Lu Zhu stepped forward quickly, making Zhan Min next to him unable to help but move, and Jia Qing raised his hand to stop him.

"What did you do with the plum sword!"

When Luzhu approached, she found that her face was bloodless and her lips were dry.Suddenly angry, he pointed at Jia Qing and asked.

Jia Qing asked back: "Sister Luzhu thinks I can do something to her?"


Lu Zhu was speechless, only to hear Jia Qing Youyou explain: "Just now I was attacked by Bai Chi with a shock dart, and it was Miss Mei Jian who blocked it for me. She is seriously injured now, you are here, just to help me take care of her .”

Lu Zhu was startled, as a person who grew up in the White Lotus Sect, she would not be ignorant of the power of Bai Chi's fright dart, and when she stepped up to the gate, Lu Zhu knelt down to check Mei Jian's injury...

Jia Qing breathed a sigh of relief, Mei Jian's situation should be better with Luzhu taking care of her.He knew that Luzhu knew a lot about medicine, at least much better than him.

"The time has come."

Feng Tang took out his watch from his pocket and looked at it, reminding Jia Qingdao.

Jia Qing looked at the opposite side, and the members of the White Lotus Cult who were guarding outside the main hall were obviously agitated by the passage of time.In the hall, the big figures of the White Lotus Sect have not yet discussed a countermeasure.

Jia Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.He couldn't figure out why these White Lotus Sect members would not compromise and surrender under such circumstances!Besides, Bai Chi has already subdued the law, even if some people have a strong backbone and would rather die than surrender, it is impossible for everyone to die rather than surrender, right?

Could it be that there is a tunnel under the lake for them to escape?

Then he denied this idea, if so, Wade White would not risk his life!

After a moment of silence, Jia Qing said: "Let's do it, rebels, shoot and kill!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After receiving the order, the sergeants of the Jinyi Army became chilled instantly.The treasured sword was unsheathed, and the bow and arrow were re-stringed.Even hundreds of rockets were prepared to target the vast and magnificent hall behind the White Lotus Cultists.

Such momentum has already frightened the members of the White Lotus Sect on the opposite side, and they all hid behind the main hall.

Zhan Min personally led three teams of sergeants forward, raised his hand, and was about to give the order to shoot arrows, when suddenly the other party ran out in a panic and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, our leader has come out!"

Leader, isn't the leader of the White Lotus Sect Bai Chi?

Zhan Min turned his head to look at Jia Qing, but Jia Qing had some guesses and nodded, signaling him to stop for now.

Sure enough, after two breaths, under the gaze of everyone, an old man slowly came out from behind the hall.

He was tall and well-proportioned, but judging from the trembling way he walked, it seemed that his physical condition was not very good.

He walked forward step by step, completely ignoring all the soldiers of the Jinyi Army, and only looked at the front.

Only Jia Qing knew that his eyes were always on him.

When he got close, Zhan Min jumped off his horse and was about to play with binding. Jia Qing stepped forward a few steps and signaled Zhan Min not to do this.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is not so easy to hurt him.

Just now, the reason why Baichi almost succeeded was only because he, Jia Qing, was not clear about his unique skills, and was successfully attracted everyone's attention, so he was given such a chance to make a move!

In the end, this is just a world of low martial arts, and martial arts can only be used for embellishment.

"This old gentleman must be the famous Master Wu, right?

Wan Sheng had heard of the prestige of Master Wu for a long time, but only hated that he had never had the chance to meet him.I didn't expect to meet here today. "

Wu Qi has not shown his face in Jianghu for many years, and Zhan Min and others don't recognize him.Hearing what Jia Qing said now, I was shocked and couldn't help but strengthen my guard.

But he wondered how Jia Qing could tell that this person was Wu Qi?Combined with Jia Qing's ability to learn about the Pope's Conference held by the White Lotus Sect in advance, it is speculated that Jia Qing may really have a dark thread among the White Lotus Sect.

Could it be that it's really Ye Chengliang?

It was Wu Qi who came.

Just now when Bai Chi was arrested, the hall masters and rudder masters of the Bailian Sect fell into panic.Later, when they heard that the officers and soldiers had given half a stick of incense time to consider whether to surrender or not, they hurried into the hall to discuss countermeasures!

In fact, there is nothing to discuss, because there are no conditions to negotiate!After a fierce and wonderful "debate", it was finally those who knew the current affairs defeated those who would rather be broken.

However, even if you surrender, you have to know what will happen after surrendering, right?Whether you can survive and how to survive, such questions must be clarified!Although it is very humble and aggrieved, it is also helpless.

It's just that who should be allowed to negotiate these issues has become a difficult problem.Because no one can convince the crowd, and no one can trust anyone...

After arguing like this for a long time, Lin Yinan, who had been sitting immobile in the hall, "kindly" reminded them, that they suddenly remembered that besides Bai Chi, there was not an old leader in the hall?

So everyone rushed into the back hall of the temple, which they dared not normally enter, and found Wu Qi, who was guarded by Ye Chengliang's men, and worshiped him as the new leader again in unison...

Wu Qi looked neither sad nor happy at the young imperial envoy leading troops to encircle and suppress the White Lotus Sect, and looked at the bright smile on his face.Coupled with the fact that the thousands of troops and horses behind him looked around like the stars and the moon, he sighed in his heart.

Times have changed.

"Don't dare to speak seriously of the humble name of an old man. On the contrary, Your Excellency is full of heroism and extraordinary bearing. Forgive me for my stupid eyesight, but I can't recognize it. I'm rude."

He does not address Jia Qing as an adult, but as Your Excellency.This is to talk to Jia Qing and him on an equal footing, neither pretentious nor servile.

Just with this attitude, Jia Qing felt that he would be better than Bai Chi.So, how did your old man get overthrown by Bai Chi?

Jia Qing said with a smile: "Master Wu is absurd. I have set up a tea table, please sit down and talk about it."


Including Zhan Min, everyone felt that Jia Qing's patience was really good, and at this time he was still thinking about inviting someone to drink tea and chat, and the other party was the bandit leader of the White Lotus Sect.

But Jia Qing is respected, they don't want to say much, they just follow Jia Qing carefully to prevent Wu Qi from suddenly violently attacking others like Bai Chi.

Wu Qi suddenly paused.He saw a pair of excited beautiful eyes staring at him, and he recognized the owner of those eyes!

Jia Qing said with a smile: "Master Wu is wondering why there is a woman in the army? It's because the boy is not good enough, so he brought a maid here."

Wu Qi's expression changed, but he didn't ask any more questions. He raised his legs and continued to walk, and sat down at a small table that Jia Qing asked someone to set up temporarily.

After Wu Qi sat down, he looked at the Huanhe Lake in the distance, and said with a smile: "I have had afternoon tea by this Huanhe Lake countless times, but it is the first time that I am accompanied by thousands of troops like today. .

Thank you for your hospitality. "

Jia Qing smiled, he didn't expect Wu Qi to be quite interesting.No wonder he can teach such a silly daughter as Wu Xian'er!

"Hearing Master Wu's words, Wansheng suddenly felt that this situation is rare. If you miss this time, Wansheng may never have the chance to entertain guests with such kindness again. It should be cherished!"


Wu Qi actually laughed.Let's face it, Jia Qing is really an old friend for many years.

Picking up the gaiwan that Jia Qing handed over, he took a sip, tasted another, and said with a smile: "Good tea! I think I think I taste the best tea in the world, but I don't know what the name of this tea is?"

Jia Qing also said with a smile: "This tea is called 'Junzi Ze', and it is only a favorite of later generations, and it is not a famous tea in the world."

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