Cooler weather.

Before dawn, a large number of people, horses, carriages and sedan chairs gathered at the gate of the Gongyuan in the capital, and a group of people stood or sat waiting there.

From their attire, it can be seen that these people should all be servants of various houses.Although there are many people, it doesn't seem particularly noisy, probably because the Gongyuan is a sacred place.

Li Yan, Wang Shun and several servants of the mansion have been waiting here very early, because today is the end of Qiu Wei.

Before the time came, hunched and dejected figures came out of the tribute courtyard one after another, and only now did the scene become a little more noisy.

Li Yan immediately cheered up and looked around.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to see Jia Qing walking out of the Gongyuan with his unique walking style.

"Second Master, here, we are here!"

After all, Wang Shun was not as stable as Li Yan. When he saw Jia Qing coming out, he immediately forgot Li Yan's explanation, and shouted loudly, causing many people to frown.

However, the effect was obvious. Jia Qing, who had just left the gate of the tribute courtyard, heard the voice and walked over.

"Hey, Second Master, why don't you look tired at all?"

Wang Shun, who had accepted Li Yan's criticism and teachings indifferently, immediately asked in surprise when he saw Jia Qing coming over.

When Li Yan heard this, he also looked at his master carefully.

Jia Qing still had that calm smile on his face, with clear eyes.Except for the naturally disheveled hair, his face seemed to have been simply washed, which actually gave Li Yan a refreshing feeling.

Those other candidates who came out were considered pretty good if they could stand firm. After all, they spent nine days and seven nights nestling in that few square meters, couldn't eat well or dress well, and had to rack their brains for exams...

It is said that those who can come out now are considered good. Every time there are scientific examinations, some people will not be able to get out of the room, and they will be sent out by the guards.

In such a comparison, Jia Qing's image is too inconsistent.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Li Yan and the others, and throwing the package in their hands to Wang Shun, Jia Qing explained casually:

"I finished answering the questions last night, and fell asleep on the desk when I had nothing to do. When I came out just now, I washed my face while no one noticed."

"Where did Second Master wash his face?"

Li Yan was a little puzzled, why should people find out after washing his face.

Jia Qing looked around for a while, and then lowered his voice and said: "The Gongyuan is very stingy. Except for a bowl of drinking water for each meal, there is no extra water for use. When I came out, I happened to see a spring. I took two to wash my face..."

Li Yan was startled, hesitantly said: "But the holy spring that has been tributed for hundreds of years?"

Jia Qing seemed to be repenting too, and said reverently: "Probably~ yes." Then he boarded the carriage silently...

Leaving Li Yan looking at the back of his young master with a tangled expression, he hurriedly looked back at the Gongyuan, and then hurriedly drove the carriage back.

After returning to Ningguo Mansion, Jia Qing naturally took a thorough bath under the service of the maids, and then enjoyed a big meal.

During the period, You Shi, Qin Shi who recovered from illness, and Jia Rong all came to call.

The first two are easy to talk about, let’s just talk about Jia Rong.

When Jia Zhen was first imprisoned, he was worried about his future and fate.Later, I saw that although Jia Qing governed the government rigorously, he did not restrain him. Although he was not pleasant to him, he did not demand harsh reprimands.Even when he was running amok in his yard, Jia Qing ignored him...

In this way, the young and naive Jia Rong actually found that life was much more comfortable than when Jia Zhen was there, so she gradually let go of some original thoughts and started to enjoy herself in time.

You Shi wanted to ignore it at first, but when Jia Jingshang was in a coma, he actually got up in the yard to have a good time, it really shouldn't be!

But seeing Jia Qing's laissez-faire attitude, she was only a aunt in name, and her words didn't work, so she let it go.

Therefore, Jia Rong only cared about having fun in the mansion, and he was unwilling and unable to care about other affairs, but he became a rich idler through and through.

Of course, Jia Qing would not mind.

Even if you ask him to be a villain, he can't do Jia Rong's stuff!Therefore, he doesn't mind raising a waste in the mansion.

After taking a nap for an hour, and seeing Cui Liu and Jia Jing again, Jia Qing rode to Rongguo Mansion to meet Jia Zheng.

This is what Jia Zheng had ordered before, telling him to report to him immediately after the exam.Jia Zheng was very concerned about Jia Qing's career.

Riding a tall horse, wearing brocade clothes.The servants following behind were also well-dressed, walking on Ningrong Street, it was easy for people to see that it was the master of the Jia family who was traveling.

No, as soon as they passed Ningguo Mansion, the grandparents and grandchildren, the old and the young, walked up to them, seeing Jia Qing and his party, they couldn't hide, and quickly knelt on the ground, letting Jia Qing and others go first.

Originally, they were just dressed up by ordinary people, but when Jia Qing saw these two people, he was taken aback, and quickly realized who they were.

The famous Grandma Liu is also!

Jia Qing smiled when he saw it, but he didn't rein in his horse, so as not to scare them.If there is no accident, we will see these two people again in the future, but they are not busy now.

"You know those two people just now?"

Passing past grandma Liu, grandparents and grandchildren, Li Yan, who was leading the horse for Jia Qing, asked Jia Qing.

"Hehe, that's a very interesting person..."

As Jia Qing said, he got off his horse and entered the Rongguo Mansion through the corner gate.

Li Yan was left wondering behind, he really couldn't see anything special about that pair of grandparents and grandsons who were so ordinary that they looked like country folks.

After entering Mengpo Zhai, he discussed with Jia Zheng about the test questions and his general thinking on solving the problems, and without accident, he was affirmed by Jia Zheng.Then Jia Zheng also put forward several different suggestions to Jia Qing based on his academic experience, and told him to prepare for the next year's Chunwei Grand Competition, as if he was sure that Jia Qing would win the exam.

For Jia Zheng's enthusiasm, Jia Qing silently accepted and thanked him.Regarding his suggestions, although some people disagreed in their hearts, they did not show it on their faces, and they just nodded in response. This neither arrogant nor impetuous manner of speaking made Jia Zheng even more satisfied.

Instead, he completely forgot the little opinion he had about Jia Qing a few months ago!

If such a child can inherit the family business in the east, he must be a hundred times stronger than brother Zhen and his son!Although he can't manage the affairs of Ningguo Mansion, but the two mansions are close to each other, he naturally hopes that Ningguo Mansion will be better.

"By the way, Qing'er, do you think you can work around the matter of your big brother?"

After talking about Jia Qing's exam, when it's time, Jia Zheng said to Jia Qing.Seeing Jia Qing suddenly sinking into deep thought, Jia Zheng was afraid that Jia Qing might misunderstand, so he explained:

"The old lady is getting old, so she can't see that her children and grandchildren are not good. She has told me many times about this, and asked me to save him.

Although I also hate him for acting like a jerk, but after all, he is from our Jia family. I think as long as I can keep him alive, what do you think? "

Jia Zheng didn't lie, so he definitely didn't want to care about it!But he valued filial piety the most, and after Jia's mother repeatedly mentioned it, he also walked around.

It's just that Jia Zhen's conviction was too fast and too steady, leaving no room for maneuver.

Now that the imperial approval has come down, the final result is:

Autumn asks to cut!

He basically left all the connections in Rongguo Mansion, but everyone said that there was nothing he could do to help.

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