How did Daiyu stand such a run on, and said: "Who is going to deny it? You just say it!"

Jia Qing said: "Really, then did I say it?"

"Go ahead."

Jia Qing looked around, and suddenly saw the guqin by the window, and thought to himself: I don't know how Daiyu looks like sitting alone by the window, playing the piano and weeping silently.

Probably poignant.

However, now Daiyu is still young, sitting and playing the piano, she should know: very cute!

"I heard that my sister can play the piano, but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to see it. I am lucky today. Why don't my sister play the piano for me twice?"

Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, blushed again, and said, "I don't play well..."

Zijuan betrayed her and said, "Second Master, don't listen to the girl's nonsense, I heard the girl played it before, and she played it very well!"

Jia Qing said: "Sister, what are you afraid of, no matter what, she is better than me, isn't she?

Moreover, no matter how nice other people's piano sounds are, they are not as sweet as those played by my sister herself. "

The last sentence of idealism directly hit Daiyu's heart, which was very sweet.


As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards the window, thinking about the few pieces of music he had learned by himself, thinking about which piece he played the best...


At night, Jia Qing looked at Qingwen who walked into his room silently, and asked, "What are you doing here? Aren't you serving Miss Lin?"

In fact, it is already clear in my heart.

Qingwen said: "Miss Lin has already fallen asleep, Zijuan asked me to come and see you..."

Jia Qing laughed and said, "Why do you listen to Zi Juan so much?"

Qingwen blushed and snorted coldly: "It's fine if you don't care about it." She said and was about to turn around and go out.

Where did he get lost, Jia Qing grabbed him back and hugged him in his arms.

"Just stay in my room tonight..."


Looking at Mei Qingwen writhing and struggling in his arms, Jia Qing couldn't hold back any longer, and lowered her head to kiss her little red cheek.Then she felt a little unsatisfactory, so she pinched her pointed chin with one hand, turned her face, bowed her head and kissed her...

"Dong dong."

"My lord, this servant is here to bring you footwashing water..."

The sudden knock on the door and the subsequent timid voice of the little maid startled Qingwen, who was already a little emotional, and immediately pushed away Jia Qing, who was aggressive.

Looking at Qingwen who was staring at him with her beautiful eyes open, Jia Qing thought to herself: It seems that we have to find a chance to eat her, it's really a pain to keep...

After waiting for her to arrange her clothes, she said to the door:

"come in."



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since this trip was to visit Lin Ruhai according to the order, Jia Qing and his party basically did not stop on the way.

The official ship sailed all the way, but within ten days, it entered the boundary of Yangzhou.

"How is sister Lin?"

Jia Qing walked into the living room in the middle of the second floor of the official boat, saw Zijuan making tea there, and asked.

I am timid because of the closeness to my hometown, let alone such an emotional person as Daiyu.

The closer she was to Yangzhou, the more Daiyu couldn't calm down, she always cried silently, even when Jia Qing teased her, she always laughed with tears and her eyes showed sadness.

Zijuan also inexplicably said sadly: "It's still sad. After all, it's been more than four years, and this is the first time I've come back. The master is... no matter how strong a person is, he can't avoid being sad, let alone our girl, the second master is quick!" Go in and have a look."

When I entered the house, I saw Daiyu wearing a big fur cape, sitting alone by the window, looking at the quietly flowing river, with a worried expression on her face.

She should be afraid of seeing Lin Ruhai who is seriously ill and dying with her own eyes.

"It's getting colder, why is my sister sitting in the air?"

Daiyu looked up when she heard the sound, and said, "Second brother..."

Jia Qing sat down next to each other and asked, "But are you worried about uncle?"

Daiyu nodded and said sadly, "Second Brother, I'm so scared..."

"Silly girl, what are you afraid of? There is a second brother for everything."

Jia Qing took Daiyu's shoulders, made her lean in his arms, and comforted her.

Hearing the word "silly girl", Daiyu wrinkled her little nose, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Jia Qing said again: "You don't have to worry, this time we returned to Yangzhou, but we brought the imperial doctor with us.

It's the doctor Zhang, you know, last time my father was poisoned so badly that he couldn't die anymore, and he helped rescue him later.

I think your father's situation can't be more serious than my father's last time. As long as we get to your house and ask him to take a look, there will be no problem in keeping it.

At that time, I will accompany you to take care of his old man. When he sees such a well-behaved and beautiful girl like you every day, he must feel better. Once he is in a good mood, everything will be better. "

Daiyu raised her head and said, "Really?"


After receiving this answer, although her rationality told her that it was probably Jia Qing's words of comfort, she still felt a lot calmer in her heart.

Then, his face started to turn red, and he thought to himself: Ah, why am I in the arms of my second elder brother? It's so embarrassing, Qingwen and the others are still in the room.However, leaning on it really feels warm.

Hmm, the second elder brother is the elder brother, leaning in the arms of the elder brother, it's nothing... right.

Daiyu didn't speak, and Jia Qing also stopped talking, quietly hugging the weak man in his arms.

She was really delicate, or rather thin.It's completely different from the feeling of holding Qingwen. Although Qingwen also has thin shoulders and thin waist, but holding her, you can clearly feel her youthful and restless body.

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