At the same time as it started, amazing changes were still taking place in the cab of the truck. Countless mechanical limbs protruded from the back of the seat, connecting to the thundercloud-style battle armor Qiao Lv was wearing.

The target of these mechanical limbs is not elsewhere, but the antimatter annihilation chamber that provides energy behind the armor.

Under Qiao Li's authorization, the anti-matter annihilation chamber began to stop powering the armor, and turned to power the connected Optimus Prime's body.

The dual-core battle mode starts!

The truck powered by the anti-matter chamber suddenly accelerated, and with the blue tail flames from the chimney, it rushed up a high slope and leaped directly to the top of Hercules.

The truck began to deform in mid-air, the wheels turned into limb joints, the front of the car turned into the main body, and the cab was hidden under the two windows on the chest.

In this cab, it was naturally the Transformers pilot, Qiao Li.

This is the combined battle of Qiao Li and Optimus Prime!

Two high-temperature melting knives protruded from Optimus Prime's wrist, and the two knives powered by antimatter reached a higher temperature, emitting light like the sun in the air.

Qiao Li landed directly on Hercules' back, and stabbed the fiery machete deeply into Hercules' body.

In an instant, the parts around the blade were melted into a puddle of molten iron, and under the action of gravity, it continued to flow into Hercules' body to the depths, turning the deeper places into a sea of ​​flames.

This terrifying hot feeling made Hercules unable to bear the pain and roared, swinging his body frantically, hoping to throw Qiao Li off.

But this time it was not so easy. Qiao Li drove Optimus Prime and danced wildly with two knives on the back of Hercules, constantly digging out the parts in his body and melting them into hot iron slurry, which turned into a torrent of high temperature and poured it on the back of Hercules. God's body.

Optimus Prime's engine made a low roar, and every part of him was used to the extreme by Qiao Li.

Even Optimus Prime himself has never tried such a violent fighting method.

The rest of the Decepticons pointed their guns at Qiao Li and Optimus Prime who were riding on Hercules' back, trying to help Hercules blast them down.

However, the Autobots and the Wandering Earth troops were just watching. Under their fire suppression, only a few stray bullets could hit Optimus Prime's body, and there was no way to stop his crazy behavior.

In the end, Qiao Lv successfully tore a hole on Hercules' back, and was melted by the scalding high-temperature heat until reaching the depths of Hercules' body.

Such a wound can be called a serious injury, but it will take a little time before it is fatal.

Decepticon reinforcements are about to come from all directions, and it can no longer be delayed any longer.

"Optimus Prime, change!"

Qiao Li said suddenly.

Before Optimus Prime understood the meaning of this sentence, Qiao Li opened the car window on his chest and jumped out of the cab.

All this happened so fast, before Optimus Prime could recover from the doubt of suddenly taking over his body again, Qiao Li plunged into the hot iron slurry and slid all the way into the hot iron slurry relying on the weight given by the armor. Inside Hercules.

No matter how rough-skinned and thick-skinned Hercules is, he will not be able to withstand the attack from inside his body!

Chapter 69 Destroying Hercules

Qiao Lv continued to penetrate downwards in the scorching molten metal, relying on the protection of the armor to temporarily resist the erosion of the high-temperature heat flow.

But this protection is only temporary, the outer layer of the armor is constantly eroding, especially the relatively weak joints have been poured in by heat, and only a thin layer of protective coating is separated from Qiao Lv's skin.

After a few seconds, this layer of coating will also be melted, and then Qiao Li can experience the taste of swimming in the magma.

Moss reminded ruthlessly: "Warning, the external temperature is too high, and the armor protection is about to fail."

"I know, I know."

Even if Moss didn't say anything, Qiao Lv could still feel the heat penetrating from the outside of the coating, and he didn't have much time left to move.

"Moss, start scanning right away, its fire should be nearby."

Every Transformer has a mechanical energy core, the name is called fire.

This is their most deadly point. As long as the fire seed is destroyed, even the most powerful Transformers will fall down immediately, and there is no possibility of repairing it.

Although Hercules is a combined Transformers behemoth, there are also fires formed by the combination of six Transformers cores in his body, which is his absolute vital point.

Through previous observations of ordinary Decepticon sparks, Moss has been able to determine which part is the Transformers spark.

And now is the time to use it!

"The scan is complete, and the target is locked."

After receiving the prompt from Moss, Qiao Li immediately pulled out his right hand from the iron slurry, gathered the last ball-shaped lightning on his palm, and prepared to strike Hercules the final blow.

"Die, big fool!"

The ball lightning dragged its long fire tail and whizzed towards the Hercules fire seed, piercing and scorching this fragile energy core in an instant.

Outside, Hercules suddenly let out a mournful howl, sparks shot out all over his body, and his huge body lost its strength and slowly fell downwards.

At this time, Qiao Lv was already deeply trapped in the molten metal flow, and he couldn't get out by relying on his own strength.The protective coating of the armor was about to melt, and the hot melt was about to pour on his body.

Even so, Qiao Li still did not show the slightest panic.

Because now he is not fighting alone!

Just a second before Qiao Lv was about to be engulfed by the molten flow, an iron hand stretched in from above, ignoring the incomparably hot metal molten flow, and fished Qiao Lv up.

Needless to say, the owner of this iron hand was Optimus Prime who took over his body again. He took Qiao Li back from Hercules' body and said to him in disbelief:

"Are you crazy? This is almost dead!"

Qiao Li smiled and said, "Isn't there still you? Trust is not one-sided."

Just as Optimus Prime dared to entrust his body to Qiao Li's control, Qiao Li also believed that Optimus Prime would not leave him alone at a critical moment.

Such trust is a true comrade in arms.

Regardless of talking to Qiao Li, Optimus Prime quickly stuffed him back into the cab on his chest, and jumped off Hercules.

Before the Decepticon, who was hiding under Hercules' body and seeking shelter, realized what was going on, he noticed that the light above his head suddenly went dark.When he looked up, the last scene he could see was the body of Hercules who fell down like Mount Tai.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, Hercules, who was blocking the humans and the Autobots like a mountain, finally collapsed.

Its death also took away a group of Decepticon soldiers by the way. It can be said that it was the last camel to bend the straw, and the morale of the remaining Decepticons completely collapsed.

After rescuing Qiao Lv, Optimus Prime also drove Wushuang, killing the last few Decepticons like cutting melons and vegetables, and joined the Autobots and Wandering Earth troops who came.

The strategic objective is accomplished, it's time for a retreat.

The Autobots didn't come out in full force, and the Wandering Earth troops only had a strength of a dozen people.Therefore, the retreat was as fast as the wind, and after a little cleaning of the battlefield, it disappeared under the sight of the Decepticons.

When the Decepticon's large force arrived, all that was left of them was the gigantic corpse of Hercules.

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