Not to mention the lower-status craftsmen and the so-called low-class people.

Of course, it is impossible for Jia Qing to challenge Huanghuang Confucianism foolishly.

"The disciples are not worried about this problem.

What the disciples said about "enhancing agriculture and emphasizing business" is only to solve the problem of how to make the country rich and the people strong. It does not talk about the system, but only about economics.

Widening the farmers is to reduce the taxes on farmers wantonly.

The emperors of all dynasties in this dynasty treated the people preferentially, and the agricultural tax was only "fifteen taxes and one".

As I said, it can be reduced to one tax for twenty, one tax for thirty or even one tax for fifty.

In this way, the people will have a large surplus every year for their fertility.

In a few decades, the people of the country will be far more prosperous than they are today, and the wealth of the people will make the country rich. "

Fang Shoudao: "Otherwise, this method of yours is just taking money from the imperial court to benefit the people. If the people are rich, the imperial court will be weak!

What will happen if there is a natural disaster or a war?

The imperial court has no money, which is a disaster for the country! "

Thanks to Fang Shou, if he met other high-ranking officials in the court, he would probably start to catch Jia Qing and yell at him now.

Since ancient times, who didn't know that reducing taxes can calm the people?But the court needs money, where does the money come from?

Therefore, generally the founding emperor would set the tax standard himself, and it would be good if the king of later generations did not increase it, but should it be reduced?It's just a dream!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jia Qing said calmly: "So, this is the purpose of what I call 're-business'.

Everyone in the world knows that merchants are very rich, except for the two items of salt and iron that the imperial court specializes in, all the profit-grabbing businesses in the world are in the hands of merchants.

However, it is extremely unreasonable for them to earn so much wealth, but only pay a very small amount of taxes in a few places!

The disciples believed that since most of the world's wealth is in the hands of merchants, the imperial court should not hold such wrong attitudes as "merchants are cheap" or "merchants don't do production, but only rely on speculation for profit".Instead, we should vigorously support them, recognize their status, and then charge them with fixed heavy taxes.

The disciples believed that as long as the imperial court collected half of the additional taxes from all businesses in the world, it would be enough to reduce the agricultural tax to one thirty, and the imperial court's silver would not be reduced at all, and it would even be surplus. "

This is Jia Qing's conservative estimate.

Needless to say, the wealth of a businessman.

Like the famous salt merchants, cloth merchants and other big merchants in the world, each has millions of dollars!

Even the Xue family, the in-laws of Jia's family, don't think there are only orphans and widows left now, but Xue's father has been an imperial merchant for more than ten years, and he has left no less than a million dollars for their orphans and widows!

This is a very scary thing.

It should be known that the great Chu Dynasty was peaceful all over the world.All the salt and iron taxes, agricultural taxes, and commercial taxes in the world add up to only about 3000 million taels!

In other words, a dozen or so slightly larger businessmen can gather all the tax revenues of the entire Dachu for a year.

However, there are so many businessmen in the world!

After all, Fang Shou was very experienced, and said bluntly: "Although the imperial court does not collect much business tax, all the dignitaries and governments in the world have exploited merchants. In this way, it is actually not easy for merchants to survive!

Especially for those small businessmen, the family business is difficult. If they are not careful, they will even go bankrupt, and all the money will change hands in an instant.

It's just that their money did not fall into the hands of the court, but into private hands, which is a pity.

Now if the imperial court imposes heavy taxes again, it will make it even more difficult for them, and this will definitely cause the people to live in poverty.This is a big deal, don't take it lightly! "

Jia Qing said with a smile: "Of course, this is another more important political issue, the issue of official management, which is not within the scope of the disciple's current consideration."

How could Jia Qing not know this.He even knew that only businessmen with someone in the court could be free from exploitation, such as the Xue family.

In fact, the Xue family is nothing. The real big merchants are those big merchants and wealthy families who rely on the clan, descendants, nobles, high-ranking officials, and local wealthy families. Not only are they constantly exploited, but they can exploit smaller merchants, common people.

If you want to collect taxes, you have to collect this group of people. Otherwise, it can only be an absurd government that accelerates the corruption of the country!

After exchanging his policy questions and answers with Jia Qing, Fang Shou was silent for a long time, and then said solemnly: "You may be in danger this time around!"

Jia Qing didn't show any disappointment either, acting calmly.

If the people of this era cannot accept this theory, he will not force it.

Originally, he only wrote this set of theories on the answer sheet because he saw the topic of the policy question and expressed his feelings. It was not because he thought it would attract attention.

For him at present, being selected as a candidate is just icing on the cake, so even if he fails the list this time, there is nothing to regret.

Fang Shou didn't know what Jia Qing was thinking, he just thought that Jia Qing was still young, and it might not be a bad thing to fail this time, so he didn't want to say much about it, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard that your elder brother Is Qiuhou going to ask about beheading?"

Jia Qing was startled, Fang Shou should be very clear about this matter, why ask him?


"As a member of a big family, some things are unavoidable, so don't worry too much about it!

When a man is alive, he should have a heart for the world, a life for the people, a sage for the past, and peace for all generations to come! 'Determination.

Don't ruin your aggressive beliefs for some private things. "

Only then did Jia Qing realize that Fang Shou wanted to use this to enlighten him.

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching. Disciples must keep it in mind and never dare to forget it!"

Nodding his head, Fang Shou was very satisfied with this little apprentice's response. Perhaps, he can be trained as his successor...

Naturally, Jia Qing didn't know what Fang Shou was thinking. If he knew, he would have to say sorry in his heart. He was destined to never follow Fang Shou's path!

Because, if you want to follow the path of Fang Shou, you have to spend a lot of time, relying on your qualifications, knowledge, and prestige, and finally in your seventies and eighties, you can be an extremely personable minister and rule the world.

Obviously, this is not his ideal path, he must take a shortcut!


Gongyuan, Zhili Xuezheng Yamen.

In a large house, there was an endless stream of documents and servants coming and going, and the orderly desks were filled with countless test paper scrolls, which were the answer sheets of the candidates who took the Zhili Township Examination.

The township examination papers will not read the original manuscripts, but all are transcribed by the documents, and after the comparison is correct, they will be reviewed by the same examiners.

In the same examination room, eighteen fellow examiners were in full swing to start marking papers.

Marking papers is a very arduous task. There are thousands of examinees taking part in the provincial examination in Zhili. Even if [-] examiners work together to mark papers, it is each person's workload of hundreds of copies.

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