Tatar asked for help, but the golden retriever disappeared, and before leaving he gave him a large number of treasures...

Jia Qing fully understood.

What the hell is a pit!

Well, it's a pity that he used to think that Jin Mao was a simple and good boy, but at this time he was given a chance.

Jia Qing has no doubts, if it wasn't for him being loved by the emperor and having a title, if it wasn't for Yuan Chun being a noble concubine now, she would be one of the most honorable women in the harem besides the queen mother.

I'm afraid this Zhang Baihu won't be so respectful...

"Well, the reason why the Golden Retriever Prince sent me something is to exchange wine with me. It is Wuliangye. Wuliangye, you know, is very precious..."

Jia Qing tried to explain.

Zhang Baihu said with a wry smile: "The Court of Lifan said that what Prince Alevich gave you were all rare treasures, worth tens of thousands of taels of silver, and he was sure that for the past half month, Prince Alevich has only been with you, General. Past......"

The implication of Zhang Baihu's words is obvious, how much is a little wine worth, can it be worth tens of thousands of taels of silver?


Now Jia Qing really wants to kick the face of Lifan Courtyard, he is only worth a few thousand taels of silver, how can it be tens of thousands of taels in your mouth?

There is no Chuan Guo Yuxi inside...

However, if he used this as an excuse, the Lifan Court would definitely say that he hid it on purpose. Anyway, the things had already entered the Ningguo Mansion, so it would be ridiculous...

"This matter was not done by the general, or it was not done by the general. The damn Li Fanyuan dared to pour dirty water on the general. We will see how the general will deal with them in the future! Now, Zhang Baihu, please let me know, how does your majesty plan to deal with it? "

Looking at Jia Qing's furious look, Zhang Baihu himself was a little guilty, and said weakly: "Your Majesty ordered that the humble officials stay in the general's mansion until the truth comes to light. During this period, General Jia is not allowed to leave the mansion... "

Jia Qing glanced at him viciously, and said: "If you want to stay, stay, the general has something else to do, so I won't accompany you!"

This is to put him under house arrest.Moreover, this order is very strange. Since it is to assist in the investigation, why is it not even required to obtain "stolen evidence" for verification?

Either Emperor Zhengqing believed in him in the first place and didn't need to make one move many times, or...

Jia Qing angrily entered the apse.

Lai Sheng hurried forward to greet Zhang Baihu, saying: "My lord, forgive me, my young master has a bad temper... Your lord, please come with me."

Jia Qing directly put down his face, but Lai Sheng didn't dare to, instead, he behaved neatly and laid a hundred households down to rest, and arranged a place for the officials outside.

"Mr. Lao, take care."

Zhang Baihu has been doing business for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation, so he is also very cautious, doing everything according to the instructions above, not daring to take a wrong step.

The fifth forty-ninth chapter is so angry that the beard is raised

On the Jinluan Hall of the Daming Palace, the court meeting is still being held.

"The two large groups of Cossacks dispatched troops to Tatar, and Prince Alevich fled. This is clearly a premeditated war!

Russia is a big country, so is it possible that I, Da Chu, are afraid of them?

Fight to fight!

Qi Zou Your Majesty, the minister Niu Jizong asked for support from the army. "

In the main hall, Niu Jizong said loudly.The tone of righteous indignation is like a bell.

"Master Niu's words are very wrong.

First, although Tatar is a descendant of Great Chu, it is not our territory after all.

Second, Jinwu Khan clearly pointed out that the cause of the incident was that they killed three Russians by mistake, and the Russians must take revenge, so they attacked them. How can it be said that they launched a war premeditatedly?

Third, even if it is to rescue the Tatar tribe, His Majesty only needs to order the two major tribes, Qiyan and Ninggus, to come to their aid.And why does Master Niu need to lead the troops there in person?

Fourth, at this time, our side has not yet learned of Russia's intentions, so rashly sending troops, wouldn't it be easy to provoke a dispute between the two countries?It must be known that a good war will be dangerous. If this battle can not be fought, it is better not to fight.

Master Niu thinks so? "

The Minister of the Ministry of officials came out.

His words caused many people to nod in agreement.

Niu Jizong glared at him coldly, didn't give any advice, and just threw him a few words: "Huh, the scholar is wronging the country!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials suddenly raised his beard in anger.Just as military generals hate the term "vulgar martial artist", the term "scholar misusing the country" is also one of the words that civil servants least like to hear.

Niu Jizong was immediately outraged.You know, although the number of officials in the palace, civil left and military right, seems to be about the same, but don't forget, the country has not yet held martial arts, and most of the people standing on the side of the military officers are pure literati...

As for the civil servants, there are only a very small number of people who have been converted from military positions to civilian positions.

It is conceivable how cold Niu Jizong suffered after throwing out this word.

But who is Niu Jizong? He is a well-known "vulgar martial artist" at that time, and he still stands upright, showing no regrets.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials snorted coldly, too lazy to mess around with such a person, and flicked his sleeves to join the queue.

Seeing that the two big bosses were in a stalemate, Zheng Shi'an, the left servant of the household department, stood up to smooth things over.

"Lord Niu, please don't get angry, the officials think what Master Xu said is justified..."

"Since ancient times, food and grass go first before soldiers and horses are moved. In war, what is actually fought is money and food, which is the state treasury.

That Russia is an empire like our Great Chu. I even heard that they are far away in the extreme north and drink blood. They are the most barbaric people.Let alone whether we can win a war with it, the current national treasury really cannot support such a war that is destined to take a long time. "

Niu Jizong gave Zheng Shi'an a disgusted look: "Don't think I don't know, what your household department is best at is crying poor. The country's dynasty has been established for a hundred years, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the fourth aunt is surrendered. Will you not be able to support a big war?

I think it's either you and the idiots are timid and timid to fight, or your household department has neglected its duties and secretly communicated with the money, causing the treasury to be empty!Your Majesty, please punish Zheng Shian for his crime! ! "

"Niu Jizong, don't spout blood!"

Zheng Shi'an didn't expect that Niu Jizong would dare to impeach him face to face based on speculation alone.

Emperor Zhengqing also took a look at Zheng Shi'an, this is He Shanbao's loyal loyal supporter.He didn't take the opportunity to attack, but asked: "Zheng Aiqing, how much is left in the national treasury this year?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the total income last year was 3506 million taels of silver. Excluding the 340 million taels of silver owed by the treasury last year, the total was 56 million taels. Up to now, there are still more than 950 million taels of silver in the treasury.

It’s only winter now, and about 300 million taels are needed for the New Year’s Eve Festival, about 200 million taels for rewarding the emperor’s relatives, princes and nobles, and about 150 million taels of silver for the remaining two months’ salaries of tens of thousands of officials across the country.

Your Majesty is overjoyed, if there is no other expenditure this year, the treasury will still have a balance of 300 million taels..."

After hearing Zheng Shian's words, Emperor Zhengqing had mixed feelings for a while.Sometimes he thinks, this is full of courtiers.How can I achieve a clean ending at the end of the year no matter how much I earn in the year.

Although there are still 300 million taels left, Emperor Zhengqing knew that by the time of the end-of-year ceremony, the 300 million taels would not be able to exist anymore, and they might have to owe more, just like last year... .

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