Wang Momo worried: "I'm afraid it's really bad, otherwise, the imperial doctor wouldn't come out after seeing it for so long..."

Zijuan sighed, and said: "Mom has worked hard. I will watch over the girl. Mom should go and rest first."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Lin Ruhai's room, Imperial Physician Zhang had already left, and only the three of them were left to discuss matters.

"So, it was really done by the White Lotus Sect?"

Jia Qing asked in a deep voice.Jia Yun had talked to him about this issue a few months ago, but unexpectedly, it really happened.

Lin Ruhai said with a look of relief: "Ever since you told me to be careful about Xiaoxiao's calculations three years ago, although I didn't respond to you, I paid attention secretly.

I have long been aware of the fact that the ministers of the DPRK and China colluded with salt merchants to smuggle salt, but I have never dared to act lightly.

Later, when I was determined to start an investigation, I acted more carefully.Unexpectedly, they were still noticed by the other party, making them jump over the wall in a hurry and plot against me. "

What Lin Ruhai didn't say was that if he hadn't noticed the shadow of He Shanbao behind the scenes, he might not have moved this line!

He is a member of Emperor Zhengqing, so he should help Emperor Zhengqing solve his problems.

"I don't want to, although I was plotted against, but I also found out a big thing through this!"

Lin Ruhai continued.

The previous matter was almost sorted out, and Jia Qing knew that the main event was coming, so he cheered and said, "What is it?"

Lin Ruhai frowned and said: "Nephew, do you know that three years ago when the imperial court was fighting against the Tartars, a force suddenly appeared in the rear, which caused the imperial court to suffer a great loss?"

Jia Qing lowered his head, he already knew about this from Wu Xian'er.

"Slightly heard."

"Then do you know who has suffered the most because of this?"

This Jia Qing is not clear, he was busy studying at that time.Besides, I haven't heard much news about this matter.

Lin Ruhai saw Jia Qing's expression and knew that Jia Qing didn't know the inner way.

"Speaking of which, this one has a lot to do with your family. He is the third grandson of Lord Baoling, Shang Shuling Shigong, and now your old lady's natal nephew, who is appointed Zhongjinghou Shi Ding by the imperial pen of the Supreme Emperor!"

"What? No, my uncle said that Uncle Shi Shi suffered a great loss, why is he still claiming the title of Marquis of Zhongjing now?"

In fact, Jia Qing has long been suspicious of the historian's family of two marquises, but after inquiring, he found out that their family's other title was awarded by the Supreme Emperor, and he didn't find that their family was particularly prominent, so he didn't take it to heart. up.

Lin Ruhai sighed: "What's the use of being a Marquis, all your fame will go to waste! It's just like his brother, even though he's beating a Marquis, it's like beating a General!"

Jia Qing listened quietly.

Feng Tang also said with emotion: "That's right, a brave general who was so beloved by the Supreme Emperor, Jia En was made a Viscount in his first year, and he was promoted to a Marquis just after Buhuo the following year. The position may not be incompetent.

Even after the founding of the country, it is not impossible for the first Duke's residence! "

Jia Qing was dumbfounded when he heard that, he had seen Shi Ding before, an ordinary, even mediocre little old man.

He was so awesome before?

"What happened three years ago? Why can't I see that Uncle Shi Shi is as powerful as you say?" Jia Qing asked.

"Things in the world are so unpredictable. Three years ago, Shi Ding, who had reached the age of knowing his destiny, led the army again to fight against the Tartars with an absolute advantage.

Originally thought that it must be a sure-fire battlefield, so he could only add a new contribution to his credit book.

He must have thought so at the time!

Unexpectedly, he fell hard at the place where he shouldn't have fallen the most.

Two skyrocketing fires burned nearly 20 shi of Guochao's military supplies, food and grass, and also burned all his pride!

The circumstances of life are indeed unpredictable, and the world is impermanent! "

"Burning 20 shi? Isn't that equivalent to burning most of the food and grass of the soldiers of the three armies? How did the country win in the end?"

Jia Qing has never led troops to fight, but he also knows that the food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses are moved!Hundreds of thousands of shi of grain were destroyed, how to fight?

Feng Tang said: "Thanks to the cabinet making a plan earlier, more than half of the grain stored in Taicang was transferred to Chixia Peak for emergency.

There was a big change ahead, and the delivery of grain and grass was organized immediately, and the first batch of grain was delivered before the front line collapsed.In this way, after several defeats and heavy losses, a counterattack was organized, and finally the Tartars were once again driven into the white mountains and black waters. "

The next thing is easy to understand, the cabinet gained enough prestige, Shi Ding was tragic, and there are probably two more tragic food supervisors who will not see the future sun...

Moreover, when such a "scandal" occurs on the battlefield where the strong is against the weak, the imperial court will naturally cover it up in every possible way, and only publicize the result of victory.So the people, including him, don't know what happened.Anyway, he won, no matter what he does!

Even, Jia Qing always felt that Lin Ruhai and Lin Ruhai still had some reservations when it came to talking about this matter!

Feng Tang continued: "Since then, the imperial court has naturally investigated this force that was able to break into two granaries and set fire to it at the same time, but to no avail. It can only be attributed to the enemy's force that crossed our army's defense line.

It's just that Mr. Lin suddenly reported to the emperor a few months ago, stating that he had learned that the force that set fire to food three years ago was the White Lotus Sect, which had been causing disasters in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time.

You know, in the First World War that year, the military lost several prestigious generals, Shi Ding was not the only one! "

All of a sudden, Jia Qing asked: "Uncle just now said that he was assassinated by the White Lotus Sect in the process of investigating the collusion between courtiers and salt merchants, and that the White Lotus Sect was the mastermind behind the two fires three years ago. So, is it true? ...?"

Lin Ruhai was murdered by Bailian when he was investigating the collusion between the salt merchant and the courtiers.It is certain that the salt merchant must have contacts with the White Lotus Sect, but it is not known whether any important officials of the court were involved.

If this is the case, there is likely to be a huge conspiracy in the battle three years ago!

Lin Ruhai narrowed his eyes, paused, and said: "I can't say these things yet, what is certain now is that the White Lotus Sect has started to revive after decades, trying to subvert the country, and we must try to destroy it!

As for the matter of the salt merchants, this is an old disease, which should be cured slowly.However, if some of the leaders of the White Lotus Sect can be caught, maybe we can get useful news from them! "

Everyone has a temper. As a member of the imperial court, he must not be able to bear being plotted against by a cult.Jia Qing didn't know if there was any proof that Lin Ruhai was so sure that what happened back then was done by the White Lotus Sect...

Alas, so what if not.To wipe out an organization that is destined to be anti-religious from its name, as long as it succeeds, even if there is no evidence, it is still a credit.

After thinking for a while, Jia Qing asked: "I wonder how my uncle plans to destroy the White Lotus Sect?"

The White Lotus Sect is not a soft persimmon. If you want to come to the Yanzheng Yamen, it is impossible to have many yamen servants. He only brought more than 20 nurses on this trip, plus more than 100 Jinyi soldiers brought by Zhao Baihu. Maybe talk about the suppression of the White Lotus Sect.

Lin Ruhai smiled and said: "For this matter, I have to rely on Old General Feng!"

Jia Qingming, no wonder he sent a qualified military commander as his assistant envoy, it turned out he was planning to do this!

Unexpectedly, Feng Tang also smiled and said: "Although I have served as the chief military officer of Jinling Province, I am no longer in office, and I have no right to mobilize the garrisons of various prefectures. Therefore, everything still has to be dispatched by General Jia. "

General military officer, from the second grade.Different from the general army, the general army officer is the highest general of the garrison in each province, and is under the command of the governor.

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