place was more like someone else's treasure house.

"This is... the treasure house of the Sun Moon God Sect?"

Looking at these boxes, Zhao Zhou understood that the treasure house of feelings is not systematic, but "borrowed".

But no matter what, it was not easy to come here.

In particular, this opportunity to teleport the treasure house may be the only one he wants.

"It's better to die than a poor fellow Taoist!" After Zhao Zhou figured it out, he took off his shirt with a clatter, and tied a knot at the neckline of the sleeves, forming a "pocket".Afterwards, he "hurrahed" the gold and silver jewelry on the shelf, as long as he could easily get it, no matter what it was, he swept it all into his pocket without looking at it.

When the small items are searched, the pocket is almost full.

Swish, he tied a knot at the hem of his clothes, put it on his back, and looked at the big boxes again.

"There should be more treasures inside..."

One is born, the second is cooked.

Since Zhao Zhou took it by hand, his eyes are shining when he looks at these boxes now, without any guilt, and he is ready to make another stroke.

It's just that the boxes are too big, and he can only carry two while touching one with one hand, so it's better to open the box and get the contents inside.

But then he searched around and found no key, nor anything to unlock it.

Zhao Zhou found this situation, thought for a while, and didn't know where the strength came from. Enduring hunger, he kicked the treasure chest a few times, trying to kick the lock off.

"Who is it!?" At this time, he heard a low shout from outside the door.

When Zhao Zhou heard it, he was not frightened, and kicked the treasure box a few times, and found that he couldn't open it, so he stood near the two boxes, feeling a box with one hand, and carrying a box on his back. With a bulging pocket, he said to the system: "You can't stay here for long! Let's retreat!"

The words fall.

With a flash of white light, Zhao Zhou disappeared without a trace together with the two boxes.

"what happened?"

"Boss, I searched all over the house, but I can't find anyone!"

When the guards entered the treasury with their swords, they searched around and found that there was no one there, only empty shelves and a small space where there were boxes.

"No one was found? Could it be a ghost..." When the leader heard the news that his subordinates hadn't found anyone, looking at the rice flour powder and missing boxes all over the place, his scalp felt numb for a while, thinking it was a ghost There was a legendary starving ghost.

Chapter 3 Item Magic


Unlike the leader who was worried and frightened when he saw a ghost, a white light flashed in the stone house in a small courtyard in the Qing Dynasty, but Zhao Zhou returned to the bed full of excitement.

"Porphyrin" two large boxes also landed in the open space in front of his bed.

"I don't know what these things are."

After returning, Zhao Zhou suppressed his hunger with excitement.

He first picked out the items to be inspected, and then untied the clothes on his back that had been deformed by heavy objects. There was a sound of gold and silver clashing in porcelain vases. in front of you.

"With so much gold and silver jewelry, the short sleeves bought for tens of dollars are enough."

Taking advantage of the night, Zhao Zhou looked at these belongings and smiled, touched them indiscriminately, and when he was satisfied, he pulled the jewelry aside and looked at these bottles and jars that looked like Taoist elixir.

"There will always be a day when the property is spent, but these pills that seem to increase strength are permanent." Zhao Zhou was thinking, and looked closer against the night.

I saw that these porcelain bottles were about the size of half a can, about forty of them.

There are some small words on them with small notes, as if to identify the name of the medicine, but the names of many bottles and jars are the same.

"Qiangshen Pill, Huoluo Pill, Zhixue Powder..." Zhao Zhou did a lot of research and sorted them into categories, which can be divided into these three varieties.

At the same time, when he was observing these items and pondering how to use them, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Item found】

Strengthening body pills: Supplementary items for nourishing qi and fitness, taking it can gradually strengthen the physique.Take it when needed according to the effect of exercise.

Huoluo Pill: treat internal injuries, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.Damaged internal organs, or bruised use.

Zhixue powder: trauma items.Sprinkle it on the wound when it is bleeding, it can stop the bleeding and form a bloody bandage in a short time.

【Recipe is being analyzed, please wait】

When the reminder came down, at this moment, the system also showed the main body image, and what appeared in Zhao Zhou's mind was chaos, or what he thought, the system would look like.

But what Zhao Zhou thinks now is the effect of medicine.With the words "introduction", the system is like a picture book, and it has really become a "picture book introduction" format.

Now there are 'Return option, Elixir option, View this world option' on this picture book.

These kinds of elixirs have also turned into several pictures, which belong to the category of 'elixirs'.

"It's quite convenient." Zhao Zhou looked at this scene, read the pill option silently, and saw that this option was gradually opened in his mind, and the pictures of the three kinds of pills that were just included, including the efficacy and introduction, were all the same. a presentation.

It's just that the following recipe line is still empty.

"I don't know how long it will take to analyze."

While analyzing the recipe systematically, Zhao Zhou finished observing the pictures, and then looked at the bottles and cans in front of the bed.

He felt that the searched on this trip had a complete range of items, including those for practicing kung fu and treating injuries.

But there is no need to fight.

"What's in these two boxes." He looked at the two locked boxes again.

It was originally in someone else's treasury, time was running out, and he didn't have time to think about it.But now that he was back, he had to find something to pick the lock.

However, he walked to the side of the box and looked at the keyhole for a while, only to find that the lock was not attached.Different from bronze locks, you need to use a mold to poke and tinker.

Zhao Zhou also confirmed his own thoughts, bent over and broke the other part of the iron at the iron cable, and there was a click, like a mechanism, the thumb-thick, fine steel bar for the lock was caught in the groove and lost the "spring" resistance.

He threw his finger again, and the iron bar was easily removed.


The box is opened.

"Will it contain a box of gold..." He looked expectantly against the night, and saw that there was a layer of cloth on the top, and it was still cloth when he turned it down, all of which were silk and satin.

It's just that he touched the fabric and found that it was quite slippery. After struggling with his hands, it was also quite strong.

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