He had already changed into an eunuch's costume, and walked forward with his head down.I hope to sneak into the cabin, which may be possible in normal times, but today, their leader Zhang Yu once again emphasized that no matter who enters the cabin, they must be strictly checked.

These Yulin soldiers who grew up with Zhang Yu certainly knew the seriousness of the problem, and they were not relaxed at all in the inspection.See a strange eunuch walking towards them.

"Stop, why is it so strange? Where is it?" asked a royal guard named Wang Sheng.

But the answer he got was a flying kick, kicking him in the head in a daze.If it hits the custodian and his brain bursts, he will be killed on the spot.Fortunately, these imperial guards had been taught by Dong Liang's precepts and deeds since childhood, and their skills were unambiguous.

While retreating quickly, he did not forget to shout: "There are assassins, protect the emperor."

Wang Feng's kick was actually just a false move, and then he rushed to Wang Sheng with two consecutive strides, and threw Wang Sheng into the crowd.The Imperial Forest Army in the back had just raised their rifles, and before they had time to aim, they saw Wang Sheng flying over.

There was a lively fight outside the cabin, and the queen Jingfen inside also became nervous.Gently pushed Guan Xuqing awake and said: "Your Majesty, listening to the guards shouting at the gate, it seems that there are assassins outside."

"Oh? Assassin? Ah, Crazy Wang is really capable. Hahaha!" Guan Xuqing walked straight to the door without explaining.

But Jingfen, who didn't know it, grabbed her tightly, "Your Majesty, please take care of the dragon's body. You can't put yourself in danger."

"It's not an assassin, it's a fight between me and Wang Feng. Don't worry, the queen!" Guan Xuqing said earnestly.

Just when Guan Xuqing wanted to go out to check the situation, the door of the cabin was already opened.After seeing Guan Xuqing, a man dressed as a eunuch knelt down on the ground: "My lord, Wang Feng kowtows to the emperor. Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Stay flat." Guan Xuqing looked at Wang Feng with a smile on his face.

At the same time, there were footsteps outside the door, and Zhang Yu searched the steam room for a long time but couldn't find even half a person.It alarmed the sailors on the ship, and after asking, they found out that there was another secret door here.Only then did he realize that he had fallen into Wang Feng's trick, and was already half a step behind when he led the people back in a hurry.

Zhang Yu looked at the dozen or so people lying on the ground in a mess in the corridor, and it was useless to curse in his heart.Seeing Wang Feng kneeling in front of the emperor, he quickly followed suit without saying anything.

"Get up, don't kneel down. Zhang Yu, all the people assigned to you by Doctor Xuan go and see, this lunatic Wang doesn't attack lightly, don't get hurt!" Guan Xuqing said with concern.

"Cha." Zhang Yu got up and backed away.

"Your Majesty, I have fulfilled my mission. I finally entered your cabin on the day you left Germany. It must have been four hours since you left Germany." Wang Feng said proudly.

Guan Xuqing said with a smile: "I keep my promise. After returning to China, I will let you go to all the troops in the country to choose the players you need. You will be given one year to train, and you will use what you have learned in Germany for the past three years in one year." Teach it all to your team members. After a year, I need every member of the Special Forces to perform like you do today."


Competing in East Asia Chapter 1 Qing Special Forces

The fleet of the Qing Dynasty slowly docked in Dagu Port, Tianjin.Still in the bright yellow military uniform, Guan Xuqing stepped off the warship vigorously, and boarded the train back to Beijing under the strict protection of the local army.

The unprecedented emperor's visit to Germany this time caused a great deal of domestic and international public opinion.Although the three-nation military alliance among China, Germany, and Russia that Britain, France, and Japan were worried about was not reached, the relationship between China and Germany has become closer.It can even be said that China and Germany have been firmly tied together.

In order to meet the large number of orders from the Qing Dynasty, Germany more than doubled its factories and purchased a large amount of raw materials.If the Qing Dynasty breaks the contract, Germany's losses will be unlimited.And this is nothing to Guan Xuqing. If you don't buy it from Germany, you can still buy it from the United States.

Therefore, William II was very nervous about Guan Xuqing's leaving without saying goodbye, thinking that it was because of Russia's opposition that the failure to reach a military alliance among the three countries made the young Chinese emperor return to the Forbidden City ahead of schedule.

Before Guan Xuqing stepped into the palace gate, he had already received the news that the German ambassador to Beijing handed over a sign to see him.The corners of Guan Xuqing's mouth rose slightly, and he smiled and said to Wang Feng beside him, "Did you know the customs and habits of the Germans in the past three years in Germany?"

Wang Feng scratched his head, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Your Majesty, you know, I am a rough person. I have been to Germany for three years, and I can't even speak a word of German, let alone talk about customs. Anyway, those The yellow-haired foreigners all look alike, with green eyes like cats, and what they are talking about is bird language. I don’t know.”

"Hahaha, you can't even speak German, how did you lead the special forces to win the No.1 competition?" Guan Xuqing asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty doesn't know. We communicate with the German special forces using hand gestures. We learned this in school, and we have Qing translators." Wang Feng said proudly.

Guan Xuqing nodded with a smile, and suddenly asked: "You are straight-hearted, very similar to the Germans, you say everything, and you put everything on your face, which I like very much. Look, let's leave without saying goodbye, The Germans are in a hurry. I have not yet entered the palace, and they have handed me the signs asking for an audience."

"Ah? The emperor can leave whenever he wants, and he still needs their consent? It's against them." Wang Feng yelled loudly.

Guan Xuqing looked at Wang Feng and shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about the Germans. I will stay in Beijing for a day today, and I will have dinner with me in the evening. I will send an order to inform the whole country's army tomorrow morning. You go to select special forces members, and those who are selected will immediately leave the original unit and it will be under your control."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I still want to choose from Liu Junmen's army. We have feelings for the old army. And there are several of my former subordinates there who are very suitable."

"It's up to you. In short, what I want is a warrior who can pull out his teeth. How many people do you need in your special forces?" Guan Xuqing asked.

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng replied: "200 people are enough, and it's not easy to deal with too many people."

Guan Xuqing nodded and said, "Well, come one by one. First select a few players with good conditions and promote them, and then gradually expand them in the future. In addition, I have found a natural training base for you."

Wang Feng widened his eyes and asked, "Where is it?"

"In the woods of Burma." Guan Xuqing replied.

Wang Feng suddenly laughed excitedly, "Hahaha, that's great, Your Majesty. It's suitable for field survival training. You can't find such a good training place in Germany. But there are too many poisonous insects there, and I don't know much about it." Familiar. I'm afraid..."

Guan Xuqing originally thought that Wang Feng asked himself why he said it was a natural training base in doubt, but he didn't expect him to tell the truth.It seems that this kid really learned some real talents in Germany, and he replied: "Don't worry about this, I asked Feng Zicai to find a few local Burmese to serve as your guides, and also assigned you an imperial physician to accompany the army."

Wang Feng was so excited that he couldn't utter a word. He knelt down in front of Guan Xuqing with a "plop", and kowtowed his head: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will definitely train a special force of the Qing Dynasty, and it will definitely not be much worse than the German one. .”

"It must be better than Germany's!" Guan Xuqing said firmly.

Wang Feng raised his head in horror, and seeing the majestic and stern eyes, he felt as if there was an invisible sense of oppression. He couldn't breathe, and quickly replied: "Zha. It must be better than the German ones."

After spending more than an hour on the train, Guan Xuqing finally returned to the Forbidden City where he had been away for more than two months.Before entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Wang Shang followed in and said, "Your Majesty, the German envoy has handed over the sign again."

Guan Xuqing smiled and said, "Hehe, let him wait in Qianqing Palace. I will go see him later."


Guan Xuqing stretched on the kang head and closed his eyes.On the one hand, it is indeed exhausting, on the other hand, making the Germans anxious is also a very beneficial thing for the Qing Dynasty.

Don't think that the Qing Dynasty is still the lamb that was slaughtered 20 years ago. Now the emperor of the Qing Dynasty has the same status as your German emperor.What's more, my Qing Dynasty is still the largest customer in Germany.Regardless of the rapid development of German industry, there is a scene of prosperity.But once you lose the customer of Qing Dynasty, you will immediately set your industry back by 5 years.

Therefore, through Russia's exclusion of the Qing Dynasty this time.Guan Xuqing was not dissatisfied with Russia, but showed his face to the Germans.This made the Germans confused, and they were eager to understand the inner thoughts of the Chinese emperor.

And Guan Xuqing knew best in his heart that of course the Russians would not agree to sign any more military alliances with him.Eat a fall and gain a wisdom!But the unsteady position shown by Germany is the biggest reason for Guan Xuqing's annoyance.

The relationship between Germany and France is the same as the relationship between Qing Dynasty and Britain.It has become a fire and water situation, and it is impossible to reconcile it.Therefore, Germany eagerly hopes to form a military alliance with Russia, which borders on the east, so that more energy can be devoted to dealing with France on the western front.

Because Britain and France wear a pair of trousers, and because Russia borders China.Only Germany would think of bringing China into this military alliance.After all, the military power shown in the previous wars between China and Britain and France should not be underestimated.Most importantly, China is in the same boat as Britain and France.The Triple Alliance, which was thought to be achievable, fell through because of Russia's fierce opposition, which made Russia and China dissatisfied with themselves.

William II did not want to offend Russia or China.So he swayed from side to side in Berlin, and his position was not firm.

This led to Guan Xuqing's early departure from Germany.After William II knew about it, he immediately asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to notify the minister in China to meet with Guan Xuqing to understand the situation of the trip to Germany, and tactfully asked for his opinion on the Triple Alliance.

How could these escape the eyes of a man from the 21st century?However, Guan Xuqing still wanted to keep the Germans aside.Let them live in fear for a few days, let them think about what it means to them to lose a friend like Daqing.

If Germany were to choose between China and Russia, Guan Xuqing would bet that Germany would definitely choose Qing Dynasty.From ancient times to the present, the policy of foreign policy has been to make friends far away and attack near.

Germany borders Russia, and no matter how many alliance agreements signed, it will be just a piece of waste paper in the end.Because it is impossible for you not to deploy defensive forces on the border between the two countries just because you signed the alliance agreement?

Thinking about it, Guan Xuqing has fallen asleep...

Competing in East Asia Chapter 1 Military System Reform

It was already evening when Guan Xuqing woke up, watching the golden light shine into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.I sighed for a while, the sunset is infinitely good, but it is almost dusk.It is most appropriate to use this as a metaphor for the empire on which the sun never sets, which has gone downhill.

Suddenly thinking that the German envoy was still waiting for him in the Qianqing Palace, he patted himself on the head with a smile.This must have made the Germans anxious.

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