-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On Tuanshan Island, the established ceremony of the Pope's Conference was basically completed, and it came to the link that everyone cared about the most.

"Bai Hierarch, you said the old Hierarch is not dead, why hasn't he come out to meet everyone after so long?"

"Yeah, we just came to see the old leader, why haven't we come out yet?"


Bai Chi at the top looked at the people below with cold eyes. The loudest ones were the rudder masters who came from the rudder masters, the sub-rudder masters who came on behalf of the rudder masters, and even the young rudder masters.

These people are the backbone who are dissatisfied with Bai Chi's mouth.

"Hmph, after today, if I still can't make you docile and obedient, I won't be called Bai Chi!" Bai Chi sneered in his heart.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Master Wu has achieved great feats and is about to ascend to the ascension soon. He has long been impatient with mundane affairs. It was very difficult for Bai to invite him to come forward and preach to everyone the instructions of the Holy Mother..."

This kind of nonsense, probably can only deceive those ignorant congregants, many people in the hall heard it, and all snorted coldly, with disdain on their faces.

Don't think that these people are so loyal to Wu Qi, they are just simply dissatisfied with Bai Chi!

There were even more people who sat quietly without blushing or beating their hearts.These people are either people who have taken refuge in Wade White, or they are people with deep scheming.Maybe, he also has the same ambition as Wade White...

At this time, more than [-]% of the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect gathered together, and their hearts were complicated.

Bai Chi saw it in his eyes one by one, his emotions and anger were invisible.

"Since everyone can't wait any longer, alright, Hall Master Ye, respectfully invite the old leader to come out."

Bai Chi said lightly.

"Yes." Ye Chengliang took the order and left.

After a while, Wu Qi, who had a calm face and gray hair, looked really ecstatic, walked out slowly.


At this time, the people sitting below couldn't help but murmured.

Wu Qi didn't seem to hear it, and just quietly looked at the people below.

After everyone quieted down, he slowly said: "I am no longer the leader of the White Lotus Sect. From today on, Bai Chi is the leader of the White Lotus Sect."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back hall.


A middle-aged man below suddenly stood up and shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing Wu Qi stop, he said sadly: "Master, you just ignore your decades of hard work? Are you leaving us?"

Seeing that Wu Qi was still silent, he didn't care about other people's gazes, and called out: "I still remember that when I was living in the dilapidated Dharma Temple in Beicheng, Suzhou, it was freezing cold, and I and a few other beggars in the temple Similarly, there is less and less food that can be obtained every day when you go out.

At that time, I looked at the world as cold, because what it brought us was only despair.

And at that time, you appeared, and you brought me to Baituoshan, the home where I have been staying for 30 years!

You give me food and teach me martial arts.At that time, you were like a god in my heart.

Later, I joined the White Lotus Sect and followed you wholeheartedly.Because I feel that nothing can defeat the gods! "

In his confession, emotions flashed in the eyes of many people who said it.Because, in the White Lotus Sect, he was by no means the only one who had such an experience.

Wu Qi finally turned around and looked at the middle-aged man below.

My thoughts seem to have returned to 30 years ago.

Of course, more people know that these are definitely not the key points, and they are all waiting for his next words.

"But what happened now?

Has a little second-handed thieves defeated you and worn out your will?

No, I don't believe it!

I know there are many brothers present who don't believe it either!

Hierarch, as long as you give an order now, even if my 800-odd brothers in the Qingyu sub-helm don't want to risk their lives, I will help you kill the thieves! "

As he spoke, he kicked vigorously, and the cases under his feet fell apart instantly.The sound seemed to scare the others. For a while, the breath of many people in the hall became unstable, showing signs of rioting.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing this, Bai Chi, who had never said a word, narrowed his eyes.No, under his three years of pressure, Wu Qi still has such a strong influence!

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Hu Buque, the elder of the punishment hall, stood up and said, "Lin Yinan, please pay attention to your identity! This is the holy temple, and all the people here are brothers from the church. Who are you calling a thief?"

Lin Yinan gave him a disdainful look: "I will scold anyone who has done something ungrateful!"


But Lin Yinan ignored him, looked at Wu Qi expectantly and said: "Master, you speak, we brothers are willing to follow you!

Tian Yi, Liu Hong, Wu Hao, what the hell are you still doing sitting around, haven't you seen the leader come back?Don't get up to see the leader! "

It's a pity that the three people who were named by him only moved slightly, looked at Wu Qi again, and fell silent.

Lin Yinan looked at his three good brothers in disbelief: "You guys?...! Wu Hao, why don't you fucking surrender to the white thief? Have you forgotten who gave you your name?"

He no longer concealed it, and called him a white thief.

Wu Hao smiled wryly.He did not submit to Wade White!However, in the current situation, to stand up is to openly challenge Wade White, and it is very likely that you will not be able to leave the temple today!

The most important thing is that Wu Qi's situation has not been clarified yet.

Only you, a reckless man, dare to act like this.Wu Haoxin said.

"Okay, okay, okay! You are all greedy for life and afraid of death, I, Lin, are not afraid, and our good guys in Qingyutang are not afraid!

White thief, you still haven't told the truth, what did you do to the leader? "

Lin Yinan said, suddenly pointed to Bai Chi and asked.

The corner of Bai Chi's mouth twitched, Ye Chengliang and several of his subordinates immediately surrounded Lin Yinan.

Behind Lin Yinan, the two Qingyutang brothers immediately drew their waist knives, but Lin Yinan just looked at Baichi mockingly.

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