"Come on, try ordering it to come here."

Since the metal disc on the strap is connected to Qiao Li's nerves, Qiao Li only needs one thought to send a signal through the metal disc.

After receiving the signal, the metal box began to change astonishingly.

A pair of bionic mechanical wings protruded from both sides of the box. At the same time, the top of the box turned out in the shape of a bird's head, followed by a pair of metal claws, and finally various body details.

In just a few seconds, the metal box transformed into a giant mechanical eagle and appeared on the table. The feathers made of metal were lifelike, and of course, it could really fly.

The mechanical eagle flew into the air, and then landed firmly on Qiao Li's shoulders. The moment the metal claws grabbed his shoulders, it transformed into a power armor that perfectly covered Qiao Li's body.

A portable power armor that can be summoned remotely, which is far beyond Qiao Lv's expectations.

"how did you do it?"

Under Qiao Li's control, the power armor transformed into a mechanical eagle and landed on his arm.

With three forms of deformed body, the technical difficulty is not so high.

Luo Yun said modestly: "It's all thanks to the help of experts from the Central Academy of Sciences and the active cooperation of the Autobots. If I were the only one, I would definitely not be able to achieve this level."

In any case, this form-shifting portable power armor is a genius invention.

If Luo Yun was born in that kind of superhero world, she might be a female version of Iron Man.

Qiao Lu said with admiration: "It really subverts my imagination to be able to do this. Thank you for designing this set of power armor. By the way, what is the name of this set of armor?"

Luo Yun replied: "Falcon battle armor, weapon number J-31, inherited from the code name of a certain fighter jet in the past."

The falcon-style combat armor that can be turned into a mechanical eagle is indeed very impressive.

With it, Qiao Li is equivalent to having a set of portable power armor at any time, and his personal combat ability is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

This gift really helped a lot.

Chapter 99 World Regional Congress

After visiting the research results of the Central Academy of Sciences and getting the Falcon-style combat armor from Luo Yun, Qiao Lv went back and exchanged for the special research project [Anti-Material Mass Production Ⅰ].

From the introduction of Dean Zhang Bin, this should be the most urgent technical problem to be solved at present.

With the technology of [Antimatter Mass Production Ⅰ], the antimatter production of the Wandering Earth has increased from 4 grams per month to 20 grams per month. The 500% growth scale is quite amazing, and it is enough to alleviate the problem of insufficient antimatter production. .

Qiao Lv's civilization points were also reduced to only 4545 points in one go, which was not enough to exchange for any other technology.

In this way, what he needs to do is almost done, and the next step is to wait for the wandering earth to reach the next world.

However, things didn't go as Qiao Lv wanted. Just when he thought he could have a good rest, another major event happened on the Wandering Earth.

Although it is a big event, it is not an accident, but a global regional congress organized by the coalition government.

As we all know, the highest decision-making level of the coalition government is a permanent council composed of permanent council representatives, but this does not mean that there are no other council representatives.

However, in order to distinguish them from permanent director representatives, these other director representatives are generally referred to as regional representatives, such as German regional representatives, Canadian regional representatives, Japanese regional representatives, and so on.

Regional representatives do not have a veto, and they do not usually participate in the discussions of the permanent council.

But they usually submit proposals to the permanent council, and discuss the future development direction of the wandering earth at the annual global regional congress.

If the permanent council could not reach a consensus on the [internal drive assimilation] agreement, it is most likely to put this agenda on the global regional congress.

Of course, the best result is that there is no need to do this, because the content of the global regional congress is open to the people of the world, and this news alone may cause human division.

And this time, the key agenda of the global regional congress is whether human beings should return to live on the ground and resume normal economic activities.

In Qiao Lv's view, there is no choice for such a question. Since it is possible to return to the ground, human civilization should return to the ground to develop.

Racial characteristics control nature, and the introduction of Pandora creatures to improve the earth's environment are all preparations for human civilization to return to the ground. How can we continue to shrink in the dungeon when the conditions are ripe?

The narrow living space in the underground city, the lack of sunlight and fresh air all hinder the development of human civilization. How can we give up the development plan to return to the ground?

However, many regional representatives have completely different ideas from Qiao Lv.

"Human civilization is still in a very dangerous situation at present. The crisis brought about by the earth crossing is really unpredictable. Survival is the first need of civilization. Therefore, rather than returning to the ground to develop, we should ensure the continuation of human civilization. I believe In contrast, the underground city is undoubtedly a safer place to live, and it has a strong ability to resist various natural disasters."

This kind of escapism did not attract much attention at first, but it was pushed to a climax after a regional representative cited examples to give evidence, and dominated the overall discussion direction of the conference in one breath.

The regional representative said: "Everyone may wish to imagine, if our people did not live in the underground city but on the ground in the last mechanical disaster, how many casualties would we have suffered? The army was fleeing a large number of civilians. Is it still possible to protect the planetary engine under the obstruction of the world?"

"Our civilization has narrowly escaped death, and we should be grateful for this and continue this correct policy. There is an old saying in China-existence is everything, and everything is for existence! Survival is our top priority. The plan to return to the ground should be carried out under safer conditions."

Undoubtedly, such an opinion is also very convincing.

Before crossing, human civilization was facing the crisis of life and death. After crossing, especially in the recent battle of Cybertron, human civilization was once again facing a catastrophe, and finally relied on saturation rescue to survive.

Under such circumstances, of course, many people are unwilling to give up the safer dungeon and return to the ground for redevelopment.

Everything is for the continuation of human civilization. What a high-sounding reason, it really makes people feel irrefutable.

In such an atmosphere, more and more regional representatives began to agree to such a strategic approach.

"We really shouldn't go back to the ground and develop if we don't have to."

"Human civilization can develop very well underground, why bother to return to the ground?"

"We have once abandoned the ground and chose the underground as the living space of human civilization, so there is no need to change our mind."

"From the beginning of the formulation of the Wandering Earth Project, we have decided that human beings will live underground for 2500 years. Now that less than 100 years have passed, can we no longer bear living in an underground city?"


More and more echoing voices are appearing, and the mainstream trend of thought at the conference is constantly developing towards this kind of escapism.

Of course, some people tried to stand up and save the situation, proposing rational solutions such as using the surface as a living place and using the underground city as a refuge.

However, these were dismissed by the reason that human beings may cause more casualties during the refuge process. It is not an easy task to send all 35 billion into the underground city, and the refuge plan cannot completely solve the concerns of these people.

After experiencing the Wandering Earth Project, their belief is that everything is for the continuation of human civilization, not everything for the development of human civilization.

In considering the future strategic direction, representatives of these regions will naturally tend to be conservative.

This is quite different from the thinking of Qiao Lu, a time traveler. After all, his thinking is still stuck in the era of "if you fall behind, you will be beaten, and development is the last word".

According to the words of Wandering Earth, it was the golden age of mankind - the pre-solar age.

But now, they are already people from the era of Wandering Earth's plan to escape, so of course they will have different mainstream ideas from Qiao Lv.

However, Qiao Lv does not think that he is wrong. Survival is indeed the first need of civilization. But if we only focus on survival, can human civilization really continue?

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