"Master, please see, if the Princess Mansion is built according to this method, how is it different from the palace courtyard?"

Jia Zheng thought about it carefully, because of the abundant funds, the main hall in this drawing is not worse than the palace compound, and the rest is almost the same as the layout of the palace, except that it is much smaller than the palace...

"What's wrong with that?"

"This is inevitable? If it is built like this, His Majesty will definitely reward the master, and the master's promotion and salary are inevitable, but that's all."

"Why? Is there a better way?"

Jia Zheng couldn't help being puzzled.Since he took over the assignment, he has been trembling every day, fearing that he will do a poor job, which will not only be criticized, but also offend the royal family. It is really a hot job.That's why he was cautious and cautious, and invited Jia Qing to advise.

"My lord seems to have forgotten that the Princess Mansion is no better than the Prince's Mansion or the Prince's Mansion. The Princess Mansion was built because the Emperor and His Majesty doted on the princess, so they rewarded this Beppu for her to play in leisure time.

The princess is young, just the age to be active and playful.Think about it, master, the princess lives in the palace all year round, how can a Befu that is no different from the imperial palace make Her Royal Highness happy to see Liexin?Always thinking about going out of the palace to have fun? "

Jia Zheng thought, yes.He has been focusing on the errand itself, and all he thinks about is how best to communicate with His Majesty and the Ministry of Industry.

As for the princess's opinion, he really didn't think about it.Now that I think about it, although Jia Qing's words are not elegant, they are true words.

"Princess Mansion will definitely be where the princess stays in the end. If the princess doesn't like it in the end, no matter how well it is built, the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty will definitely not be happy.

Therefore, I think the master is ordered to supervise the construction of the Princess Mansion this time. How much money is spent and whether the construction is good or not is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to make the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty happy.And to make Ersheng happy, Princess Xingyue needs to like this newly built princess mansion, that's all. "

After listening to Jia Qing's words, Jia Zheng kept frowning.He has always been thinking about how to do his best to build the Princess Mansion to the best satisfaction of the two emperors. Now, after hearing what Jia Qing said, the focus is actually on how to please Princess Xingyue herself. Such opportunistic practices are not in line with his standing method.

But there was another voice in his heart telling him: What Jia Qing said was right.

In fact, he knew that the reason why Emperor Zhengqing appointed him to supervise the construction of the Princess Mansion was also because their Grand View Garden was well built.But the emperor didn't know that Jia Qing was in charge of the Grand View Garden from the beginning to the end, so he let him, an "experienced" person, do the construction of the Princess Mansion.

"Qing'er, no, I will entrust you with the construction of the princess mansion this time. You can do it according to your ideas. I will only mediate in the middle. Everything is like building a garden for your mother to visit relatives. How about it?"

Jia Zheng's voice rose inexplicably, and his face was slightly agitated.

Jia Qing was taken aback, and quickly said: "Impossible, this is an assignment appointed by His Majesty to the master, how can I do it for you, this is a crime of disrespect, absolutely not."

What are you kidding.For the sake of the family, I help out with ideas, and I help think about it.But you can't hit the snake with a stick, just throw all the dishes to me, and act as the shopkeeper yourself?

What's more, that girl Xingyue has a princess disease, her chin is facing the sky when she walks, and she doesn't like her.

He is too lazy to wait!

"Oh, that's all, since you don't want to, let's let it go."

Seeing Jia Qing's refusal without hesitation, Jia Zheng was obviously unhappy.But he didn't force it, because what Jia Qing said was right, the emperor's errand, false handing to others, is indeed a crime of disrespect.

So, Jia Qing felt a little embarrassed, and said: "However, although I can't do it for you, I do have some ideas. If the master is trustworthy, you might as well give me this drawing, let me make some changes, and then let the master decide what to do. ?”

Jia Zheng only paused for a moment before agreeing.

When Jia Qing said goodbye and left, Jia Zheng looked at the staff members of the Qing Dynasty in the room with some dissatisfaction and said, "Why do you gentlemen cherish your words like gold?"

Just now, he and Jia Qing are not the only ones here.His Qingke Zhan Guang, Cheng Rixing and other four or five people were there, but for some reason, they didn't express their opinions from the beginning to the end, only occasionally echoing.

The single recruiter said: "Master is very discerning, brother II is extremely smart, sensitive to subtleties, quick-witted and eloquent, students and others dare not disturb them."

"Brother Shan said..."

How did Jia Zheng know.Because of Bu Guxiu's matter, his followers all wished to respect Jia Qing and stay away from him, so how dare they speak casually in front of Jia Qing?If any sentence is wrong, and this master targets him again, then no one will be able to save him. There are lessons learned from the past.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Grandpa, you are finally back..."

"what's up?"

Peifeng put down the feeding plate for the sparrows, came up and took what Jia Qing was holding, and said with a smile: "Second Miss, Third Miss, Miss Lin and the others have sent people over several times to ask you to come into the garden to play!"


Jia Qing was not surprised, the first day they moved into the garden, it would be strange if they stayed quiet and didn't make any moves.

"what is this?"

Peifeng held the sealed long tube and couldn't help being curious.

"This is the blueprint for the construction of the Princess Mansion. The Second Master in the West Mansion asked me to help me modify it. You can help me take it to the study and put it away later. It must not be damaged."

Just after Jia Qing got back the blueprints, he went to the outer study, but it took less than half an hour to change the blueprints to the point of completion.

Based on his understanding of Xingyue, a girl of twelve or thirteen years old who was in the rebellious stage, it would not be too easy to deal with her.

"Wow, Princess Mansion, Second Master, you are so amazing!!" Pei Feng clasped her hands together, looking up at Jia Qing, with stars shining in her eyes.

The second master even needs the help of the second master for this kind of thing, it seems that the second master is even more powerful than the second master.

Regarding this kind of nympho behavior by the maid around her, Jia Qing felt complacent but didn't show it on the surface.Knocked her on the head once, said: "No personality cult is allowed."

"..." Peifeng pouted dissatisfied.

"Come on, take me into the garden."

After being changed by Peifeng, Jia Qing was ready to go into the garden to have a look.

"Okay... Forget it, let Ping'er go in with Master."

Jia Qing laughed and said: "You two are older sisters, so you can't be kinder, what are you doing with that girl, Laohe Qingwen?"

For some reason, Xie Luan and Pei Feng can tolerate each other, but they both resist Qingwen and are not friendly to each other.

Of course, so is Qingwen.

When Peifeng heard this, she became dissatisfied: "Where is it that we have trouble with her, it is clear that she has trouble with us. It's not that you don't know, second master, last time we..."

Seeing that Peifeng was going to present "facts" and "reasons" with her, Jia Qing suddenly felt dizzy and interrupted: "Okay, okay, let Xiaomu follow!"

Peifeng has a resentful face...


It takes only a hundred steps to walk from the south of Tianxiang Tower, and you enter the Grand View Garden through the gate.

Once entering the garden, looking around, although the whole garden is much more spacious than Huifang Garden, it has a more spiritual and beautiful atmosphere.

Jia Qing took Mu Ping'er through a small path at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly heard a faint fragrance, and looked up, and saw that the chrysanthemums on the north slope of Changcui Temple were in full bloom.

Jia Qing was delighted and went up the stairs.He just wanted to break off a twig for fun, and when he got up the steps, he heard soft zither sounds coming from the sill.

Its voice is mournful and continuous, and it seems that there are endless sorrows.

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