In the morning, although the two of them didn't understand why the second master asked them to inquire about the West Mansion, they did so after they went down. They happened to inquire about a piece of news, and hurried back and forth, wanting to verify whether it was such a news, so as not to Do useless work in the future.

"Then hurry up and say it!"

"I heard from Zhang Youcai, who guards the Xijiao Gate in the west, that the aunt who married into Yangzhou's Yangzhou censor Lin's family died, and the political master sent Lai Da to Yangzhou to help with the funeral. I heard that a cousin will be brought to Beijing. .Oh, by the way, Lai Da is the manager of the west side. He is a brother of the manager Lai in the house."

Of course Jia Qing knew who Lai Da was, but now he didn't care at all.His mind was full of sister Lin's tears hanging on the verge of weeping, so he couldn't think about anything else until Wang Shun woke him up.

After regaining his senses, Jia Qing said to Wang Shun: "Your news is not bad. The second master will remember the merits for you first, and you will be rewarded later. Now you go down first and work hard. A great day is waiting for you!"

Yes, big days await.

After bidding farewell to Wang Shun, Jia Qing turned back to the back house.He has been in a good mood these past few days, and it is calculated that sister Lin will arrive in Beijing in about two or three months, so he can't help feeling even better.

Suddenly, Jia Qing thought again: It's a pity that I still can't enter the upper level of Rongguo Mansion, and I can't see the part where Sister Lin enters Jia's Mansion.Even if he managed to get in, being a green leaf as Jia Baoyu's foil is really not his style, and it's still a little sad to think about it.

Forget it, make plans when the time comes, see the best, and forget it if you don't.Thinking this way, I finally threw away the only bit of unhappiness.

No.17 The young master has no intention of causing idleness

After Liu's birthday banquet, the middle and upper class of Beijing once again saw the members of the Liu family.

Originally, many people thought that after Liu Yong stepped down from the position of chief assistant, although the current emperor promoted his eldest son to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites in order to reward Liu Yong, everyone thought it was a flashback. understand.

Unexpectedly, the current two generations of emperors still miss the Liu family.All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty are envious of doing this for being a courtier.Along with the envy of the Liu family, many people are also lamenting that the two saints today are unparalleled in their benevolence, they treat heroes generously, and they all sing praises for them.

Perhaps, this is also expected by the saint...

None of this has anything to do with Jia Qing. What has to do with him is that with the passage of time, the name of his poems has also spread within a certain range in the middle and upper classes of Beijing.The song "Lotus" was also included by some famous artists who love this way.

Jia Zheng is not considered a famous scholar, but he also likes this way.

A few days ago, I heard that Brother Qing from the East Mansion wrote a good poem in the Liu Mansion, which was appreciated by Mr. Liu.It was his own child again, of course he was curious, so he ordered someone to inquire about the original text of the poem.

At this time, he was sitting in his study, holding a piece of paper in his hand, on which was the song 'Lotus' composed by Jia Qing.

"A gloomy cloud and a little glow

very lotus leaf five cents

No need to close the door to sleep by the lake

Every night is cool and fragrant

Well, it really is a good poem! "

He read it softly, and it was also about flowers, but Baoyu's writing was full of rhetoric and rich words, which made him angry.But this song gave him a fresh and indifferent feeling. Hearing that Brother Qing was younger than his Baoyu, he couldn't help being more satisfied.

Just at this time, several of his Qing customers also came to his study, and he handed them the poems in his hand for them to circulate.He drank tea himself.

After a while, one of his Qing customers named Shan Pinren first asked: "Is this signed Jia Qing a child of the old man?"

Jia Zheng nodded.

"My lord's mansion is worthy of being a family of Zhongming Dingshi, and all the disciples in the family are dragons. This poem has a lofty intention, and it has an extraordinary and refined meaning. It is really a rare and good poem."

Others also joined in.

Another gentleman named Zhan Guang also complimented: "Master, there is such a great talent now, it seems that it is not far from the day when the glory of Rongning and Duke Ning was restored. Congratulations, master, congratulations, master."

Jia Zheng was in a good mood to be flattered by this round of flattery, and said modestly: "Where is it? ..”

Zhan Guang asked, "How old is this brother?"

"Seven or eight years old"

Although it was just to flatter and find evidence, Zhan Guang was still shocked by such a young age, and he didn't know how to word it.

It was the single hire who came to his senses first and asked, "Which house is your son from?"

"It's the little son of our East Mansion who respects the old man. He wrote this poem at Liu Yong's boss Liu's birthday banquet a few days ago."

"Oh, it turned out to be the son of Master Jing, no wonder there are such poetic talents! Your family is really blessed and well-educated, and there is a son of the master, Baoyu Zhuyu, who was born with jade in front of him, and has a brilliant literary talent; Young and immature, gifted with poetic talent, it can be seen that most of the blessings in the world have been lost to your family..."

"Sir, please don't say that. How can my Jia family be able to stand up! Besides, it's true that Brother Qing is talented in poetry, and my precious jade is useless. Mr. Zheng still praises him like this, Zheng is really ashamed to say it."

Zhan Guang saw that Jia Zheng really hated Baoyu, so he changed the subject decisively: "I don't know if I will have the chance to meet this brother Qing Shi?"

"He's at the house, and I'll bring him over to see you when I have a chance." In his tone, he seemed to agree with the tone of a direct elder. In fact, we Jia Qing really don't know him well!

The conversation in Jia Zheng's study continued peacefully...


Send away the golden May and cross the scorching June.

July Flowing Fire

The weather is getting cooler!

Jia Qing has spent more than a month of his "University" career under the scorching sun.

In the morning, it was not yet bright.

"Second Master, Second Master..."

In the Qingju, Jia Qingzao was dreaming soundly, and beside his bed, a handsome maid was calling softly.

Qingju is the name Jia Qing gave his bedroom. He originally wanted to call it a brothel, but in order to avoid being too ostentatious, he changed it to Qingju.

In addition, he also named the courtyard where he lived in Yipintang.When Peifeng asked him why he called it 'Yipintang', how did he explain it? Once he explained it, he had to talk about Tianlong Babu and Jin Yong together. When it came to the year of the monkey, he just said perfunctorily: He will be a first-rank official in the future!

"Well, let me sleep again~"

"Second Master, it's time to wake up, the master is going to check his homework today! Oops~"

Hearing that Jia Jing was going to check his homework, Jia Qing's drowsiness subsided a little.But he didn't give in so easily, taking advantage of Xie Luan's bending to pull his hand, he made the beauty throw herself on the bed with a little ingenuity, and then wrapped the quilt, most of the beauty got into the bed.

"Second Master, stop making trouble...!"


Xie Luan's voice stopped abruptly because she was attacked by someone.

After kissing Xie Luan smoothly, Jia Qing climbed out of the bed refreshed, and said to Xie Luan who was still lying on the bed: "Sister Xiao Luan, quickly dress me, I'm going to be late!" The voice was urgent.

Xie Luan was so good-natured that he was almost irritated, so he gave Jia Qing a cheeky look, got up and picked up the clothes at the side, and put them on for Jia Qing.

Looking at Xie Luan's red cheeks, Jia Qing said desperately, "Sister Xiao Luan, why is your face so fragrant?"

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