There is no gratuitous hatred, and the protagonist doesn't have a mocking face, who would be upset if he saw it...

In the future, Jia Qing's right to speak will suddenly become more important. Power leads to struggle, and interests determine conflicts.

There will be more people who oppose the protagonist.

Another: In ancient times, one night was divided into five shift days, which were from seven o'clock in the evening in modern times to five o'clock in the morning of the next day.A watch is an hour, two hours.For example, the third watch is from eleven o'clock to one o'clock in the morning;

Zichou Yinmao...waiting for twelve hours, followed by Zishi from eleven o'clock in the evening to one o'clock in the morning, which is two hours.An hour is divided into four quarters each at the beginning and the end, each quarter is 15 minutes.For example, Maozheng Erji is 06:30 in the morning.

The issue of time will not be explained in the future. I am afraid that some book friends will not understand, so I will explain it here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lixiangyuan is backed by a small mountain. Although the area is not large, there are only a dozen small and exquisite houses, but the scenery is beautiful and pleasant.

The Xue family brought many servants to Beijing, but most of them were sent to the Xue family's old house in Beijing, and only a dozen maids were brought into Jia's mansion.

Due to the wealth of the Xue family, the big and small furniture they brought with them when they came to Beijing took up three passenger ships.After going ashore yesterday, only a large carriage was used to pull it, and there were dozens of carts.

Most of them were transported to the old house for storage, but there were also about a dozen truckloads of things transported into Lixiangyuan.

Moving is a hassle.Fortunately, the big family moved, and there were many servants, so yesterday I was busy all afternoon and one night, and this morning I basically tidied it up.

Xue Pan left home to go out to have fun, Aunt Xue naturally made plans for his birthday, so he had half a day of leisure.

Aunt Xue was very happy to hear that all the sisters from the Jia family came to look for Xue Baochai, and greeted her warmly.Later, seeing that everyone couldn't let go of her company, she asked Xue Baochai to stay with her, and she went out to arrange food and drinks for them.

Originally, I planned to invite him, but it was delayed because of an accident in Ningguo Mansion.Now that these little ones have come here on their own initiative, there is no reason for Aunt Xue to be unscrupulous.

"My aunt is so nice!"

In Xue Baochai's room, after Aunt Xue went out, the sisters breathed a sigh of relief.Afterwards, Tanchun said to Xue Baochai.

"I originally wanted to invite you and the wives of the house to have a drink together, but I didn't go because I heard that something happened to your East Mansion last night. Now that you are here, my mother is naturally happy." Xue Baochai said.

Tanchun wondered, "Why do you invite us to drink?"

"Today is my brother's son."

Tanchun waited to understand.But Daiyu asked curiously: "But the cousin who fought with Brother Qing?"

Xue Baochai turned her head to look at Daiyu, and said calmly, "Indeed."

Daiyu nodded to show that she understood, then she thought of something and smiled.

Tanchun and Yingchun knew Daiyu's temperament, and they knew that she probably thought of something tricky again, but they must have something to do with Xue Baochai's brother, so it was hard to ask.

Xichundao didn't think too much, seeing Daiyu smiling happily, asked, "Sister Lin, what are you laughing at?"

Lin Daiyu looked at the silent Yingchun couple, and at Xue Baochai who was as immobile as a mountain, and felt even more amused.Stretching out his hand to touch Xichun's head, he said: "It's nothing..." Then he said: "When it comes to drinking, I can't do without my second elder brother. He obviously can't drink, but he likes to brag that he is huge, He also said that three bowls can't pass the hill, but every time he got drunk and was supported by someone to go back to the house... Unfortunately, he can't come today."

Xue Baochai heard last night that something big happened in the Ningguo Mansion, but she was not very clear about the reason, and she was a little curious, so she said, "Oh, I don't know what happened in your East Mansion, even our here I heard the wind, but it’s not specific. Do the younger sisters know?”

Daiyu said: "Of course, we went there last night."

She only said that she knew, but she didn't say the following words for a long time.Xue Baochai didn't ask any further questions, but just listened silently.

In fact, Daiyu didn't deliberately make things difficult for others.She said that she knew that she just wanted to show it, and then she was about to say something specific, but she didn't know where to start.Speaking of which, what happened last night still had too much impact on them.

After a while, Tanchun still said: "In the east of our mansion, Brother Qing's father, Uncle Jing, who is also the patriarch of our Jia family, was poisoned and almost killed."

If it was a different place, or if there were other outsiders around, Tanchun would not tell these family secrets to the outside world.But the Xue family is the Jia family's close friends, and she also likes Xue Baochai's personality, so she confessed frankly.

"Can we find out who poisoned it?" Xue Baochai said.

Tanchun hesitated and said, "It's a maidservant in the grandma's house on the east side. As for who ordered her..."

"She said she was instructed by her elder brother and sister-in-law."

Tanchun was still thinking about what to say, but Xichun who was sitting beside her finished the rest of the sentence for her.

Tanchun did not blame Xichun, but apologized to Xue Baochai: "We were driven back by the old lady later, so we are not very clear about what happened next."

Xue Baochai listened and pondered.

When everyone saw it, they were silent.

After a long time, Daiyu was the first to be impatient with the silence, she got up silently, walked to the bonsai under the window, caressed the flowers and leaves on it, and said softly:

"From ancient times to the present, many rich and powerful families have been burdened by power and interests. The clansmen have calculated each other. Although the surface is still peaceful, there is intrigue inside. Thinking about it this way, what does it mean?"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Chun immediately continued: "Why not!

Common people's homes, although thatched huts, simple tea and light food.But the family is big and harmonious, and there are no such calculations in it, and they are happy and happy with each other. After all, they are better than us! "

Xue Baochai laughed and said, "Hearing what you say, it seems like everyone is suffering from wealth. Thank you for daring to say it, if the adults know what we say, I'm afraid everyone will be punished!

But now it's just us sisters, so it's okay to talk about it.

The third younger sister said just now that a commoner's home is a place of peace and happiness, a place of warmth, so it was a big mistake!

As everyone knows, a wealthy family has its own difficulties, but a common people's family doesn't have any difficulties?As long as there are difficulties, naturally there must be calculations!

It’s just that the small ones they calculated were oil, salt and rice sauce, one brick and one tile, and the size was no more than two cents of fertile land and three houses.I envy the rich and honored family all day long, thinking that I will not worry about such things and live a happy life. If I can get rich and honor, I will naturally be humble and respectful.However, once Tianyuan happened to get a windfall, he immediately forgot what he had thought, and instead became more greedy and philistine, wanting to get more money.

When it's time for riches and honors to pass on, I will lament the benefits of being poor and humble again. However, if you want him to go back to the countryside and go back to the previous situation, he is absolutely unwilling!

In this way, we can know that all people in the world yearn for wealth and detest poverty and lowliness.Therefore, it can be seen that what the two of you said earlier was just an exclamation for no reason. "

Daiyu and her blushed a little at Xue Baochai's honest words.They are all girls who grew up in rich and prosperous villages. They are sentimental, and it is just sentimental to hurt the spring and autumn.Whether it is better to be rich or poor, they know it in their hearts.

Speaking of it, although Daiyu and Tanchun are not superficial people who dislike the poor and love the rich, they are also orthodox ladies of the big family, and they both have a relatively strong sense of class pride!

Tanchun needless to say.For example, Daiyu also considers herself a lady official.Although she regards the loyal Zijuan as her sister, it is also because of the affection of taking care of her since she was a child, plus her pure heart... From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't think that a maid can be compared with her, so she doesn't care much The existence of Xiren (who had an affair with Baoyu).When Xiangyun joked that Ling Guan (actor) looked like her, he pulled his face down on the spot...

Therefore, her comparison targets have always been Xue Baochai and Shi Xiangyun, who are of equal status to her!

How old is Xue Baochai? What she said was sincere, and it also meant that her sister was teaching her younger sister. Daiyu and Tanchun were convinced, so they stopped this topic.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master, Second Master Lian is here."

In Mengpo Zhai, Jia Zheng was discussing scriptures and Taoism with some Qing guests. Suddenly, when someone came to report, Jia Zheng hurriedly said, "Tell him to come in."

Then he said to the few people in the study: "My family is facing a troubled time, why don't you stay and have a look with me?"

Several people naturally agreed.When Jia Lian came in, after seeing the ceremony, Jia Zheng said, "How's the inquiry going?"

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