Seeing that Dr. Grace didn't have any good suggestions, everyone else fell into hard thinking.

The Na'vi people are indeed not interested in modern technology, and things like hospitals, schools, and railways are meaningless to them, so naturally they cannot be used as bargaining chips.

This is a real hassle.

At this time, it was Qiao Li who stood up again.

He said to Dr. Grace: "Actually, it's not that the Na'vi people are not interested in everything, it's just that your RDA is looking in the wrong direction."

"Why do you say that?" Dr. Grace asked in bewilderment. They have always used this method to bribe the aborigines. Is there a wrong direction?

"You still treat the Na'vi people with the same idea of ​​missionary, thinking that as long as they accept human culture, you can trade with them. But in fact, you have neither interest nor respect for the culture of the RDA Na'vi people, making Avatar is only used as a negotiating tool, so of course there will be no good results."

Dr. Grace lowered her head in shame. What Qiao Li said was indeed correct. This is the kind of work she did in RDA, which is why she has the current result.

"Then what do you think should be done?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

RDA has spent more than ten years trying to make friends with the Na'vi people without any results. Can Qiao Li really have a way to make the Wandering Earth and the Na'vi people achieve a peaceful transaction?

Qiao Li smiled lightly and said: "The matter is actually very simple, we just need to think about it from the perspective of the Na'vi people. As a civilization, it is impossible for them to have no needs, and for them, the biggest need is that is--"

"Taming and hunting."

When Qiao Li said these two key words, many experts present had already thought of what they could do.

Chapter 42 One Ball, One Road Plan

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, Qiao Lv went further and said:

"Although the Na'vi people are keen on hunting, their bow and arrow production technology is still only at the level of the Stone Age, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"In addition, although they can tame animals such as heavily armored horses and Ecaran pterosaurs through neural connections, they are not equipped with reins and stirrups, and they rely on grasping parts of animals to maintain balance."

"These are things we can bring about change for them, and they are not high-tech that they despise, but the simplest and most practical things that best meet their basic needs and are most likely to interest them."

Qiao Lv's words made everyone realize that these things may be more useful to the Na'vi people in terms of their way of life.

More importantly, the cost is even lower, and almost no resources are consumed. Wandering Earth can casually produce a lot of bows and arrows, reins and stirrups.

If this can satisfy the Na'vi people, that would be great.

But at this time, Dr. Grace shook her head and said: "These things are indeed very useful to the Na'vi people, but it's hard to say whether they are willing to accept them. The Na'vi people are a very traditional race, and they will instinctively reject them. All the new things, the tools we provide, may not be accepted by them."

In fact, this is the real problem. The tradition of the Na'vi makes them unwilling to try the new inventions provided by humans. This is the root cause of RDA's helplessness.

If there is no way to overcome this difficulty, it is useless to meet their basic needs.

Qiao Lv smiled and nodded, "Of course I have considered this."

Dr. Grace's eyes widened in disbelief. In her opinion, such a problem is unsolvable. Qiao Li can solve it?

"It is the tradition of the Na'vi people that makes them reject new things, but in turn we can use their traditions to make them accept new things."

As he spoke, Qiao Lv took out a bundle of reins from behind, and displayed it on the table for everyone to see.

Most of the people present did not know what this meant, only Dr. Grace saw the special significance of this bundle of reins at a glance.

"This is······"

"That's right, this is the rein I used to tame the Phantom Dragon. The Na'vi people who have fought with me should have seen it."

After hearing Qiao Li's explanation, everyone immediately realized what Qiao Li wanted to do.

Li Yi clapped his hands one by one and said, "The Phantom Knight has the same style of reins, I don't believe they don't want it anymore!"

Although this sentence is vulgar, there is no doubt that it is such a truth.

On the battlefield, Qiao Lu has already demonstrated the role of the rein by example. As the phantom knight worshiped by the Na'vi people, do they still have a reason for refusing to try to use the rein?

The role of a role model is incomparable, Qiao Li only needs to demonstrate it himself, no Na'vi can refuse Amway of the Phantom Knight.

In this way, the tradition of the Na'vi people will not prevent them from accepting the new thing of rein, but will prompt them to pursue this new invention crazily.

Then bows and stirrups can be sold in the same way, as long as Qiao Li makes good use of his own reputation, all this is a breeze.

In addition, these inventions are truly practical and effective, so instead of feeling cheated, the Na'vi people will be even more grateful to Qiao Lv.

All problems will be solved!

Dr. Grace couldn't help but feel admiration. This is indeed something that only Qiao Li can do.

It took RDA more than ten years to solve the problem, but Qiao Lu solved it in less than half a month.

It is an unparalleled ability.

"This is indeed a perfect plan, leaving me speechless." Dr. Grace admitted bluntly.

After all, the Avatar project she had spent so many years and so much money on was no match for Qiao Li's efforts alone.

With such a leader on the Wandering Earth, it is no wonder that they can overcome so many difficulties.

Seeing that everyone had agreed to Qiao Lv's plan, Luo Feng announced on behalf of all the directors:

"Then from now on, we announce the implementation of an aid plan for the Na'vi people. The aid items are bows, reins, and stirrups."

As long as the coalition government makes an order, tens of thousands of sets of these things can be produced a day, enough to be sold to all Na'vi tribes.

Compared with the benefits that can be obtained, the cost of these items is almost negligible, and it is not as valuable as a carrier on the wandering earth.

It's a lucrative deal.

As for the person in charge of this project, it is naturally Qiao Lv who is a phantom knight.

"Then, let's call this project the One Ball Road Project." Qiao Lu said enthusiastically.

So the next day, the One Ball All the Way Assistance Program was officially launched on Pandora.

Just as Qiao Li thought, when the Na'vi people discovered that Qiao Li had been using the reins to control the phantom flying dragon, their resistance to these new things disappeared.

They happily put on the reins for their Ecaran pterosaurs, and followed Qiao Lv's example, trying to use the reins to maintain balance during the flight.

This attempt made the Na'vi people fall completely, and the reins were indeed much easier to use than they imagined, so that they would no longer be pulled by the ears of the Ekran pterosaurs, which made them feel more comfortable for both humans and dragons. comfortable.

Relying on this rein, they can perform more difficult maneuvers in the air, such as standing up on the back of a dragon to shoot, or spinning a roller around behind prey.

These are the bold operations of old hunters when there is no rein, and now even young hunters can easily do it with the help of the rein.

The same is true for the stirrups. They no longer need to strenuously clamp the horse's belly to maintain balance on the heavy armored horse. Stepping on the stirrups with both feet can better exert force and stability, which greatly improves their riding skills.

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