If Jia Jing is willing to do it, Jia Qing is still willing to dedicate it to the family, but unfortunately, Jia Jing definitely doesn't want to pay attention to it!

"If that's the case, it may not take so many days. Tomorrow happens to be my master's birthday, and there will be many stewards from other houses. I will inquire more about it for the second master, and finally compile a list for the second master, okay?"

Jia Qing was overjoyed and said: "This is the best."


Jia Jing's birthday banquet went on as scheduled, Jia Qing hid if he could, and only showed up if he couldn't.

Only in the afternoon, Jia Baoyu and the sisters from the Rongguo Mansion came to look for him, and now he couldn't hide and didn't want to hide.

It was Lai Sheng's family who brought Jia Baoyu and others over, and she left after bringing them to Yipin Hall. Jia Qing was left to welcome Jia Baoyu and others into Yipin Hall.

"I didn't realize that Second Brother's yard is so spacious and tidy."

Among the crowd, only Jia Baoyu had been to Jia Qing's yard, and it was the first time for the others to come. Seeing how big Jia Qing's yard was, Tanchun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

She thought that Jia Qing might not be living well here, but who knows, it seems that the treatment seems to be very good!Only Jia Baoyu didn't care about these things, and said after hearing the words: "It's better to be wider, just so we can play well, if it's as small as Brother Cong's yard, how can we play."

Jia Baoyu probably never thought about why Jia Cong's yard was smaller than Jia Qing's, or what it meant for Jia Qing to live in such a large yard.Jia Qing was also not interested in explaining to him.

"Huh? What are these? They smell delicious!" Sister Lin, who was still thoughtful, was the first to discover the soap hanging in the yard, and walked over to pick up a piece to admire.

The others also walked over after hearing the words, and picked up the soap one after another to look at it.

Jia Qing turned around and looked at Sister Lin, who was graceful and graceful, and said with a smile, "These are small gadgets that I don't have anything to do on weekdays, and they can be used to clean my hands."

"Can I eat it?"

Jia Baoyu, who is a dick, will always be so dick, he wants to eat rouge, and now he still wants to eat soap.

"Second brother can try!"

Jia Qing said unhappily.

Hearing that Jia Baoyu really picked up a good-looking piece and prepared to bite it, Xie Luan who was next to him was afraid that Jia Baoyu would cause trouble here, so he hurriedly said: "Second Master Bao, don't eat it, this is not edible!"

When everyone heard the words, they didn't know that Jia Baoyu was cheated by Jia Qing, so they all laughed.

Jia Baoyu was not annoyed, and continued to laugh and said: "Well, you second brother, you actually teased me, as hateful as Yun girl! By the way, the second brother has never seen Yun girl, she is hateful, little girl." At a young age, he is eccentric and loves to play tricks on people."

Xiangyun?He had never seen it before, but the name was so profound.Hehe, it turned out that she liked to play tricks on people when she was a child.

"Sister, that's not how you use it. Come on, brother will teach you how to do it later."

Seeing Xiao Xichun poking her little hand with a piece of soap, she thought that was how she cleaned her hands.Jia Qing quickly stopped and asked Xieluan to bring a basin of water, and asked everyone to enter the house.

After Xie Luan brought up the water, under the curiosity of everyone, Jia Qing took Xi Chun's hand and asked the sisters to take a look first.

"Fourth sister's hands are so clean, what did second brother show us? Can your soap make fourth sister's hands even cleaner?"

Tanchun was puzzled.

Jia Qing smiled mysteriously, without answering, took Xi Chun aside and washed her hands carefully.

After a while, he wiped Xichun's hands clean with a handkerchief, and asked everyone to watch again.

Sure enough, everyone was shocked.

"Hey, second brother, what did you do? You can still wash your hands so clean? Fourth sister's hands are as smooth and tender as those of a newborn baby. This is really unbelievable!"

Jia Baoyu took Xichun's hand and said in surprise.

The same goes for the other sisters, the difference is that they looked at their own hands, then at Xichun's hands at almost the same time, and finally looked at the soap next to the sink together.

Most women love to be clean!

They used to think that their hands were very clean, but now compared with Xichun's, they instantly feel that they are "unable to handle", and they can't wait to wash their hands with this soap immediately!

Jia Qing naturally saw what the sisters were thinking, smiled complacently, and ordered the girls in the room to bring water.

Jia Baoyu simply washed himself with the water Xichun used to wash his hands.Although the sisters are emotional, after all, the habits they have developed since childhood prevent them from using water that others have used.

After a while, the water came up, and the three of Tanchun immediately stepped forward to wash their hands.After that, several people got together to discuss their own hands.

"Look, it's really turned white a lot!"

"Well, mine too."


Jia Qing was very happy to appreciate the eight slender hands, big and small, the only thing in common is: they are all beautiful!How can ordinary people have the opportunity to see such a moving scene.

Suddenly, Jia Baoyu's chubby hands came in, ruining the overall beauty. Jia Qing was furious and wanted to pull Jia Baoyu out.

"Second brother, can you give us some of this soap?"

Tanchun is very open and close in front of Jia Qing, and has no qualms about making requests.This is exactly what Jia Qing hopes, he hopes that the girls in the red building can get close to him like Tanchun, and he is also working hard to make himself eligible to be close to them.

"Of course, my sisters can use whatever they want, and it's not worth a lot of money. In this way, I will give each sister a box, a total of six yuan. The sisters can use it or give it to the maids. It's not that I was stingy and only gave six yuan, it's because I'm still thinking about this thing, and I might make a better one, and I'll send it to my sisters at that time, and I definitely can't let my sisters use poor things."

Hehe, the sisters became his, and everyone didn't bother to pursue his slip of the tongue, and they were all a little moved.The second elder brother (younger brother) is really considerate to them.

Jia Baoyu is very simple. He has no awareness of the threat to his hegemony in the back residence of the Jia Mansion, and he is also moved.I thought that my second brother was just like me, caring very much for my sisters.

After that, it was the old routine, leading a group of beauties to the flower hall to see the flowers. Naturally, it was an indescribable beauty, which made Jia Qing almost trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself.

Fortunately, Lai Sheng's family brought Wang Xifeng over.

"Hey, let me tell you, brother Qing, what kind of Western sceneries are here so that you can't move your nest. It turns out that you are admiring the flowers! Zizizi, brother Qing, there are so many and beautiful flowers here, but there is me a share?"

Jia Qing replied with a smile: "If Lian Er's sister-in-law likes it, just ask the maids to move it."

"Oh, that's right, then I want all these flowers, and I'll send someone to move them away someday!"

"Here... leave me some..." Jia Qing said helplessly.


The surrounding sisters and maids all laughed.

It was Jia Baoyu who was righteous and offered to help: "Although Sister Feng bullies the second brother, I will tell the old ancestor later and ask her to be the master of the second brother."

Who is Wang Xifeng? Jia Baoyu can deal with it. Hearing the words, he laughed and said, "Brother Bao, you don't want your sister anymore after you recognize your brother? I'll talk to Uncle Jing tomorrow to see if he still accepts a godson." , so that you brothers can get a real name."

Jia Baoyu didn't dare to speak anymore, and when he thought of the scene where Jia Zheng and Jia Jing stood together and gave him advice, his heart felt ashamed. In those days, he might as well be dead!

Jia Qing actually liked Wang Xifeng's hot-tempered personality quite a bit, as long as she corrected her short-sightedness as a woman in the future, she would be a good housekeeper in Jia's mansion.

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