"I don't dare to speak nonsense about this matter. In fact, Mr. Zhen Shiyin once invited me to his house as a guest, and I have also met his daughter. There is a particularly obvious sign of his daughter, that is, between her eyebrows. , there is a rouge note the size of a grain of rice.

Originally, after I heard about the Zhen family, I also intended to find the daughter-in-law for his family, so I paid more attention to this matter.By coincidence, when I was trying the case of Young Master Xue Pan this year, I happened to know that the maid who was kidnapped by the kidnapper also had a mark of rouge on her eyebrows, and a pair of young and old, the lower officials have already concluded that she It's the son-in-law of Mr. Zhen's family!

I originally wanted to redeem her, but I just thought that Xue's family is a wealthy family. If she came to Xue's house, she would naturally have all kinds of wealth and honor. Wouldn't it be ten times better than going to her vulgar philistine grandfather's house?

Therefore, let this story go. "

Even though he knew it had nothing to do with him, Xue Xiao still felt a little ugly on his face.After all, if the maid that Xue Pan bought was really the daughter of Jia Qing's savior, he was afraid that Jia Qing would look bad, so he would not speak.

Jia Qing frowned and said, "Her grandfather's house?"

Jia Yucun said: "I forgot to tell my lord that since Mr. Zhen left the world and became a monk, his wife has been living with her natal family...... By the way, if your lord doesn't believe me, I can send someone to arrest Mr. Zhen Mr.'s wife was found for adults. Thinking about it, a mother will never fail to recognize her daughter, so there is nothing wrong with it!

Coincidentally, I also know where her wife lives now. "

When Jia Yucun said this, even Wu Zhong and the others believed Jia Yucun's words, and felt that the matter should not be bad.

Jia Qing took advantage of the situation and said: "So, I would like to thank Brother Yucun. Mr. Zhen has saved my life. I didn't know the situation of her wife before. Now that I know, I can't just sit idly by. Even if I don't find her daughter, Don't let his wife suffer!"

After finishing speaking, Jia Qing stood up and bowed to Xue Xiao again: "If this matter is really such a coincidence, it is not easy for me to come forward and mention this matter to Aunt Xue, so here I need Uncle Xue to tell the story on my behalf. The relationship between our two families..."

Xue Xiao quickly supported Jia Qing and said: "Naturally, if the maid bought by Pan'er is really the daughter of a nephew and benefactor, I will definitely persuade my sister-in-law to give her back to Mrs. Zhen's family."

If it is true, the Xue family has no conditions to say.Regardless of whether using that woman as a maidservant will cause disaster, even because of Jia Qing's face, the Xue family has no choice but to let her go!

He believed that Aunt Xue would understand this.

Once the matter of Miss Xiangling was resolved, Jia Qing felt very at ease.As soon as I said these words, and then passed them to Aunt Xue's mother and daughter through Xue Xiao's mouth, no matter how much Xue Pan wanted to occupy You Xiangling, Aunt Xue would not dare to keep her in Xue's house!

Hey, I'm so smart!

After Jia Qing's reminiscence just now, the matter was resolved perfectly, and the relationship between everyone at the table seemed to be much better invisibly.

Wu Zhong said with a smile: "Congratulations to the imperial envoy for many years, the wish is about to be fulfilled, and the villain once again congratulates the lord."

Jia Qing took the cup with a smile and drank it to the brim.

Seeing that Jia Qing was in a good mood, the others took the opportunity to toast.Jia Qing only stood up when Xue Xiao wanted to toast, and everyone else would not refuse.

Alcohol has always been something to add to the fun.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Wu Zhong winked to the side, and after a while, a beautiful woman came slowly from the other side of the Wuting Bridge.

Looking at the expressions of the people next to him, Jia Qing seemed to feel something, and looked back.


This was Jia Qing's first reaction.

The second reaction is: very beautiful!

Even he, who thinks he has seen many stunning women in the world, can't help being slightly amazed by her beauty!

Her beauty is different from Baochai's graceful beauty, Wu Xian'er's talent beauty, and Qin Keqing's graceful and charming beauty.

If she had to use one word to describe her beauty, it would be:


The whole body, the places that can be displayed in front of outsiders, all make people feel the magic of the Creator, who can mold such an impeccable work of art!

Perfect facial features, perfect face, perfect proportions, coupled with a bright and attractive dress, really makes people unbearable to be profane and at the same time can't help but want to visit.

"Murong Yanran, my slave, I have met all my lords~"

As if she didn't see the flame in everyone's eyes, she put her hands on her waist, bent her knees, and said softly.

Its sound is clean, but it also seems to carry infinite sorrow and temptation.

"Could she be Miss Murong Yanran, the jewel in the palm of the Jiaofang Division of the Nanjing Ministry of Etiquette, known as the No. 1 prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Jia Yucun has only been working in Jinling for a few months, and he has never met Murong Yanran, but he has heard his colleagues talk about this name that has been well known in the south of the Yangtze River in the past two years, so he remembers it.

"Exactly! How about it, Miss Yanran lives up to her reputation?" Wu Zhong smiled at Jia Yucun.

"It really lives up to its reputation!"


Wu Zhong laughed, looked at Jia Qing who was also smiling, and said to Murong Yanran:

"Miss Yanran, why don't you come over and pour wine for the imperial envoy and all your lords."


Today, no one is wearing official uniforms, only Jia Qing is wearing a luxurious noble uniform and sitting high on the head. It is easy for people to recognize who is the "Master Imperial Envoy" in Wu Zhong's mouth.

Therefore, Murong Yanran walked gracefully to Jia Qing's side, and took the flagon from the hand of the maid next to her.

Official prostitutes in ancient times were still protected by the government to a certain extent. After all, they were tools for the government to make money, and they were generally not allowed to provide direct sexual services (except low-level ones).It can also be said that only high-ranking official prostitutes can easily do real art without selling themselves.If you get the person you like, you can also redeem yourself.At the end of Ming Dynasty, Dong Xiaowan, Li Xiangjun, Gu Hengbo, Bian Yujun, and Chen Yuanyuan, the official prostitutes of the Jiaofang of the Ministry of Rites in the South, were all one of the famous eight beauties of Qinhuai.It is worth mentioning that Dong Xiaowan’s redemption silver was 3000 taels, while Chen Yuanyuan’s situation was special. It was bought by Tian Guozhang and prepared to be dedicated to Emperor Chongzhen. .This is almost the highest price of a courtesan in ancient times, and I still don't know of any one that exceeds this price.Therefore, in some historical novels, some famous prostitutes often spend tens of thousands or even 1 taels of redemption money. In the past few years of retaining youth, a lot of silver can be transformed.However, there is absolutely no saying that you can redeem yourself by paying a sky-high price of silver.Because, this is against the rules.Of course, the income of famous prostitutes in ancient times was still very high, so there will be some people who have saved enough money to redeem themselves, but can't find a satisfactory person who can accept them.Men, it’s okay to have fun, take it home, and bear the pressure... I really want to go back to ancient times and take a few of these back home...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord~ Your wine is full, how can I ask my servant to pour it~"

However, after taking the jug, Murong Yanran realized that the wine glass in front of Jia Qing was full, so she said angrily.

Jia Qing smelled the scent of fragrance when she walked over, and touched his nose.Hearing her extremely natural coquettishness, Jia Qing couldn't help sighing, she really deserves to be a part of the party, if it's an ordinary woman, she would definitely be a little at a loss when she sees this, and she doesn't know how to react, but she can avoid embarrassing situations very well.

Jia Qing smiled and said, "Oh, it's not that I asked you to pour the wine, how can you ask me?"

Murong Yanran naturally wouldn't throw it to Wu Zhong, instead she said coquettishly: "Why don't you drink it, my lord, how about I pour you another cup?"

This kind of peerless beauty sent to her door, how can she treat herself if she doesn't flirt with her?

"I don't want to drink it now. If you have to pour me wine, it's fine. How about you drink it for me?" Jia Qing laughed.

The others looked at it with a smile, not wanting Jia Qing to look young and not timid in front of beauties.

"Ah, you are so bad, my lord! You bullied my family when we first met..."

Having said that, Murong Yanran still gently picked up Jia Qing's cup, and slowly drank all the wine in it.

She dared not go against Wu Zhong's will.Because she already knew that Wu Zhong spent a huge amount of money to buy her out of the Jiaofang Division.

Not only her, but also the other eleven sisters.

She didn't understand why Jiaofang Secretary agreed to sell them to a businessman.It has been less than two years since she debuted, and she still has several years of youth.Moreover, in the past two years alone, how much money has she earned for Jiaofangsi?Among them, there are also many dignitaries and dignitaries.These people are all thinking about her, and they are all her amulets...

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