The sky has completely darkened.

In the back house of Ning'an Hall, in Jia Jing's bedroom, Jia Qing's complexion was very unsightly, and everyone in the room showed worried expressions.

"Is Doctor Wang here yet?"

Jia Qing asked in a deep voice.

Previously, after all the preparatory work was done, Jia Qing started to brew the antidote in Jia Jing's room according to the request of Master Boundless.

Soon after, he took a spoonful and poured it into Jia Jing's stomach after it cooled down.After waiting for a few minutes without any effect, I took another spoonful.

Now it's been a quarter of an hour, but there is still no effect. Jia Qing is naturally in a bad mood.

"It should be soon." Lai Sheng said.

After a while, the servant's excited voice came from outside: "Doctor Wang has arrived."

Jia Qing was overjoyed, and hurried to the door of the room.

Physician Zhang has the same style of doing things, first seeing the patient and then exchanging greetings.

After a long while, Imperial Physician Wang asked doubtfully, "Have you all gathered the antidote?"

Jia Qing replied: "Yes, it has been boiled just now and fed to the master."

"But the poison in Master Jing's body hasn't changed at all!"

Jia Qing's face darkened.

You Shi who was next to him hesitated and said, "Could it be that sloppy monk who lied to us?"

Jia Qing shook his head, and continued to ask Imperial Physician Zhang: "It hasn't changed at all?"

"It hasn't changed at all!" Imperial Physician Zhang affirmed.

After a pause, Jia Qing said blatantly: "Except for the ice brought back by Guanshi Liu, discard all the belongings of the previous three people and replace them with the other three, and try again!"

Lai Sheng heard the words and thought: If it still doesn't work, that's all, otherwise, I'm afraid someone is going to be in trouble!

Half an hour later, still in Jia Jing's house, the second pot of antidote with different herbs was ready.

Feed Jia Jing down again...

"How about it?"

Jia Qing and the others looked at Doctor Zhang with burning eyes.

Doctor Zhang also frowned, looking at Jia Qing and the others with hopeful eyes.Gritting his teeth, he hoped for the first time that his medical skills were wrong, and with the improbable probability, he took out the silver needle and stuck it in Jia Jing...

Then, without any explanation from Dr. Zhang, everyone already knew the result.

Because, everyone clearly saw that the silver needle pulled out by Doctor Zhang had turned black in part!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After confirming that the result is still the same, Jia Qing's face is really ugly.Seeing this, Youshi was afraid that Jia Qing would not be able to bear the blow, so he comforted him:

"Second uncle, you have tried your best, don't worry too much. Take care of yourself, let's find another way."

But she didn't know that Jia Qing's heart was completely different from what she thought.

Because Jia Qing is very sure that Master Mang Mang is not a quack monk, but a real god.Otherwise, Jia Jing's body wouldn't have deteriorated for more than three months.

Since that piece of jade is really effective, then the prescription of Master Boundless should be able to detoxify.

So, something must have gone wrong with the person performing the mission.

Seeing that what she said could not affect Jia Qing at all, You Shi winked at Qin Shi and Jia Rong who were standing aside.

However, since Qin shi was sure of that matter, when he saw Jia Qing, his face became hot.Only when Jia Qing went to see her alone would he hesitate to say a few words, and he didn't dare to pierce the layer of paper at all...

Now under the watchful eyes of everyone, she just pretended not to see Youshi's wink.

Seeing Youshi's gaze, Jia Rong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Second Uncle, why don't we just forget about it..."

Jia Qing was annoyed in his heart that this situation still happened under his high pressure.Hearing Jia Rong's words suddenly, he really became angry again.

Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted: "Forget it? Forget what? If you can't wait, get out of here first!"

Although Jia Qing has disliked Jia Rong for a long time, he has never spoken to him like this.

For a while, Jia Rong, who was seven or eight years older than Jia Qing, made Jia Qing scold and almost shed tears. He stammered and explained: "Second uncle misunderstood... misunderstood, I am not, not that mean......"

He just didn't express clearly, not that he couldn't save Jia Jing.No matter how stupid he was, he dared not openly express such rebellious thoughts.

"Okay, Brother Rong, you go to the ancestral hall to burn a few sticks of incense first, and pray for the master, which is considered your filial piety."

Seeing that Jia Rong couldn't speak clearly, which made Jia Qing angry, Youshi hurriedly dismissed him.

After Jia Rong went on talking, Youshi said: "Second Uncle, why get angry, you know Rong'er didn't mean that."

Jia Qing didn't answer You Shi's words, first invited Imperial Doctor Zhang to drink some tea at the tea table, and then said to Lai Sheng and the others: "Boil all the things that were separated just now according to different collocations.

In addition to the two collocations just now, boil the other six pots of antidote. "

The sweet spring for cooking medicine was taken by Jia Qing himself from a hundred-year-old mountain spring in Qingliang Mountain outside the city, so it can be guaranteed that there will be no problem.

Now it has been determined that at least two people took back the wrong things, so, among the seven people, as long as there are four people who took back the right things with different things, Jia Jing's poison can still be cured.

Although Lai Sheng and the others didn't understand why Jia Qing was sure that these things were effective, they still followed their words.

Another half an hour later, in Jia Jing's room, six pots of antidote had been re-boiled.

For ventilation, all the doors and windows of Jia Jing's bedroom have been opened, otherwise, if the medicine is brewed indoors like this, the coal smoke alone will be enough to stun everyone.

Without unnecessary nonsense, Jia Qing personally took out the first pot of soup and fed it to Jia Jing. After a few minutes, he called the doctor Zhang to diagnose...

"Hey, it seems that something has changed!"

Sure enough, when the second pot of soup and medicine was poured down, Doctor Zhang, who originally just wanted to save Jia Qing and didn't think a miracle would happen, exclaimed in surprise.

Youshi and the others standing beside him were also shocked, and then hurriedly stepped forward to watch, but unfortunately, they couldn't see anything.

So, You Shi asked Grand Physician Zhang, "But the poison has been cured?"

Doctor Zhang continued to examine Jia Jing's pulse, watched Jia Jing's tongue, and finally exclaimed: "It's really amazing, the poison in Master Jing's body is actually dissipating. If this continues, it won't take long for Master Jing's poison to completely disappear Solved!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words.Jia Qing also breathed a sigh of relief, "I wonder when my father will come?"

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