Looking at Andra and the others, Adier didn't go up to say hello, but looked around.

There was a flat land in front of him, and the lights of the torches around him were shining. A few elf wizards stood aside, watching Andra and the others closely.

It seemed that they had received the news a long time ago. After seeing Adier coming, those elf wizards saluted respectfully, and then slowly retreated to one side, leaving a certain amount of privacy for Adier and the others.

And at this time, Andra and the others found Adier walking from a distance.

"Master Adier, you are back!"

The moment they saw Adil, Andra and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of their original anxiety.

"What did those people do to you?"

On the side, Curtis looked at Adier nervously, as if a little scared.

After Adil was taken away by Curraldo, representatives sent by many wizard families in the same place were talking about it.

The birth of a pure blood moon elf is destined to be a major event that shocked the entire elf clan, and even the Meissen region.

This is a terrifying creature that can rival a fourth-level wizard in adulthood. At present, the strongest person on the surface of the entire Meissen area is only a second-level wizard.This also means that if Adier becomes an adult in the future, the entire Meissen region will surrender under his power, without any leeway.

Especially among the elves, the blood of the moon elves is even known as the king of the moon elves. It is the real blood of the king, and its symbolic meaning is extremely strong.

The blood of the Pure Blood Moon Elf is undoubtedly a treasure. If it can be extracted and used for transformation experiments, the value is absolutely unimaginable.

Standing among a group of elven nobles, listening to those elven nobles discussing all kinds of possibilities, Curtis' original excitement gradually sank, and he began to become uneasy, until seeing Adier walk out safely.


In front of him, seeing his biological mother's worried appearance, Adier just shook his head calmly, and then said again: "Let's go."

"Let's go?" Andra was taken aback: "Go back to Morrowind City?"

"No, just stay here."

Adier shook his head: "In the next period of time, there are still many things to do."

He turned to look in a certain direction in the distance, and said in a flat tone.


A few days later, with the cooperation of the Elf Royal Court, a message spread almost throughout the Silver Mist Forest.

During the blood test, a pure-blood moon elf named Adil appeared, and under the witness of countless nobles, he pulled out the Moon King's sword with his own hands.

As soon as the news spread, it caused a great disturbance in an instant.

All the elves and nobles were ready to move, and when they got the news, there were turmoil inside.

It's just that before they discussed how to deal with it, another news came from Wang Ting's powerful summoning witch array.

The high priest of the elves, Curaldo, who had not appeared for many years, reappeared. He not only suppressed an assassination of underground creatures in the blood test, but also accepted the pure blood moon elves who appeared this time as students, and invited all the nobles to come together participate.

So, no matter what year they held in their hearts, all the elf nobles set off one after another, and once again sent people to go to the elf king.


In front of the bustling city palace, a grand banquet is going on.

At the banquet, elves in gorgeous costumes walked around, laughing from time to time.

The hall is luxuriously dressed, surrounded by charming aromas, and beautiful gemstones are dotted around.

And on the empty stage in the center of the hall, the elf dancers carefully trained by Wang Ting have different shapes, and they are dancing there at this time. The beautiful dance posture makes many people around look intoxicated.

The hall in front of me is very large and has many seats. There are at least hundreds of people sitting around it. Everyone is a nobleman with extraordinary background, representing a certain elf family with a long history.

Outside the hall, more nobles were sitting outside. Although there were also food and dancers, looking at the nobles sitting in the hall, there was still envy in their eyes.

On the present occasion, those who can sit in the hall are all very powerful. There are either administrators in the family, or there are official wizards in charge.

And those sitting outside the hall, although they are also nobles, are basically small and medium nobles, and many of them didn't even receive invitations at all, but came here on their own initiative.

Adela and the others were sitting outside at this time.

Although the Auris family can be regarded as a middle-class nobleman, they are not qualified for the occasion at hand.Therefore, in the whole family, only Curtis and Latina entered through Adil's relationship. As for Andra, Lilith and others, they could only sit outside.

However, even though they were outside the hall, they were not idle. At this time, they were pulling Adier's big skin to get in touch with other people, and they also received the flattery of many people. They took the opportunity to reach cooperation intentions with many families. .

"Come! Come!" Several voices sounded around.

A burst of abnormal noise came from a distance, and then a burst of low-pitched music came from a distance.

Under the eyes of everyone, several elf dancers walked forward, followed by several elf singers carrying organ.

They sang euphemistic and moving low-pitched songs in Elvish language, and with the help of spells, their voices spread throughout the surroundings so that everyone could hear them.

Against this background, in the rear, a group of people surrounded several figures and walked forward.

Adier was dressed in a white robe, his long light silver hair was combed carefully, his handsome and delicate face looked calm, and there was a bright light in his light silver eyes.

On his body, the majesty of the blood that belonged to the ancient moon elves leaked a little, immediately making the atmosphere a little more depressing, adding a majesty to him out of thin air.

And beside Adil, an elf girl stood side by side with him, wearing a solemn moonlight sacrificial robe, with a strong heroic spirit on her beautiful appearance, and a resolute and courageous temperament emerged between her brows.

"Princess Edith?"

On the side, a nobleman recognized the identity of the girl next to Adier, and was a little curious: "Why is she here?"

"Can't you see that?"

On the side, other nobles sneered: "Who is not tempted by the blood of the ancient moon elves?"

"Princess Edith, as the daughter of King Cast, seems to be unmarried yet."

Bursts of low-pitched discussions passed around, although the voice was very low, it was still clearly heard by Adier.

Looking at Edith from the corner of her eyes, the other party's face was a little red at this time, and she seemed to have also heard the discussions of the people around her.

Shaking his head, he didn't pay attention to these details. Under the leadership of the dancer in front of him, Adier walked forward.

After a while, when he reached the hall, he saw two figures sitting upright in front of him.

That was King Kas, the ruler of the generation of the elf court, and Curaldo, the high priest of the elves.

At this time, they were sitting on the upper seat, looking at Adier and Edith who looked very well-matched coming from the outside, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and then nodded to each other.

The music was still playing everywhere, but by this time, the tone had already changed.

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