Originally, Mother Jia was just asking casually, and he never cared about such things outside the second door.

Who knows that Jia Lian hesitated all of a sudden, and Jia's mother became suspicious and asked, "Why, don't you still want to be happy at this time, can't you do it if you don't work here?"

Jia Lian hurriedly said: "That's impossible, it's just that now the master has left the construction of the family-saving villa to the second brother in the mansion, and the grandson doesn't know what errands he will arrange for the grandson... ..”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You said that the master asked Brother Qing to repair and build the mother's family-saving villa?"

After listening to Jia Lian's words, Mrs. Wang was the first to ask questions.She didn't expect that Jia Zheng would give Jia Qing to build the garden where their daughters went home to visit relatives!

Jia Lian replied: "Mrs. Hui, yes, this was agreed by the gentlemen just now..."

Mother Jia didn't have any special reaction, just said: "You will talk about it in detail. Your master is clearly at home and is an official of the Ministry of Industry. Why don't you build a garden for your elder sister yourself?"

Jia Lian was a little hesitant. What he wanted to say would inevitably mention the lack of money at home.If it's all from my own family, it's fine, now that Aunt Xue is still in the hall, she is a real rich man, so it's inevitable that she will feel a little shameless when she speaks out.

It's just that he didn't dare to ask Aunt Xue to avoid him, and he had to answer Jia Mu's words. After thinking about it, he said:

"It's like this, the second brother feels that since it is a garden to welcome the eldest sister back home to visit relatives, it must be built with a splendid atmosphere, so as not to weaken the momentum of the eldest sister.

I also know that the master advocates frugality and loyalty to the country, even if it is to welcome the elder sister to visit relatives, he must not be too extravagant.

This is the embodiment of the master's integrity as an official and self-cultivation.

But as younger brothers, we should follow the way of filial piety and brotherhood, so we don't have any worries about this.Therefore, I discussed with my grandson that he might as well let him take full power to build the garden for the elder sister, so that even if the cost is too much, it will not hinder the master's reputation!

For the sake of the filial piety of the second brother, the master agreed. "

After a paragraph is finished, the meaning remains roughly the same, but several expressions have been changed.Poor Jia Lian, it's been a long time since I used my brain like this.

Jia's mother has experienced many things, how can she not see that Jia Lian's words must be reserved!Therefore said:

"It's good that you have such intentions, but you still can't spend too much. By the way, how much money are you going to spend on building this garden?"

"Master invited an old gentleman named Shan Ziye from the Ministry of Industry to design the garden. If it is completely built according to his design, the second brother said that it will cost at least 40 taels of silver."

The sisters sitting in the hall have never heard that it costs so much money to do one thing. 40 taels, isn't it possible to pile up a hill with silver?

Therefore, everyone looked forward to what the garden built with so much silver would look like.

When Mrs. Wang heard this number, she narrowed her eyes slightly and her face calmed down.

As the head wife of Rongguo Mansion, she certainly knows how rich Rongguo Mansion's family is.

40 taels, no matter what, it is impossible to spend so much cash to build a garden. That is to say, the Ningguo Mansion also paid out silver, but I don’t know how much...

Mother Jia didn't know much about the treasury of the Rongguo Mansion. After she was raised, she only took care of her own private treasury.However, after all, people who have dealt with important matters, even though they don't know clearly, can guess the general idea, so they asked:

"How was the money planned?"

Jia Lian was in a bit of trouble, and wanted to use another trick, but this thing is one and two is two, how can it be a trick?If I am here to play tricks, but in the end, I end up in a bad situation. Wouldn't it be a panic of injustice?

It is necessary to tell the truth!

Anyway, Aunt Xue is also the wife's biological sister, so she can't laugh too much.

"Well, because our house needs to prepare for the expenses of the elder sister going home to visit her relatives, the masters discussed and decided to take out 10 taels of silver from the public..."

Jia Lian said.

Jia Mu said, "How much?"

"10 taels..."

Now that Mother Jia heard it clearly, she asked again, "Brother Qing, have you nothing to say?"

"No, no, he proposed it on his own initiative!"

"Aren't you blushing?"

When Jia Mu said this, Mrs. Wang was ready to stand up immediately.Mother Jia waved her hand to signal her to sit down, only looking at Jia Lian.

Jia Lian couldn't help it, so he had to blushed and said, "Originally, the master planned to spend 20 taels of silver, so it just happened that the two houses each gave 10 taels...

But the second brother said that 20 taels is definitely not enough, and we have to prevent the servants from being greedy for ink in private. The garden built in this way must be...

So he told the master to let him take full responsibility, and he must build the best garden to welcome the eldest sister back home to visit her relatives! "

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, everyone in the hall had different opinions.

Mother Jia didn't expect that the mansion was so distressed that it couldn't even build a family garden!

Mrs. Wang is suffering so much that she has no choice but to practice closed-mouth meditation.

Aunt Xue, mother and daughter, remembered that Jia Qing asked her family to help buy rare and rare stones not long ago. I am afraid that Jia Qing was planning this matter at that time.However, as an official of the court, it is not surprising that he was able to receive the news in advance, but it can be seen that he is interested.

In Sanchun's view, it is much simpler, but Jia Qing is more great and selfless.A few 10 taels of silver, if you say take it out, take it out!

Is Jia Qing really so selfless?

actually not.

First, he was really afraid that Jia Zheng would build a substandard Grand View Garden with insufficient funds, and he would vomit to death!

Second, he really didn't want to watch Jia Zheng and his gang wait to feed the rats in the two houses with a lot of money!As long as he can cut off this extremely wronged expenditure, in fact, it won't add much!

Third, and most importantly, although it is a family-senting garden, the owner is Yuan Chun.But how long can Yuan Chun stay inside?I'm afraid I can't come back once a year, and it's only a few hours at a time!

The first owner is not here, so, since the garden was built by himself, besides Yuan Chun, who can have more say in the use of the garden in the future?

At that time, even if Mrs. Wang wanted to be a majestic inside, she might have to look at Jia Qing's face!Otherwise, there will be a lot of people who won't be stingy with sarcastic remarks...

Therefore, this is the reason why he still wants to take over this project when the "national treasury" is not particularly abundant!

"No matter how tight we are, we can't be too tight on this matter. Since Gongzhong's money is not abundant, then I will pay the money!

Brother Qing wants to make his big sister look good, and is willing to take over this matter, but we can't pretend that we don't know, and let him suffer as a matter of course.

In this way, I will add 10 taels to you, and make it into 20 taels of silver and send it to him!

So although he still has to add more, it will only make him suffer a bit. "

Finally, seeing the thoughtful expressions of everyone in the room, Mother Jia suddenly said this.

Mrs. Wang didn't dare to sit still, she quickly stood up and pleaded guilty: "It's the daughter-in-law who can't manage the family well."

Jia Mu said: "I don't blame you. The mansion has spent a lot of money these years, and the income is only so small. It is normal to encounter such a big event suddenly. It is just a joke for my aunt."

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