When Lorraine entered the room, he happened to see Zhu Zhe's greasy face, and secretly thought that this guy was quite excited.

Sure enough, Zhu Zhe got excited, and when he saw Lorraine coming in, he greeted: "Come, let's drink!" As he spoke, he raised his glass, and then glanced at Lorraine, "Where's yours?"

Lorraine smiled, walked to the table and picked up the wine glass.

Everyone touched the wine and drank it all in one gulp. As for the girls, just sip it casually.

The moment he put down the wine glass, Zhu Zhe winked quietly at Liu Cheng who was at the side, and the latter understood. Just as everyone put down the wine glass, this Liu Chengcheng poured a glass of wine, and then said to Lorraine: "Dude, it's the first time we meet, come on, let's Let's have a drink." As he spoke, without waiting for Lorraine to reply, he tapped the wine glass in front of Lorraine lightly, and then drank it down in one gulp.

When Lorraine saw this posture, he smiled in his heart, probably because he didn't like me and wanted to force me.

Regarding the amount of alcohol, Lorraine is quite confident, not timid at all, fills up the wine, picks up the glass and drinks it clean without coughing.Zhu Zhe at the side could see clearly, seeing Lorraine's posture of drinking, secretly thought this is a hard stubble?

Zhu Zhe also started to launch an offensive here, raised his glass and said to Lorraine: "No, I have to have a drink with you buddy. You came late at the beginning, and you are self-punishment, so it doesn't count." Lin touched his wine glass, and was about to say some other excuses, asking Lorraine to drink two more glasses, but was stopped by Lorraine's movement of raising his neck and gulping it down.

"Okay!—" Seeing Lorraine drinking so boldly, counting the glass everyone touched at the beginning, he has already drank three glasses in a row. If this continues, he will probably get drunk immediately. People who are keen on watching people like to watch people drink There were too many fools, and they all applauded and booed.

Lan Lan looked very worried, and when Lorraine sat down, she gently tugged at the corner of his clothes under the table with her small hands.

Lorraine didn't look back, just smiled, and slowly put a big hand on Lan Lan's small hand, and patted it lightly, which meant, don't worry, I'm fine.

Seeing that Zhu Zhe and Liu Cheng had already started, the other three boys followed suit one after another, one cup after another, and then these boys simply encouraged their girlfriends to pay respects to Lorraine.Due to drinking too much, after seven or eight laps, several people were obviously dying, and what I didn't expect was that Zhu Zhe had already drunk too much, his face was bright red, he was hiccupping non-stop, and he was talking blah , But it's useless to bluff. Lorraine is like a normal person. After a few laps, he should talk and laugh, and there is no trace of drinking too much.

Zhu Zhe drank too much, and no one dared to tease Lorraine again. This guy really can drink, and he didn't react at all after drinking a few cups. Could it be that the people from the countryside are all livestock?

After the turmoil, Li Min saw that the food was almost finished, there were not many drinks left, and it was getting late, so he suggested that everyone talk and talk.

At this time, Zhu Zhe sat up in shock, aha, just wait for this time, let everyone present see how my brother paid the bill!Immediately he pressed the service button on the wall, and soon a waitress in a cheongsam opened the door. Without asking any questions, Zhu Zhe immediately took out a bank card from his pocket, held it up, it was brightly lit, and it was flushed red. With a face and a throat, he said arrogantly: "Waiter! Check out! Swipe your card!"

Chapter 51 Luo... Young Master Luo? !

The waitress pursed her lips and smiled, then walked over and took out the card checkout machine. Zhu Zhe entered the password drunkenly, but the card machine beeped twice.

"Huh?" Zhu Zhe was half sober, what's going on?

The waitress took a look at the credit card machine at this time, and then said with a smile on her face: "Sorry, sir, your bank card seems to have insufficient balance."

"How is it possible?" Zhu Zhe looked in disbelief, and then entered the password again, but the card reader still made two cold beeps.

Now, Zhu Zhe's expression completely changed.

The men and women who had been watching at the side looked at Zhu Zhe's flushed face in surprise at this moment, and paused in their hearts: Could it be that Zhu Zhe doesn't have enough money in his card?Then I looked at a table of sumptuous dishes, so much delicious food, how much would it cost?If he doesn't have enough money, everyone can't chip in, right?

Everyone didn't plan to order these delicious dishes. Who made this big brother Zhu Zhechong order so many, and he looked like he was paying for the meal, but if he couldn't afford the meal, he would not be the one who lost it. people.A large group of people have eaten at the Haijin Hotel, but they have no money to pay the bill, and they are not laughed out of their teeth after being spread?

At this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Zhu Zhe changed a little. It is estimated that this buddy has always been a bully. The fawning at night was nothing, who wants to call a brother and brother with a person who can only brag?

Zhu Zhe's face was flushed, and he could not help but become angry when he felt some eyes with great gap from behind him: "What's the matter with your restaurant?... It's not like I haven't eaten here before, those signature dishes, combined I can't spend 8000 yuan in total, and I have [-] yuan in this card, how could it not be enough, don't be a scam, right?"

The waitress didn't get angry at all, but explained patiently with a smile on her lips: "Sir, this table of dishes does only cost about 8000 yuan, but this bottle of Yingming wine produced in the United States in 2003 is worth 2000 two hundred and 22 yuan." U.S. dollars, about 2 yuan." He said, pointing to the clean American eagle wine on the table.

What? !

Zhu Zhe was completely dumbfounded, and looked back at the unremarkable bottle of foreign wine, what the hell?The old beautiful bird calls wine?Why haven't I heard of it, this one costs 2 yuan? !Can buy a motorcycle sports car!Don't be a fool, right? !

"You... But... But, we didn't order these dishes at all!! You waiters served them yourself! Yes, it's you, and you are the one who brought these dishes today. Call your manager quickly and let He came to tell me!" Zhu Zhe was in a hurry, and he didn't care about the shame, anyway, if he really needed 3 yuan, he would be ashamed, so he might as well call the manager over. As I guessed, if the other party brought the food to the wrong room, there is still room for maneuver.Negotiate with the manager and get a compromise price. My [-] yuan should be enough, and it can be regarded as saving a little face.

Didn't order it at all?

Everyone present frowned, and for a long time, this Zhu Zhe had been pretending and coercing.A coward who wants to save face and suffer, or this guy has no money to pay the bill and wants to find an excuse to renege on it!Anyway, no matter what, the tall image that Zhu Zhe had managed to build up all night fell into a trough in an instant, and it was a bottomless one.

At this time, Zhu Zhe, who was confused by the waiter's quotation, didn't notice at all that his girlfriend Qiu Xiaohui, who had been talking with him for more than a month, had moved a little to the side, and looked at him with a hint of disdain ... She suddenly felt very ashamed. With Zhu Zhe as her boyfriend, she was ashamed and thrown home today. What is this man doing today? It's so disgusting.

At this time, Li Min also panicked, how can this be good?Anyway, today is also my birthday, if you want to talk about embarrassment, besides Zhu Zhe, I am the most wronged.

Lan Lan at the side noticed Li Min's irritability, and stepped forward to hold her arm to comfort her.

Of all the people present, only Lorraine looked indifferent, watching the various changes on the scene calmly, without saying a word.

At this moment, a fat man in formal attire led a group of security guards from outside the door, and when he entered the door, the fat man shouted loudly: "Who is so elegant? Come to Haijin Hotel for Bawang meal?!"

Lorraine smiled when he heard the voice.Well, you fat man, you are quite good at acting.

As the manager of the lobby, how could this fat man not know that Lorraine was in the private room, but the phone call Lorraine made earlier let him know something, that is, among the people who ate with Mr. Luo, some people Young Master Luo, the person who acted as the eldest brother, was very disgusted. Just now he heard that the guests in the private room of Yunshuixian Pavilion did not have enough money to pay the bill after eating, so he led a few security guards to kill him aggressively.

Even though he brought so many people with him, he didn't actually come to dismantle Lorraine's platform. The fat manager knew that anyone who dared to pretend to be the big brother in front of Lorraine must not know the identity of Young Master Luo. One purpose, to try my best to elevate Young Master Luo's identity, the stronger the contrast the better, this is a technical job.

Seeing a tall, fat man pouring in at the door and a few strong security guards behind him, everyone in the private room was startled. It's really embarrassing today, don't let the Someone threw it out... No one in Zhengzhou City knows that if you dare to make trouble in the Haijin Hotel, there will be no good fruit to eat. If you come hard, how powerful are these students?To put it softly, there is no way, there is no money to pay the bill, can't a group of second-round murderers wash dishes in the kitchen to pay off the debt, right?

At this time, Lan Lan hid behind Lorraine with some fear, Lorraine smiled, and grabbed Lan Lan's small hand with a warm big hand, giving her a full sense of security.

"You want to eat Bawang meal, right?" The lobby manager didn't look at Lorraine at all, and led a few security guards straight to Zhu Zhe, "These meals and drinks cost a total of 3 yuan, not much at all. Yes, the signboard of our Haijin Hotel is there, and the price is very fair. How do you think about it? Should you inform your friends or family members to send you money?"

Originally, Zhu Zhe was a bit timid because he drank a little wine, but when he saw the manager in the lobby with a big shoulder and a few aggressive security guards behind him, he froze all of a sudden: "You...you are the manager?... I'm not eating Bawang's meal, it's mainly... mainly the dishes that were served later, didn't we order them?!"

The lobby manager waved his hand impatiently: "Am I asking you, telling your friends or family?"

"Why?" Zhu Zhe was taken aback by the tough attitude of the lobby manager.

"Why? Come to send money to pay the bill! Our Haijin Hotel has never had a credit account before. Today's table must be settled no matter what. To put it bluntly, I am also a part-time worker, and I have to explain to the boss. If your table is only a thousand or eight hundred, I think you are a student, and you paid for it in advance, which can be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. But you have spent more than 3 yuan on eating and drinking, which is not easy to digest. Look You are a student, so I won't make things difficult for you, I will give you time to make a phone call and ask someone to send money."

Zhu Zhe is stupid, what are you doing, let's call...

Thinking about it, one hand tremblingly took out the phone, wondering who to call?Call my brother, maybe I can send someone to put myself out of the fire, if I call my father, I will definitely suffer!

The lobby manager saw that it was almost time, and it was time to praise the master.Immediately, he turned his head casually, and cast a glance at everyone present: "You students, you don't study all day long, and it's bad luck for you to hang out with this kind of person. I'll leave the words here today and don't pay the bill , no one is allowed to leave."

Everyone trembled when they heard the words.

"Did you hear that?...Huh?!" The lobby manager was talking harshly, when suddenly his fat face froze, and he "exclaimed", "Luo...Master Luo?!"

As he spoke, he kept his eyes on Lorraine who had never said a word.

Following the words "Master Luo" from the lobby manager, everyone turned their eyes to Lorraine...Master Luo?

Accompanied by the surprised gaze, the lobby manager "shuddered", his face turned pale in an instant, and he rushed to Lorraine's face in a rather realistic way, and the walkie-talkie almost fell on the ground. He immediately bowed his body and looked respectful: "Master Luo... why are you here??? These... are your friends??"

Everyone's doubts deepened. How did this Lorraine become the young master Luo that the lobby manager talked about? ... Isn't he some country boy?Zhu Zhe was also dumbfounded, the half-raised phone froze.

Lorraine laughed secretly in his heart that this fat man's acting skills are really not covered, and nodded.

The lobby manager slapped himself hard on the head: "Ouch, Young Master Luo, look at my stupid brain, why am I so blind that I didn't see you here! Why didn't you call to say hello when you came? ? I can arrange it for you, right????"

Lorraine waved his hand: "I'm also here to attend a friend's birthday party. The guests are welcome, and I don't want to overwhelm the host."

"Where did you say that, Young Master Luo, you are too polite! Young Master Luo's friend is my friend, and he is a distinguished guest of our Haijin Hotel!"

Lorraine said calmly: "Don't talk about other things, since you know me, you can just watch the arrangements for today's matter."

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