Although I don't know what happened to her, but from Ye Chengliang's saying that she was a traitor last night, and the terrible wound on her chest, it is estimated that she is now homeless.

Although she had tied herself up before, to be honest, apart from sleeping in a chair all night, she was basically treated politely.

Now that such a delicate and peerless beauty is in distress, Jia Qing, as a normal man, is of course willing to be a hero to save the beauty.

Xian'er didn't expect Jia Qing to think so thoughtfully of her, and she didn't even expect Jia Qing to save her!

She climbed onto the boat with the last of her strength last night, and finally passed out from exhaustion.But when Xie Luan and the other two bandaged her wound, she woke up from the pain again, and realized that someone was saving her, so she didn't make a sound.

She basically heard everything that happened afterwards.

"So thank you Mr. Jia."

As she said that, she still wanted to salute, but as soon as she bowed, her body swayed immediately, and her face turned pale.

Seeing this, Jia Qing hurriedly said: "Miss Xian'er, you don't need to be polite... By the way, Miss Xian'er is hungry. It just so happens that there are Gaoyou duck eggs and soy milk here. Would you like some for Miss Xian'er?"

Xian'er didn't refuse, she was indeed hungry.

Lai Sheng handled his affairs very safely, the breakfast he ordered someone to bring to Jia Qing's room was sufficient, enough for Jia Qing and the four of them to eat.

After breakfast, Lai Sheng came up and said that the carriage was ready and he could set off to meet Lin Ruhai.

Jia Qing and Lai Sheng had never been to Lin Ruhai's residence, so they brought Jia Yun with them, he knew the way.

Arriving at the Lin Mansion, Lai Sheng went forward to send a letter of worship, and after a while, a butler-like man came out from inside, and said to Jia Qing and the others: "Master, please!"

Although this Lin Mansion is not as resplendent as the Ningrong and Rong Mansions, it is also well-renovated.Inside, the pavilions, rockery and fake water are also well-decorated and extraordinary.

Jia Qing came to see him as a nephew, so Lin Ruhai met Jia Qing in his study.

"Nephew Jia Qing pays respects to Uncle!"

Jia Qing bowed down to Lin Ruhai in a very grand manner, which is usually done when meeting the elders in the direct line.

Lin Ruhai laughed and said: "Where is such a big gift needed, get up quickly."

Jia Qing insisted on the strategy when he first met Lin Ruhai, stood up, and said solemnly: "To salute my uncle, my nephew will not dare to slack off."

Lin Ruhai, as a representative of the ancient bureaucrats, of course he likes this kind of younger generation who knows the book and respects the etiquette.Jia Qing's doing this is called talking to people, hell... no, it's called "prescribing the right medicine".

Sure enough, the smile on Lin Ruhai's face became more and more kind, and he asked, "Are you here to participate in the Jiangnan Cultural Association this time?"

"Yes, Uncle. In addition, I brought a letter and a gift to Uncle on behalf of Sister Lin."

As he spoke, he took out the letter written by Daiyu from his bosom, and as for the gift box, Lai Sheng handed it to the butler of the Lin family before entering the door.

Lin Ruhai obviously didn't expect Jia Qing to bring Daiyu's letter, and was a little excited for a moment, seeing Jia Qing handing over the letter, he immediately stood up and took it.After ordering Jia Qing to sit down, he couldn't wait to open the letter and read it.

Jia Qing originally planned to buy some gifts to bring in, but then he thought, what Lin Daiyu asked him to bring was the best gift for Lin Ruhai, so why bother.

Sure enough, Lin Ruhai cared about Lin Daiyu very much. When he saw Daiyu's letter, he ignored him and read the letter directly.

Daiyu's family letter was quite long, and Lin Ruhai read it carefully again, and he finished it after half a quarter of an hour. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head and asked, "How is Daiyu at home? some?"

Jia Qing believed that Daiyu should have said all these things in the letter. Lin Ruhai's question was just out of concern for the children of the elders, and he wanted to get news from Jia Qing himself, so that he could feel more at ease.

"Sister Lin is doing well in Rongguo Mansion. There are uncles and other elders who love her above, and there are many sisters and brothers joking around together every day. The old lady loves her the most, and she also lets Sister Lin live with her old man, working together all day long. with it.

It's just that sister Lin is relatively weak and often coughs in winter.The old lady was very nervous, and whenever there was any movement, she would ask the doctor Wang who often came to the house to write a prescription and take medicine to see a doctor.She actually didn't let people leave her side at all, but it compares with us grandchildren.With a grandmother who loves her so much, sister Lin's body is getting better day by day. "

Lin Ruhai didn't know about Daiyu's illness, and after hearing what Jia Qing said, he knew that it was probably to comfort him.But at least she knows that Daiyu's life in Jia's mansion is better than that in Lin's mansion.

Gently putting the letter on the table, Lin Ruhai said to his housekeeper, "Go down first..."

"Your sister also said a lot about her stay in your house in her letter. I can see that she is well taken care of. You go back and thank the old lady for her kindness on my behalf.

I am not allowed to visit her old man in person because I am entangled in mundane affairs, and I ask her to forgive me and not to blame. "

Jia Qing nodded in response.

"Your sister also mentioned you in the letter, saying that you know everything from poetry couplets to astronomy and arithmetic. I also attached a few of your poems. I read them too. They are really good!"

"Your uncle praised me absurdly, but I dare not be my nephew."

Lin Ruhai looked at Jia Qing's respectful and polite appearance. Although he liked such a young junior very much, he still said: "Our two families are close to each other. You don't need to be so polite here, just treat it as if you are in your own home. But now that Daiyu lives as a guest in the house, she has to trouble my nephew as an elder brother to take care of her."

Jia Qing was overjoyed when he heard the words, knowing that he had fallen into Lin Ruhai's eyes, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to tell him the words of asking him to take care of his daughter!

He really regarded Jia Qing as his junior!

"Uncle, please don't worry, my nephew will definitely pay more attention to Sister Lin, and keeping her will not make her feel wronged in Jia's residence!"

Jia Qing hits the snake on the stick road.

After that, Lin Ruhai tested and taught Jia Qing's knowledge, and found that Jia Qing's basic skills were solid, and he was even more satisfied.When it was almost noon, Lin Ruhai left Jia Qing to have lunch with him.

The Lin family has a small population, Lin Ruhai's only son died when he was three years old, and there is only one daughter under his knees, Daiyu.

After Daiyu's mother, Jia Mu's daughter Jia Min passed away, Lin Ruhai did not remarry, but there were still a few concubines and concubines who had no children.

At this time, of course Lin Ruhai would not let his concubine come out to entertain Jia Qing, so, only Lin Ruhai and Jia Qing had lunch together.

At the banquet, Lin Ruhai said: "My nephew, do you know the current important events in the court?"

Jia Qing was taken aback, he had only left the capital for more than ten days, and he hadn't heard of any major incidents.So he said bluntly: "My nephew doesn't know."

With an expected expression, Lin Ruhai explained: "I also just received the message the day before yesterday that the imperial court is going to start a war against the Tartars."

"Go to war?"

"The imperial court announced the world, saying that the Tartars outside the pass launched the first wave of attacks on the northeast border of our Great Chu half a month ago. Today, the two generations of emperors are furious, and have issued an order to the Military Aircraft Pavilion. The Military Aircraft Pavilion ordered the Ministry of War to mobilize Zhili, Shandong, Shanxi and other provinces are supported by reinforcements, vowing to wipe out all these Xiao Xiaoxiao at the foot of the Great Wall!"

Although Da Chu was going to fight this old enemy, Lin Ruhai's tone was not worried at all, presumably he was very confident in Guochao's strength.

Chapter 87 Leaving Linfu to Yangshengtang

"You don't need to worry about this. The state has been recharging its energy for a hundred years, the treasury is sufficient, and the army is strong. The Tartar kingdom is located in a corner, so it will not pose much threat to the court.

The purpose of my telling you this is that although the imperial court has only mobilized troops in a few provinces, this battle is not considered a national battle, but after all, it is fighting against a foreign race, and such a grand event like the Jiangnan Cultural Society is a bit out of date However, my nephew's trip to the south of the Yangtze River is likely to return in vain. "

Seeing Jia Qing meditating there, Lin Ruhai thought he was worried about the border war, so he persuaded him and expressed his guess.

Jia Qing was actually thinking, isn't it said in the original book that the country is governed by He Qing and Hai Yan, and Bai Yi surrendered?

Then I thought again, that's not right, wasn't Tanchun marrying far away because of the country's defeat in foreign wars?If Baiyi surrendered, it wouldn't make sense.

It seems that the so-called surrender of He Qing, Hai Yan and Bai Yi just means that we are in a stable and unified era, not that the country is invincible, and there are still Yi tribes who dare to stretch their claws to the country.

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