The three of them passed through the Neiyi Gate together, and stopped when they reached the courtyard where Jia Qing lived!Li Yan and Li Yan were afraid that some unconscious people would bump into Jia Qing, so they followed directly to the side courtyard.

Afterwards, Jia Qing turned back to Wang Shun and said, "When you go to see Manager Lai later, just say that I said it. Liu San can only be watched by our people. Before I open my mouth, I can't let the people in the old house see him. Jincai doesn’t work either.”

Seeing Wang Shun nodding obediently, Jia Qing said to Li Yan again: "It's okay if it's late today, and tomorrow morning, you and Wang Shun will go to the side courtyards, side courtyards, wing rooms and adjacent courtyards of the main hall to have a closer look. , to see if there are traces of people who have lived there recently."

Jia Qing combined the fact that most of the houses where the owner doesn't live for a long time will be rented out by people who are in charge of the house, speculating that this might also be the case in Ningguo Mansion!

Li Yan and Li Yan understood what Jia Qing meant, and after saying "yes", they watched Jia invite him into the house before returning the same way.

Early the next morning, Lai Sheng packed his chariots and horses and sent someone to invite Jia Qing to go out.

Jia Qing, as a direct descendant of the Ningguo Mansion, arrived in Nanjing, and other families can be avoided, but the Xue family and the No. [-] Zhen family in the south of the Yangtze River must visit!

As for other sects, either the main family moved elsewhere, such as the Wang family and the Shi family.Either the door is not enough or the friendship is mediocre, Jia Qing does not need to visit.

As soon as Jia Qing walked out of the main entrance, Jin Cai hurriedly greeted him accompanied by several servants from the mansion, bowed down and said: "I have something to report to the second master, Liu San..."

"Let's talk about it when I come back!"

Jia Qing stopped him from speaking with his eyes, and after saying a word, he passed Jin Cai and the others, and got into the carriage under the guidance of Lai Sheng.


Jia Qing and his party first went to Xue's house on Leye Street to post a greeting card. They were told that the head of the family was out on business and there were only family members at home, so it was not suitable to receive them. Please come back another day.

So Jia Qing was happy and relaxed. He was still thinking about what to say if he met Xue Pan later, but now he just saved trouble.Then he turned and went to Zhen's house.

Little did he know that just as he left, another interesting scene happened in the inner house of the Zhen family behind him.

In the main courtyard of the Xue family, in the back hall, the current mistress of the Xue family is talking with her daughter, who changed her baby name to Baochai.

"Some time ago, I heard from your aunt's letter about this youngest son of your uncle Jing Shibo in Ningguo Mansion. He was precocious in his childhood, a young hero, talented in poetry, music, prose and reading. He is the fourth generation of the Jia family. Some young heroes.

Although I haven't seen it today, judging from his earnest and decent words and handsome handwriting, your aunt's words are indeed true.

In addition to his young age, when he came to Nanjing to participate in the literary conference, he still did not forget to visit our houses, which shows that he is still a sensible man! "

Mistress Xue praised her daughter who was holding a greeting card opposite her.

Xue Baochai, who read the post for a while, nodded in agreement, and said: "Mom is right, this cousin's handwriting is really good, better than the brothers and sisters in our clan..."

"What are you talking about? So lively?"

Just at this time Xue Pan also came to ask his mother to resign and go out to play symbolically. When he heard the discussion between his mother and sister outside the door, he asked aloud.

Madam Xue's mother was still smiling, but when she saw Xue Pan, she put away her smile and said with fake anger, "Where are you going to go wild? You just caused an accident on the street yesterday." , I suffered a loss, you still have to go today?

You still have the face to ask us what to say!We are talking about a child from your aunt's family. Speaking of it, he is a little younger than you, but he not only reads well, but also is polite and sensible in action, which is deeply loved by the elders of your aunt's family!

It's not like you, you know how to play crazy all day long, and sooner or later I'll make you pissed off! "

Chapter 100 The Beauty of Grand View Garden and Zhen Garden

Hearing what his mother said about himself, Xue Pan was dissatisfied and said: "No matter how good a child is from another family, it belongs to someone else's family, and I am your own son! Besides, I am not as miserable as you said...

Wait, mom, what did you just say?Aunt's?Is your surname Jia?Where does he live now? "

Mother Xue said unhappily: "Of course your aunt's child is named Jia! As for where he lives, I don't know. But their family also has a house in Nanjing, presumably they live in their old house!"

"It really is him, this bastard! By the way, why are you talking about him?"

Xue's mother scolded: "Nie Zhan, what nonsense are you talking about! How did Brother Qing offend you, is it worth your scolding him like this?

I came to visit your father today with the affection of a relative. If your father is not here, it’s fine if we don’t receive him. Now you’re swearing at him so casually that you’ll let the Xue family’s face spread out. Lost it all! "

Not only did Xue Pan not repent when he heard this, but he stood up as soon as he patted the young couple, and said angrily, "Okay! He dares to come to the door to see if I don't go out and break his dog's legs!"

Said to go out.

Xue Baochai, who was still on the side, saw that her mother's face turned pale with anger, so she hurried forward to comfort her, and then turned her head to call Xue Pan:

"Brother, save yourself some worry! Look at how angry Mom is with you. If you have anything to say, you might as well explain it clearly, so that Mom won't worry about you!"

Xue Pan, who was about to step out of the room, turned his head and saw that his mother was really angry, so he turned around and came back, squatting in front of Xue's mother, and said in what he thought was the most obedient voice: " Mom, don't be angry, listen to me first...

Do you know why I heard him so angry?Hmph, it is the young master of the Jia family that everyone praises in your mouth, who beat your son and me like that yesterday in front of people all over the street!

Now he came to visit in a hypocritical manner, who knows what kind of evil intentions he has installed! "

Last night, Wu Li and the others came back and told him: Jia Qing and his party live in the Ningguo Mansion on Ningrong Street, which has been vacant for many years. They inquired carefully, and only then did they know something about Jia Qing.

When Xue Pan heard that the person who beat him turned out to be a child of the Jia family who had a close relationship with his family, he immediately breathed depression in his chest and couldn't let it out.

He thought that the injury on his face would be better today, and if he took a few people out to get some air, he couldn't bear the feeling of being depressed at home.

As for the enmity with Jia Qing, he hasn't figured out how to avenge it yet, so he simply saves it for later...

Unexpectedly, Jia Qing ran to his house so early in the morning to see his father!How can Xue Pan's simple magnanimity contain the anger that he is about to rush to the top of the sky?

If he didn't know a little bit about filial piety, he was really going to take his family out to beat people just now.

Xue's mother and daughter felt a little unbelievable when they heard Xue Pan's words. Xue's mother said: "You mean that the person who beat you yesterday was Brother Qing?"

Xue Pan nodded vigorously, with resentful hatred on his face.

Seeing that Mother Xue's complexion was really ugly, she asked again: "Did he know your identity yesterday?"

"That's impossible. I never rely on the Xue family's power to do things outside. He doesn't know my identity!"

Xue Pan really didn't know that Jia Qing had already guessed his identity a long time ago. He still felt a little regretful last night. If he had revealed his identity earlier, maybe those two pretty maids would belong to him. I got this mouthful.

Although Xue's mother didn't believe her son's previous words at all, she looked much better after hearing the words!

If Jia Qing really knew that Xue Pan was his cousin, the young master of the Xue family who was in the same spirit as the Jia family, and still made such a heavy hand, she would have to look at the young prodigy in her sister's mouth again.

It's just that no matter how naughty Xue Pan is, he is his own son after all, so it's hard to praise Jia Qing at this time.It's hard to say what's wrong with Jia Qing, the main reason is that he can't get over the hurdle in his heart.I simply skipped this point, and said to Xue Pan: "Where do you want to go to play today? Your father is going back to the house soon, I will explain it to you first, this time you will let your father hold you Wrong, don't expect me to save you!"

Xue Pan, who originally planned to coax his mother to go out, to see if he could catch up with Jia Qing, heard that Father Xue was coming back, and suddenly got a shock in his heart, and automatically canceled this idea.

After saying goodbye to his mother and sister respectfully, he turned and went back to his yard.He's going to do some homework...

What Xue Pan didn't know was that when his father came back this time, he might not have the energy to deal with him again, and he might not even have this opportunity in the future.

Before long, he will officially start his "slutty" life...


To the west and north of Nanjing City, close to the original imperial city, there is a Qinglong Mountain, which is said to be the name bestowed by the current Supreme Emperor.

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