"First, this White Lotus Sect has been developed for decades. It is deeply entrenched in the south of the Yangtze River and does not make a living by robbing houses. Therefore, it is not only respected in the green forest, but also in the business community and even the government. There is a deep relationship.

Therefore, once you want to make a move, it is best to ensure that you act quickly and secretly, and then destroy it in one fell swoop, so as to avoid endless troubles in the future.

Second, although the White Lotus Sect is a non-government organization, since most of them are fanatical believers, once they are wiped out, they will inevitably encounter stubborn resistance. In addition to their large number, adults must dispatch enough troops to ensure that they are safe!

Third, adults should consider how to deal with the aftermath.Once the action is taken, should we kill all the members of the White Lotus Sect, or just punish the chief culprit.

Although the White Lotus Sect is a cult, its teachings are well-established among the people.When the country was founded, the White Lotus Sect was ten times more rampant than it is now. The Emperor Taizu mobilized tens of thousands of tigers and wolves to suppress it with absolute force. They were killed to the point of bloodshed and bones piled into mountains, but they still could not make them disappear.

If adults want to follow suit, they should be prepared! "

At first, Jia Qing thought it was just a matter of using force, but after hearing Zhan Min's words, he realized that this matter is easy to think about, but it may be difficult to do it...

Emulate Emperor Taizu?

How is that possible? When he thinks about killing at least tens of thousands of people, and it's not of a foreign race, his scalp tingles.

This matter is absolutely impossible!

But can a softer approach work?

Jia Qing was lost in thought.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"How many soldiers and horses do you have in Nanzhen Fusi, and how many cavalry can you mobilize?"

After thinking for a while, Jia Qing asked Zhan Min.

"Nanzhen Fusi has five guards under its jurisdiction, and each guard has a full staff of 1 people. Today, all Jinyi troops in Nanzhen Fusi add up to more than [-] people, scattered in several southern provinces.

It’s just that most of them have positions. If the adults want to employ people, within ten days, the subordinate officials should be able to mobilize 1 people, and within a month, it is still possible to mobilize more than [-] people. It is not easy to mobilize any more. "

It has been a long time since Nanzhen Fusi has handled an errand that requires so many people, and Zhan Min can only give such a conservative figure for a while.

But in Jia Qing's view, how could so many people be used!But he knew that in terms of combat effectiveness, there might be a lot of waste in many guards and military preparations in Dachu.

However, the Jinyi Army, who is the emperor's own army, will not!

The staff of the Jinyi Army are all powerful people recruited directly from the people by the Jinyi Army, and after joining the Jinyi Army, they have a lot of opportunities to exercise.And because the emperor is close to the army, the treatment is also good.Promotion is almost entirely based on accumulating credit, without as many twists and turns as court officials, so it is very easy to raise a group of fierce soldiers who are more ferocious than bandits and dare to fight and kill.

Although the White Lotus Sect has more than 5000 people in its headquarters, among them, there are definitely not so many who can fight.

Moreover, although it is said that the White Lotus Sect is "like a cloud of masters", naturally, the Jinyi Army is no different!As for the ordinary congregation, it is even more impossible to compare with it.

Therefore, not to mention less, [-] elite cavalry are enough to wipe out the main rudder of the White Lotus Sect.

When Zhan Min said this, he obviously chose the option of force suppression for Jia Qing automatically, and he would kill all the Bailian sect members in Jiangnan without pardon!

Sure enough, seeing Jia Qing pondering, Zhan Min said again: "If your lord feels that there is not enough manpower, you can transfer troops from Governor Zhang of Nanzhili. Although the military equipment of Yangzhou City, including several nearby state capitals, is very weak, Zhang There are still several guards under the governor's command that have well-trained troops, as long as you send Governor Zhang to assist, there is no need to worry about the strength of the troops!"

"Let me discuss this matter with Old General Feng again. In this case, I would like to trouble Zhan Zhenfu to transfer 1000 troops to Yangzhou to wait for orders. Don't make any big moves first, so as not to startle the snake, and secretly pay attention to the main rudder of the White Lotus Sect and the sub-rudder known to the Jinyi Army. The movement, always waiting for orders!"


Zhan Min frowned, a little puzzled.But since Jia Qing gave the order, he obeyed.

"Master Zhan, please trouble me to make such a long trip. I have prepared a little wine. Master Zhan, let's sit down..."

Zhan Min stood up and confessed: "Your Excellency did not dare to resign, but I just allowed the official to complete the errands. When I am successful, I will accompany you to get drunk before resting..."

"Alright, Master Zhao, send Master Zhan off."



"Is General Jia still worried, lest the annihilation of the White Lotus Sect will be too heavy and will harm the harmony of heaven?"

After Zhan Min left, Feng Tang looked at Jia Qingdao with a smile.

Jia Qing said: "The boy is young, the old general laughed at him."

Since ancient times, kindness has not been in charge of soldiers. Jia Qing feels that although he has been in this world for so long, although there are some small twists and turns, the overall progress is smooth and smooth!

He is liking this life more and more!

He really couldn't bear to ask him to order to wipe out tens of thousands of White Lotus Sect all of a sudden.

It is natural to think of Lu Zhu, Mei Jian and others. They are all members of the White Lotus Sect. How do you know that there are no such people among them?

Perhaps, he really has to go to the frontier and see what war is, so that he can truly have the consciousness and ruthlessness of "one general will succeed and all will die"!

Unexpectedly, Feng Tang shook his head and said: "Although General Jia's ancestors started with military exploits, they are also heirs of poetry and etiquette. General Jia has learned books and rituals since he was a child. How can I dare to laugh at what is rare for a general."

Jia Qing said: "However, if I miss the errand assigned by the emperor, it's all right for me to be young and insignificant. I'm afraid that if the old general is affected, then the younger generation will have to bear the blame."

Feng Tang laughed and said, "General Jia is really worrying too much! Your Majesty is a man of nature, since he asked General Jia to take care of this matter, how could he not take this into consideration?

In fact, not to mention General Jia, even the old man would find it hard to say that he ordered to kill so many people.

Only Zhan Min, a guy who kills and only knows how to use force, will always persuade you to use iron and blood methods to suppress it!

In fact, although the emperor hated the audacity of the White Lotus Sect, he also felt that most of the members were only provoked by ambitious people, and they were also the people of Great Chu.How can you bear to slaughter recklessly?

Therefore, I was only ordered to destroy the Bailian bandit den, so that it would no longer be a disaster, but I did not order to kill all the Bailian sect members. "

Jia Qing's eyes lit up and said: "That is to say, as long as the goal can be achieved, we can discuss the means by ourselves?"

Feng Tang nodded, and said: "However, the congregation is forgivable, and the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect must be arrested and brought to justice!"

Jia Qing didn't understand why Feng Tang said that he must be arrested instead of killed, so he was relieved and discussed his strategy with Feng Tang in the living room.


"You go out first."

Jia Qing walked into Lin Ruhai's house and said to the young beautiful woman who was taking care of Lin Ruhai.


Although this woman is Lin Ruhai's concubine, she didn't dare to disobey Jia Qing's words, she bowed her head and withdrew after hearing the words.

Jia Qing walked to Lin Ruhai's bed, looked at Lin Ruhai who seemed unable to speak, and suddenly said: "Uncle, if you continue like this, you may have to get sick even if you are not sick!

Besides, I heard from Doctor Zhang that your injuries have not healed all this time, and you have not allowed the wind and cold on your body to be completely cured. If you just drag it on for a long time, how can your body bear it. "

Lin Ruhai might be really used to it. Seeing Jia Qing coming in and waving the others away, it took him a long time to slowly recover, his eyes refocused, and then he wanted to stand up.

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