As expected, Tanchun became haggard a lot, his originally radiant face was gone, and there was always a ray of sadness lingering between his brows.

Baoyu felt more and more distressed when she saw it, and said, "I haven't seen you for a day, why do you look like this?" Cuimo, the servant girl next to Tanchun, explained: "This morning, my aunt and grandma came again and said a lot of ugly things. ..."

"Okay, why don't you hurry up and bring tea!" Tanchun interrupted Cuimo, and then led Baoyu and the two into the room, and said, "It's hard for Sister Lin and Brother Bao to come to see me, little sister is here Thanks in advance."

Daiyu heard her voice was low and felt that something was wrong, she said: "Third sister, why is this? Isn't it normal for us sisters to come and go often, why do you say thank you?"

Tanchun said: "So the younger sister said something wrong."

Daiyu originally wanted Tanchun not to feel sad, but Tanchun's answer made the atmosphere even more dull.

Jia Baoyu couldn't stand this, stood up a little recklessly, and said, "Third sister, don't worry, I'll go back to the old ancestor later, let the old ancestor come forward, and I will definitely solve my sister's troubles."

These words finally changed Tanchun's complexion, she said anxiously: "Brother Bao, don't do that, no matter what she does, she is still my mother, how dare I humiliate her like this, then how can I see others in the future?

Brother Bao's kindness and sister know it, but I can't act like this, at least I can bear it. "

Jia Baoyu and Daiyu's eyes were red when they heard this, and they looked at Tanchun together without saying a word.

Feeling the two people's concern for him, Tanchun felt a lot better, and took the initiative to change the topic and said: "I don't know how the second brother over there is now, how is the exam?"

Baoyu said: "I called Mingyan to inquire about it yesterday. My second brother is in Class C, and today is the day of the report." Jia Baoyu has always been unwilling to pay attention to these things, because Jia Qing, he specially sent His servant Mingyan went to inquire, and found out that the Imperial College is divided into four classes, A, B, C, and D. Each class is divided into four groups, and Jia Qing is divided into one group, C, called C[-] for short.

Because Li Wan's father was the former Guozijian Jijiu, he also talked about this topic during the Chinese New Year, so he had some understanding of the system of the Guozijian. Tanchun said: "According to the age of the second brother, shouldn't he be admitted to the Ding class? class?"

Jia Baoyu found out so much that it was already "difficult" for him. How could he know more, so he could only say: "I don't know about this. I just read stupid books. It doesn't matter where I am!"

Tanchun said: "It's the same, but I guess it must be that the second brother did well in the entrance exam, and the teachers specially let him enter Class C."

At this time, Daiyu smiled and said: "So your family is going to produce a child prodigy? Hehe, I don't know how our Baotian feels now..."

When Jia Baoyu heard that Lin Daiyu was teasing him again, he also laughed and said: "I don't bother arguing about this, and I believe that the second brother also doesn't bother with those false names. For a person like him, he gave us so many beautiful poems. If you don't ask us to speak out, you can see how pure the second brother is."

Although Tanchun didn't agree with Jia Baoyu's words, but what Jia Baoyu said was well-founded, and it was hard to refute for a while, so he had to tease Daiyu: "What is your family and mine? Aren't we the same family?" , but his eyes drifted towards Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu is still ignorant, but Lin Daiyu, who is smart, doesn't know that Tanchun is making fun of her, her face immediately tense, but seeing Jia Baoyu still looking to the left with an ignorant expression, she couldn't help laughing : Tanchun's mood should be considered better, and he dares to make fun of this girl.

Thanks to the fact that everyone is still young, Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu haven't developed feelings for each other yet. If they fall in love with each other, Lin Daiyu will have to give Tanchun a meal.

"Well, you are a sharp-mouthed girl. We were worried that you were in a bad mood before, and we wanted to make you happy. We didn't know that your happiness just made me angry. If I knew it, I would ignore you. Brother Bao, we Walk!"

Daiyu pretended to leave.

At this time, Jia Baoyu finally understood what they were talking about earlier, he laughed and didn't care, instead he persuaded him: "Okay, sister Lin, the third sister didn't mean that..."

"What do you mean?"

One sentence choked Jia Baoyu, and he dared not speak any more.

Tanchun also said at this time: "Sister Lin, don't worry, it's my sister's fault, she shouldn't make fun of you and Bao...hohohoho..."

Seeing that Tanchun was going on forever, Daiyu stood up and said, "You madman, I dare not stay here any longer, so you can enjoy yourself here!" Then she left.

Seeing that Baoyu didn't leave or stay there, Tanchun thought it was interesting, so he said, "Second brother isn't going yet? Everyone will be in the house later, be careful that she ignores you for a few days!"

Jia Baoyu said: "No, I didn't provoke her, how could she be angry with me?"

"Second brother means that I made sister Lin angry? That's right, but brother Bao doesn't know, if this person gets angry, it will bring disaster to Chi Yu. I told you to leave earlier, but if you don't leave, it's not good for sister Lin to be the head of the house." I care about it, but Brother Bao is hard to say..."

Sure enough, Jia Baoyu couldn't sit still, hesitated for a while, stood up and said goodbye: "The third sister is resting, I'll go and see sister Lin~" Seeing Tanchun nodding, Jia Baoyu turned around and walked out quickly.

Chapter 45 爱书惜书论读书

In the Great Hall of the Imperial Academy, the current Imperial Academy Jijiu Sun Wang Wang was standing on the stage, giving a speech for the opening of the school with a face full of excitement.There were about a hundred people standing under the stage.

This morning, Jia Qing came to Guozijian very early.I got my number plate, took Wang Shun, and found my dormitory under the guidance of an early senior brother.

The dormitory arranged by the Imperial College for the students is not bad, although it is not spacious enough, it is a single room.There are two beds, one large and one small.The smaller one is for school attendants or book boys.

Taking Jia Qing to the dormitory, the senior brother was polite and said that he would look for him at the report office if something happened, and then left.

"Forget it, you go away, I will make the shop myself."

Seeing Wang Shun making the bed with rough hands and feet, Jia Qing said with disgust.

So Jia Qing, who hadn't made the bed for almost five years, made the bed by himself. After half a quarter of an hour, Jia Qing resolutely gave up.I used to see Xie Luan's shop as simple as that, but I couldn't make it look good, so I had to barely read it.

After that, I looked around briefly, and after lunch, I gathered in the student auditorium.

Similar to later generations, after the leaders of the college arrived, the student representatives first went up to speak. It was a man in his twenties named Liu Hong, speaking with a Jiangnan accent, "study hard and make progress every day".

Then Lin Zhongyi, the main lecturer of Class C, came to the stage to congratulate and welcome all the candidates who were admitted to the Imperial College, and then Sun Wangwang came to the stage to give a concluding speech.


Well, that's all I have to say.Next, I invite Master Fang Shoufang, a world-renowned Confucian who is the Secretary of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing, to speak. "

Lin Zhongyi's words immediately caused a sensation in the auditorium. Unlike later generations, when there are distinguished guests present, they will be introduced first, and everyone does not know that Fang Shou will come.

As Lin Zhongyi said, Fang Shou is the Shangshu of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites. Although his authority is not as good as the six ministers in Beijing, he is also a well-known second-rank official and a world-renowned literary master.

I heard that Fang Shou was sent to Nanjing to be a minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites because of his old age. How could he be in the capital now?

Fang Shou, who was in his 60s, walked up to the stage slowly, stretched out his hand, and the audience fell silent.

Slowly withdrawing his hand, Fang Shou said:

"Sun Jijiu said just now that I am a great Confucian in the world. To be honest, I don't like this title very much. In contrast, I prefer the title of scholar. Moreover, it should be placed before Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. It should be: scholar, Nanjing Ministry of Rites Shang Shu Fang Shou."

Sun Wangwang smiled wryly below, this old Fang still has the same temper.

"Why am I called a scholar? Because, I think the difference between me and most people is that, like the people present, I am a scholar.

Therefore, what I want to talk to you today is the word reading. "

The people below did not dare to speak, and gave Fang Shou enough respect.

"Reading is enough to make you feel happy, enough to enrich your talents, and enough to grow your talents. Its joyful feelings are most seen when living alone; its blessings are most seen in high-spirited discussions; its growth of talents is most seen when it is in the world and judges. Although experienced people can deal with details separately or distinguish minor details one by one, but looking at overall planning and overall planning, they are those who are eager to learn and think deeply.

Reading makes one full, discussion makes one witty, and taking notes makes one accurate.Therefore, those who do not often take notes must have a strong memory;

Reading history makes people wise, poetry makes people smart, arithmetic makes people thorough, and classics and righteousness make people rational. "

At this time, Liu Hong, who was standing in the front row, raised his hand and said, "Master Fang, the students have a question!"

Fang Shou is obviously a person who is keen on academics. Seeing someone questioning his words, he was very happy and said: "Please tell me."

"I've heard Master Fang say that classics, poetry and history are all beneficial. Why do the colleges only set up three courses: classics, history, and arithmetic? Does it mean that poetry is of little use to us scholars and should be discarded?"

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