Since the army is full of food and lodging, Qiao Lv has never seen so many showy operations.

Of course, there are other things besides earthworms, but those dishes will only be more terrifying.

Fried termites, stir-fried cockroaches, sizzling meat worms... Proper dark dishes.

"Periplaneta and meat worms, aren't these cockroaches and fly larvae? Can these things be eaten?" Qiao Lv couldn't help questioning.

These things are indeed almost extinct, but it is hard to say whether they can be used as food.

The shopkeeper said hesitantly: "Although many people dare not eat it, there are always people who want to try something new, right? Anyway, there are a few who have come to my place to eat, and I haven't seen any accidents with them."

Although Qiao Lv doesn't have to worry about being eaten up by this kind of thing, but the psychological rejection is still inevitable.

In the end, he only ordered fried termites and spicy fried earthworms, as a taste of these folk delicacies.

While he was waiting for the food to be served, he heard three young people eating and talking about what had happened recently.

"Oh, there have been a lot of big things recently. First, I almost hit Jupiter, and then I suddenly traveled to another galaxy, and then I had to travel again. It really messed up my mind."

Another young man said: "Don't worry about the chaos, isn't it a good thing to be alive? Don't care about the earth-shaking, anyway, if the sky falls, someone will carry it."

"Hehe, are you here to carry it? I'm afraid you're going to be crushed to death, hahaha..."

"What am I going to do? It must be the coalition government! I'll just do my best."

Indeed, in such a huge crisis, if there is no regime that can concentrate its efforts on major tasks, it simply cannot bear the heavy burden of saving the world.

When the sky falls, the coalition government will carry it, but at the same time, everyone must consciously contribute. This is the consistent pattern of the Wandering Earth facing crises.

The two dishes Qiao Lv ordered were also delivered. Although the ingredients were rare earthworms and termites, they still had a little fragrance after being fried and deep-fried respectively.

What I want to say is that it tastes crunchy and the protein is several times that of beef.

Compared with the military canteen where health is paramount, the seasoning of these folk delicacies is much heavier, and it is also a necessary means to make these special ingredients delicious.

Otherwise, earthworms may still have an earthy taste, and they will not be able to swallow them at all.

While Qiao Lv was enjoying this special lunch, three young people at the other table had already brought up the topic of the coalition government.

"Hey, did you know? Recently, I heard that a very capable newcomer has appeared in the coalition government, and his status is almost equal to the representatives of the five major council members!"

"Who did you listen to? Do you believe this kind of nonsense?" Another young man sarcastically said.

"No, I heard from the person who came back from Pandora. Someone can chat and laugh with the five directors at the coalition government meeting, and a series of action plans about Pandora were formulated by this person."

"This doesn't mean his status is so high?" The No.3 youth also expressed disbelief.

"Hmph, then you underestimate him. At critical moments, he can take over the entire earth cockpit and bombard the enemy's space carrier. This is the man who commanded it."

Immediately, the other two became quiet. It is definitely not an ordinary military commander who can do this.

They asked in unison: "So who is this person?"

The young man who raised this topic shook his head and said: "His identity is a first-class secret of the coalition government, and it is impossible for ordinary people like us to know."

"Tch, what are you talking about!" the other two young people said in disappointment.

Right behind them at this moment, Qiao Lu had just finished his lunch and silently paid the bill and left.

Chapter 52 Luo Family Dinner

On the weekend night, Qiao Lv went to Luo Feng's house for an appointment as agreed, to see why he invited him over for dinner.

The residence of the coalition government directors is of course highly secure, and it is still far away from their home, so Qiao Lv met a sentry there to investigate.

Fortunately, Qiao Lv is now an admiral anyway, and after revealing his identity, he can go all the way unimpeded.

The residence of Luo Feng's family is not too big, but it has an obvious architectural style of the 50s.

This is probably his personal preference, otherwise the dungeon wouldn't really have buildings from the 50s.

After entering the room, Qiao Lu saw Luo Feng was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, while Luo Yun was studying academic papers at the side.

Seeing Qiao Lv coming in, Luo Feng stood up and shook hands with him, "Qiao Lv, welcome to my house. Although we have met many times in business, this should be the first time we have communicated in private."

He turned to Luo Yun again and said, "Maybe Aunt Zhang is too busy, I'll cook two special dishes for Qiao Lu. Luo Yun, entertain the guests first."

Unexpectedly, Luo Feng would be so approachable in private, and he would cook two small dishes in a high position, which was beyond Qiao Lv's expectation.

However, judging from his performance, it seemed more like he was trying to create opportunities for Qiao Lv and Luo Yun to be alone.

So after Luo Feng entered the kitchen, only Qiao Lu and Luo Yun were sitting face to face in the living room.

Under such a deliberate arrangement, the two of them really felt a little embarrassed.

In the end, it was Qiao Li who broke the silence first: "Uh, isn't your mother at home today? She must be a busy person, right?"

Luo Yun's eyes dimmed all of a sudden: "My mother...she was not able to enter the dungeon."

I wanted to break the embarrassment, but I didn't expect the first sentence to be thunderous, which really made Qiao Li wish to sew his mouth shut.

There is no way, his language habits are still stuck in the peaceful age of his previous life, and he has not yet fully grasped the common sense of wandering the earth.

On this wandering earth that has just experienced so many catastrophes, having a complete family is really a luxury.

And it can't be replaced by anything.

Qiao Lu quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't know which pot to open and which pot to carry."

Luo Yun smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay, after all, it's been so long."

Because of Qiao Li's momentary mistake, the two fell into an even more embarrassing situation.

At this moment, as if rushing back to rescue the scene, Luo Feng came back with two dishes full of smiles, and greeted them:

"This is the first generation of farmed animals introduced from Pandora. The method of removing toxicity has just been researched. Come and try it."

Indeed, what Luo Feng brought out was no longer the same earthworms or insects, but real meat food.

The decision to introduce farmed animals from Pandora was indeed the right one.

Through this special delicious meal, the originally depressive atmosphere was immediately dispelled a lot.

Qiao Lv also had to feel that Luo Feng was really clever, he even wrote the script.

Through these precious meat ingredients obtained from Pandora, Luo Feng naturally told Luo Yun about Qiao Lu's prestige on Pandora:

"I was able to do such a good deal with the Na'vi people because of Qiao Lv's prestige among them. I don't know how he tamed the Phantom Dragon, which is bigger than a fighter jet."

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