There is no doubt that the whole people's prosthetic transformation is a very tempting thing.

"However," Qiao Li suddenly changed the topic: "We should foresee that prosthetic body transformation is not the only direction of human evolution, and it is not a method that everyone can accept."

"In this vast universe, there are many other ways to enable human beings to evolve. For example, genetic technology, cosmic energy, or even simply relying on external objects. I hope that the right to choose can be left to the people, not It’s up to a few of us, or a majority in a referendum, to decide how our entire race evolves, and that’s what really takes away their right to choose.”

"At the same time, I also hope to establish it here. We admit that a person who has undergone prosthetic body transformation is a human being. Even if he only has a brain or even a human soul left, he is still a member of human beings. The same , we also admit that people who use genetic technology or cosmic energy to transform themselves are also human beings, whether they are transformed people, mutants or superhumans, they should all be part of humanity."

"No matter what the appearance looks like, as long as he can still uphold human morality, fulfill the obligations of being born as a human, and stick to the bottom line of being a human, he should recognize his human identity."

Qiao Lv said so much, in fact, to make mental preparations for the [soul transfer] technology that may be pointed out in the future.

This technology requires 14000 civilization points. Qiao Lv is actually capable of exchanging it, but he just needs to see if there are any higher priority technology projects.

Once this technology is redeemed, it is possible for human beings to become what they really are. If they don't make a little mental preparation first, they might become a mess by then.

This is not something that is out of reach, it is only a thought of Qiao Li from developing to this point.

Qiao Lv finally concluded: "To sum up, I oppose the implementation of the internal drive assimilation agreement."

After he finished speaking, the scene fell into a brief silence.

It's not because there's anything wrong with what Qiao Li said, but because he has extended the matter too far, and it has reached a category that no one else has considered.

Is the future really going to be like this?How could humans have evolved in so many ways and still continue to stick together in the end?

Derek couldn't help but sighed: "If you weren't sitting in this position and saying these words, I would think you were talking about the contents of a science fiction novel."

Qiao Li smiled and retorted: "If you tell someone who lives in the early 21st century about the current world structure, he will also think it is the content of a science fiction novel."

At least Qiao Li was telling the truth.

After Derek took the lead in breaking the silence, the British representative George also made comments on more practical issues:

"If it really evolves like this, can we really unite everyone? Just the three different skin colors of human beings on the earth in the past have caused division and war for thousands of years .”

This is indeed a very serious question. After so many different kinds of human beings really appear, will the coalition government still be able to control the overall situation?

Qiao Li replied: "Before the establishment of the coalition government, I also believed that it was impossible to unite all 100 billion people in more than 70 countries on the earth. How could this be possible?"

"But in fact we have done it, and we have united all mankind to implement the Wandering Earth Project. This is the testimony of history. Human beings are not only left with one skin color to be united, so why do we demand that all human beings follow the same race?" What about the path of evolution?"

To sum it up in one sentence - I want them all!

This is also something that the wandering earth that is about to travel through the infinite world can do.

In the end, Qiao Lv persuaded the other council representatives to accept this plan one by one, and the coalition government decided to abandon [Internal Drive Assimilation], and instead chose [Shining Sky Screen] as the planet's special ability effect for this activation.

At the same time, the idea that Qiao Lv talked about at the meeting was also named "Outline of the Freedom of Human Choice and Evolution" and included in the coalition government's backup legislative project.

I believe that the basic definition of the word "human" will be interpreted more abundantly in the future.

After the meeting, Luo Feng invited Qiao Lv to stay and chatted with him alone:

"Qiao Lv, it seems that our choice was correct at the beginning. You will indeed be an excellent representative of the permanent council."

Qiao Lv quickly shook his head and said, "Where, I just expressed my own opinion."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Having our own opinions is the most important thing. We are the ones who are responsible for making decisions. If we only follow the crowd, then it's better than a referendum."

It was Qiao Li's personal opinion that reversed the direction of the meeting.

Luo Feng continued: "If I were to express my opinion, although I would not agree to hold a referendum, at the same time, I didn't think as far as you."

This can't be said that Luo Feng is not far-sighted enough, Qiao Lv is also able to foresee the existence of other evolutionary routes in advance because of the existence of the system, and thus put forward such a far-reaching proposal.

It is precisely because he has the ability to have a direct impact on the technological development of the wandering earth that Qiao Lv knows that such a future is not far away for human beings and needs to be prepared in advance.

Due to the existence of the system, Qiao Lv was able to examine the development of human civilization from a higher perspective.

This is something that other council representatives cannot do.

Chapter 95 Attributes of the Wandering Earth

After experiencing the development of the two worlds, the attributes of the Wandering Earth have undergone earth-shaking changes. Qiao Lv's hard work along the way can finally see some results.

【Planet Name】: Wandering Earth

[Main Species]: Humans, Transformers

[Civilization Level]: Planetary System Civilization

【Current population】: 35 billion

[Science and Technology Thought]: Materialism (Mechanical Tendency)

[Racial Traits]: Feelings of homeland, control over nature

[Special Abilities]: Planetary Engine, World-Shining Sky Screen

The most interesting change among them is naturally that the level of civilization has been upgraded from the original "parent star civilization" to the current "planetary system civilization", which can be said to be a major change with milestone significance.

Of course, this is just a natural result.

From the moment the wandering earth was able to mine resources on the planet Pandora, human beings have gotten rid of their dependence on the natural resources of their mother planet.

Possessing the means to collect resources across planets is one of the signs of planetary system civilization.

Not to mention that in the Cybertron galaxy behind, Qiao Li also drove the planet Cybertron, which was smashed and exploded by the earth, and fragmented the planet into new veins in the southern hemisphere.

All this indicates that the Wandering Earth has the means to exploit other planetary resources, and it is no longer the home star civilization that only used the natural resources of the Earth.

What's more, in terms of space power, Wandering Earth also has its first interstellar warship, the Ark.

Even the wandering earth itself is a giant space carrier.

This kind of power has far exceeded the level of a parent star civilization, but is able to occupy an interstellar civilization in a planetary system.

According to the normal process of development, it is to form a space fleet and establish colonies across multiple planetary systems, which is a higher level of inter-galaxy civilization.

Of course, the situation of Wandering Earth is quite special, and I am afraid that there is no way to develop according to this normal process.

But it may develop into a unique cross-plane civilization, not to conquer multiple galaxies, but to conquer multiple planes as planetary colonies.

Of course, this depends on the efforts of all mankind, including Qiao Li.

And another point that Qiao Lv is more concerned about is the materialism in the trend of technological thought, followed by a mechanical tendency.

There is no doubt that mechanical technology is currently the most mainstream technological development discovery on the wandering earth. Prosthetic body transformation technology and deformation mech technology are booming, while the corresponding mutant technology is still stagnant, and the harmonious technology that uses cosmic energy is even more is no progress.

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