"Okay, Sister Lin, I won't do anything to those ordinary members of the White Lotus Sect, as long as they haven't done anything bad, I'll let them go after a little warning.

As for those orphans, since Sister Lin is kind-hearted and pities them for their misery, then I can do something about it.

I opened a car and horse shop in Jiangnan, and now it has branches in six provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. I will order them to recruit orphans who are in distress in the future, and let them do what they can in the business. It can be regarded as a shelter.

Do you think this is good? "

Jia Qinghao caressed Daiyu's hand unconsciously, and explained in this way.

"Yeah~" Daiyu agreed, her face flushed slightly.

At this moment, Qingwen brought someone over to bring Jia Qing's food.Daiyu hastily broke away from Jia Qing's hand and stood up.

In this way, after Jia Qing had dinner in Daiyu's room and went to Lin Ruhai's place to look around, it was already very late, so he went back to his room to rest.

The next day, in the conference hall, Jia Qing, Feng Tang, and Zhan Min, who had been busy all night without rest, got together to discuss follow-up matters.

Zhan Min said: "In White Camel Mountain, including the 220 people who sneaked down the mountain we intercepted before, a total of 640 eight members of the White Lotus Sect were arrested, including 12 people above the deputy head."

Jia Qing nodded. This number should be the number of combat members of the head of the White Lotus Sect.Because Jia Qing did not order the women and children to be arrested.

Once they are captured, the number becomes too many, and women and children are more difficult to manage than others.

Second, this operation does not need to cut grass and roots, and not arresting them is irrelevant to the overall situation.It is said that they will be imprisoned for one year, but in fact, as long as the properties of the White Lotus Sect in various places are cleared and put into government, and after the Jinyi Army destroys the other branches of the White Lotus Sect, they can be released.

What are thousands of people doing in the government for nothing?

As for whether they will continue to make trouble?Don't be kidding, life is still very precious!After this narrow escape, Jia Qing believed that they would never want to have anything to do with the word "Bailian Sect" again!

Furthermore, even if there are still ambitious people, it will take at least several decades for the White Lotus Sect to develop to the previous level.

Therefore, Jia Qing only ordered that all the women and children on the White Camel Mountain be expelled from the mountain and not arrested.

"Is it all ready to be registered?" Jia Qing asked.

He is the supreme commander of the operation.In order not to make any other mistakes, it is necessary to ensure that everyone who is arrested understands clearly.At that time, how many people should be judged as guilty and how many people should be let go will be clear!

These local officials should not be given the opportunity to dereliction of duty and abuse the White Lotus believers.When the time comes, all that will be ruined will be his reputation.

"All have been registered, and the identities are now being compiled into a book."

After Zhan Min finished speaking, he said with some hesitation: "Although we have taken over the main helm of the White Lotus Sect now, there are still many sub-helms of the White Lotus Sect, with a large number of people.

Although most of the sub-rudder owners have been captured by us.But in view of its huge number, it is still necessary to make plans early to avoid changes. "

Jia Qing said: "Lord Zhan is very worried, but this matter still requires a lot of attention from Master Zhan."

Zhan Min asked, "What does your lord mean?"

"Catch or catch! However, we don't need to hunt them all over the world, we just need to detect where their lairs are, and send people to destroy them like yesterday.

Even, we can disclose the news in advance to let them escape.It doesn't matter if we just pounce on nothing, and then destroy its lair, so that it will not dare to act under the guise of the White Lotus Sect in the future.

From then on, whenever the words "White Lotus Sect" appear, the Jinyi Army will arrest people there!Until no one dared to use these three words again.

What we are destroying is the "White Lotus Sect", not the people in the White Lotus Sect! "

Jia Qing has a well-rounded mind.

Zhan Min was still thinking about the feasibility and expected effect of doing so, when Feng Tang said with a smile: "It's really wonderful to destroy religions without destroying people.

This move can not cause too many killings, and it will not arouse too much resistance and hatred.Those in the sub-helm saw that as long as the banner of the White Lotus Sect was not used, the imperial court would not be aggressive. It is estimated that it will not take long before they will change their banners to survive. It must have become a king in an instant, forming dozens of different sects.

After that, even if Wu Qi Baichi came back again, those who have become "new kings" may not necessarily be willing to surrender.

After losing the banner of the White Lotus Sect, over time, how are they different from other folk sects and organizations?

This old man admires General Jia's strategy for attacking troops! "

Jia Qing said: "General Feng is absurdly praised, the boy is ashamed."

When Zhan Min heard this, he stopped thinking about it and accepted his orders respectfully.Then he said: "It's just that the White Lotus Sect should have a sub-rudder in the north, and I'm afraid it's beyond my ability..."

Feng Tang said: "Your Majesty Zhan, don't worry too much. The old man and Commander Zhao Quan Zhao still have some kind of friendship. I will negotiate with him personally on this matter."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In this way, the matter of splitting the helm is basically an agreement, leaving only the last one.

"With regard to the family business of the White Lotus Sect in the south of the Yangtze River, what do the two adults care about?"

Zhan Min asked cautiously.

Jia Qing said casually: "These things are the most troublesome, and they can be left to the idlers in the local government."

Zhan Min's face tightened.It was Feng Tang who knew the way, and said with a smile: "The White Lotus Sect has developed for decades, and the foundation is not cheap. If it is handed over to the local governments, they will move slowly, and they may let the remnants of the White Lotus Sect smuggle away how many people.

It would be more appropriate to leave this matter to Mr. Zhan's brocade army. "

Zhan Min also immediately said: "General Feng's words are true. Now the subordinates under the command have already controlled the entire Yangzhou. In three days, the subordinates must clear up all the properties of the White Lotus Sect and report them to the treasury."

It was only then that Jia Qing came to his senses.That's right, if they put in so much effort, how can the benefits obtained be handed over to those people in the yamen to enjoy?

"That's fine." Jia Qing also smiled.

"There is another matter that I want to discuss with the two adults. The White Camel Mountain has been repaired by the White Lotus Sect for decades, and the scale is not small. It seems a pity to destroy it like this.

It is not easy to sell such a large property after it is taken over by the government.

It happened that the Huaiyang Qianhu House under the jurisdiction of Fusi in Nanzhen Township of Xiaguan fell into disrepair for a long time, and Xiaguan wanted to move it to Baituo Mountain. I wonder what the two adults would like? "

Jia Qing said with a smile: "It's up to you to report this kind of thing to your commander, why bother to ask us."

Feng Tang also smiled and said: "I have no opinion on this matter. It is a pity to ruin it. If it is not appropriate to keep it, it will develop into a thousand households of Jinyi Army, and it will be the best of both worlds."

Once the matter was settled, Zhan Min couldn't help but resign and go to work.

Looking at his hasty footsteps, Jia Qing said to Feng Tang: "Master Zhan is really full of energy, he didn't rest all night yesterday, and now he is still so vigorous and vigorous!"

Feng Tang smiled and said: "By the way, now that the White Lotus Sect has been exterminated, General Jia must not forget to give the emperor a memorial."

Jia Qing said: "Thank you, General Feng, for your reminder..." Then, Jia Qing stared at Feng Tang twice.

Feng Tang asked: "Is there anything wrong?"

Jia Qing frowned and said: "The old general seems to have an errand on his trip."

Feng Tang laughed and said, "Where did General Jia say that?"

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