
Page 15

The car outside the alley came to a stop, and a dozen plainclothes police officers came down and walked towards Zhao Zhou quietly. It seemed that the news of the murder had been leaked.

But in fact, it was Zhao Zhou himself who reported to the police. When he found the cheat book, he sent a text message of 'surrender' with the owner's mobile phone.

The purpose is not to implicate the two hosts.

After all, he was the one who killed the man, and he brought the owner with him. It would be difficult for them to get rid of any suspicions. Why not wait for him to find the cheat book and clean it up for them when he is ready to leave.


After Zhao Zhou heard the sound of dense footsteps surrounding the residential building.He also looked at the two museum owners who were a little excited and a little scared when they heard the police shouting 'You are already surrounded' and said: "The matter is over. Now please go ahead."

After saying that, Zhao Zhou heard the footsteps in the corridor getting closer, and someone knocked open the door with a 'click' sound. After entering the room, under the even more shocked gazes of the owner and students, a white light flashed, Disappeared directly and went to the Three Kingdoms World.

"The owner... this, this..."

And there was a terrified and excited roar. After seeing this scene, the students were shocked and inexplicable. They stammered and looked at the museum owner who was also wide-eyed and said: "Now the police are here. If we want to say that the immortal killed the person, what do you say? Will the police officer believe..."


As the trainees finished speaking, there was a voice-changing shout, and several policemen also came over stunned, took out their communicators tremblingly, took a few deep breaths, and reported to their superiors: "Director, I want to say that the suspect who surrendered himself I didn’t find it, but saw a fairy instead, would you believe it....”

Chapter 9 First Arrival in the Three Kingdoms


No matter what the others are, in a dense forest in the other world, accompanied by the sound of insects and the slight flash of white light, Zhao Zhou's figure appeared under a big tree.

At the same time, the system also sent a reminder.

【Current World: Three Kingdoms】

Plot time: the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Arrangement status: The lucky person is a hunter in the mountains.And according to luck, habits, and strength, they can eat meat every day in the mountains.But he never went out to sell his prey, and he had no money.

System suggestion: In troubled times, the mountains are safe.

Return time: Return anytime.

Tasks: None.

[Reward: After experiencing a world, the storage space becomes five cubic meters]


Didi's mechanical sound, when the world's news is finished.

After Zhao Zhou heard about it, he found that there were no so-called system tasks, so he didn't care about it. Instead, he took a look at his surroundings, sat down on a big rock in the forest, and took out boxing secrets from the system space.

He hadn't watched carefully in the previous world.

But now there is nothing to do, he turned the pages of the book, skipped and looked at the names of several graphic moves, and found that Feng Yuxiu really did not lie, that Wengmen really collected the essentials of various martial arts.

"Baji, Xingyi, Bagua, Taiji... As long as it is a martial arts school that I know, it seems to be recorded here..."

Zhao Zhou couldn't put it down, his eyes seemed to shine, and he looked at the essentials of various martial arts.

The first page of the beginning of each kind of martial art introduces its own martial art characteristics, and then pays attention to explaining "martial arts, martial arts", showing mercy and so on.

But Zhao Zhou had looked through it before, and found that no matter what kind of martial arts school it was, the shots were extremely fierce, and there were not many moves that did not greet the dead point.

The lightest thing is hitting a person's joints, causing serious injuries and disabilities.

This book is said to be a secret book of the experience of the old seniors, it is better to say that the old seniors teach those who have obtained the book how to quickly kill the opponent through the explanation of the experience.

"Wu De, Wu De, you can only teach morality and law if you are alive." Zhao Zhou didn't care about this, flipped his hand, and looked at the second page.

On the second page, after each sect and sect finished talking about martial arts, they recorded the basic skills of their sect, as well as some portraits of villains, that is, introducing the strength of each sect.

For example, the three-body posture of Xingyi, and the horse-step pile of Shaolin.

Each style has its own wonders, and there is a large step-by-step explanation below, which is very detailed and fully demonstrates the strength and mystery of its own genre.

But to put it bluntly, the strengths of all schools and schools are all strengths, that is, they have different focuses.

Zhao Zhou took a look at several piles, and found that Xingyi focuses on punching people, and the dragon, tiger, bear and other twelve-shaped boxing styles each have their own flexible piles, and then find out your own station according to your personal physique. The law, rather than standing still, remains unchanged.

Shaolin Kungfu has more classifications. Practicing the lower body with Zhama step is the most flexible way. When the time comes, the lower body is solidly practiced, and then you can think about it yourself according to what you have learned.

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to say who is strong and who is weak in terms of the standing skills of various sects and sects.

The old seniors just used their own national martial arts characteristics, after years of painstaking efforts, they honed out a best 'brush strength' pile method that suits their own school.

After all, when beating or killing people, no matter what moves they use, they must first exert force from the 'pile'.

Just like when Zhao Zhou fought Feng Yuxiu, he never moved a single step. During the two months of grinding, the Tai Chi stake stood firmly, and his legs were firmly planted on the ground like roots.

It is also because there is a wooden character for "pile", which literally means that the soles of the feet take root, and the force starts from the ground.

If the roots of the soles of your feet are pulled out by others and you have nowhere to 'leverage your strength', you'd better run quickly, or check if you have a gun in your hand, and 'jump' the opponent with one shot, or wait to be killed by the opponent.

"It's really good stuff!"

Zhao Zhou also read these explanations about pile strength, and understood why Senior Yang told him not to move his feet when he was pushing the millstone, and also knew why he didn't move his feet easily when he asked him to hit someone.

It turned out that he had some hazy guesses, so he didn't think much about it, so he followed suit.

Now there are books to explain it, but I finally understand it.

In addition, Feng Yuxiu, who fought against Zhao Zhou, had learned the unique skills of various sects, but he didn't stand up well, and his moves were like duckweed without roots. die.

But in fact, it is not necessary to fight standing up, but Zhao Zhou walked too fast, and Yang Luchan hadn't had time to teach Zhao Zhou how to walk and fight.

"It seems that when you go out to compete in martial arts, you can not only learn flexible and changeable moves in actual combat, but also see through how to practice martial arts. Compared with others, you can wake yourself up."

After Zhao Zhou finished reading the stance, he took a deep breath, instead of learning and practicing, he looked away reluctantly and closed the book.

Because Yang Luchan once said: Don't be afraid of a thousand tricks, but be afraid of one trick.

Zhao Zhou is also well aware of its meaning, knowing that he can't eat too much, so he put away the boxing scriptures and put them in the system space.

"Wait for the Taiji Jin to be rounded again, learn to walk and fight footwork, and try the heavy hand of other schools. Anyway, the stance and footwork explained in it are meticulous. You really have to follow the above. practice, and then correct your own standing qualifications according to the annotations of these seniors, you will definitely find the one that suits you best."

After thinking about it, Zhao Zhou also found a reason for himself not to read, and the desire to read in his heart became much more stable.


He stood up, looked around the endless forest nearby, and began to ponder whether he would continue to 'hunt' after he came to the Three Kingdoms world, or go outside to meet those famous experts.

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