If there is no accident, Cai Jing will soon be transferred to the capital and then worship the prime minister to govern the world, and he will also go to Beijing to take the exam next year.

Is Jinling a thing in the pool? The east wind that belongs to me, Yang Lin, is about to blow. Whether it can skyrocket or not depends on this unusual eunuch in history.

Chapter 10 The Jade Tower and the Golden Tower Go Home

When Tong Guan came, he came across the river in a small boat with seven or eight followers.

When he left, he took the three treasure ships of the Yang family's fleet, which were full of rare treasures, and carried a few land deeds for every inch of land in Yangzhou.

Cai Jing chatted happily with him, the time had come, but they didn't intend to leave, their eyes glanced into the distance from time to time.

"Sorry, sorry, the student is late."

A rush of voice came, and the two future traitors looked at each other and smiled, they were waiting for Yang Lin.

Tong Guan half-jokingly said: "The status of a certain family is low, it is a great honor for Yang Jieyuan to come and see him off, even if he comes back at noon tomorrow, a certain family has been waiting at the bow of the boat for a long time."

Cai Jing shook his fingers, and smiled, without the slightest pretensions of a mansion: "Wen Yuan became famous at a young age, his family is rich, and he has a literary talent. Naturally, he should appear in the finale."

Now that these two people have not made a fortune yet, although Yang Lin's status is not as good as theirs for the time being, he will definitely be able to reach this official position soon in the future, after all, he is the first in the government examination.

Coupled with the messing around these days, the three careerists hugged each other, and they had the same interests and forged a friendship long ago.

Yang Lin put on a straight face on purpose, feigning anger and said: "Yang Moujing, you are husbands (the Song people's name for superiors), who knew that such a dirty thing would happen, it's fine if you don't tell me in advance, you are still here Joking and joking, it's best to restore my reputation quickly, otherwise I will cut off this robe in a hurry, and we will break up on the spot and no one will know who."

"Yang Jieyuan wants to learn from Guan Ning by cutting his robe to judge righteousness, but Mr. and Yuan Chang are not that Hua Xin. It is better not to cut this robe."

"It's getting late, and Wen Yuan and I bid farewell to Tong Gongfeng. We hope to meet again in Bianliang if we are destined."

Yang Lin and Cai Jing clasped their fists and crossed their hands on the shore, the three of them bowed to each other, Tong Guan turned and boarded the boat to Bianliang.

Watching the ship leave and gradually disappear in the vast river, Cai Jing felt worried: "Wen Yuan, do you think he can do it?"

All Cai Jing's hopes were pinned on Tong Guan, so he couldn't help but not be nervous.

Yang Lin wiped his eyelids, hid the sneer in his eyes, and replied: "Tong Gongfu is a close servant of the officials, and he knows the preferences of the officials best. As long as he prescribes a few words of good medicine to the case, why don't you worry about the officials' eyes. Ancient Taoism is written and martial arts, and sold to the emperor's family. The monarch chooses his ministers to serve the country. For example, when a woman buys vegetables, she does not look at the freshness of the vegetables, but only at what she likes to eat. Whether we are valued or not, it is all in the official family."

Cai Jing's eyelids moved, and his scalp felt numb. How could anyone compare the lofty temples to a woman's grocery shopping?

The young man in front of him has been cautious for 15 years, and has cultivated a great reputation as a gentleman. He never imagined that his heart is so transparent, far better than the officials who have been in the ups and downs of the officialdom for many years.

Seeing that the atmosphere was suddenly a little strange, Yang Lin turned his head to see Cai Jing staring at him without saying a word, and groaned inwardly, almost exposing himself.

"Haha, you don't need to worry too much about your husband, just stay at home and wait for the good news."

At this time, Cai Jing only wanted to return to Bianliang, the center of power, and have a place in the temple.As for the ruling of the world and the power of the government and the public, it is not what he can think of.

But Yang Lin knew very well in his heart that after Tong Guan returned, Cai Jing would soon be able to go back to Bianliang and recover after a good word.We must know that Cai Jing's resume was very impressive. In the second year of Xining, he was a Jinshi in high school, transferred to Qiantang Wei, Shuzhou Tuiguan, and moved to Qijulang.When he returned from his mission to Liao, he was appointed as a member of Zhongshu Sheren.At this time, his younger brother Cai Bian was already a member of Zhongshushe. According to the regulations, the official order should be in order. Cai Bian asked to be ranked after Cai Jing, and the two brothers were responsible for writing the imperial edict at the same time.

This kind of virtue of brotherhood was proud of by the whole Song Dynasty, and Cai Jing was changed to Longtu Pavilion and Zhikaifeng Mansion.

In the next ten years, he went back and forth between the deadly rivals Zhang Dun and Sima Guang, and he never fell out of the center of power, which shows his smoothness.

Yang Lin comforted him again, and then turned his arms back, ready to go back to their homes and wait.

In the inner hall of Yang's mansion, and in Yang Tong's bedroom, all concubines and maidservants were screened out.

Yang Tong opened the secret door hidden in the inner wall, and looked at his treasury with distress, which was his life savings.

Recently, his son has spent three-tenths of his money in a crazy manner. Although Yang Tong loves his son, he still feels pain from time to time.

There was a sound of brisk footsteps, Yang Tong knew that his son had returned, and no one else dared to come in.

Sure enough, it was Yang Lin who stepped in. Seeing his father looking at his small treasury again, Yang Lin smiled and stepped forward and said, "Father, don't feel bad, money is spent when money is spent, and it rots in your own hands." It’s no different from a stone.” After speaking, she stepped forward and selected a gold hairpin from a crowd of jewels.

Yang Tong slowly closed the secret door, sighed, and his face was full of reluctance: "Lin'er, do you think that Tong Guan has such great skills? Dad is doing business in the south of the Yangtze River, and this kind of enshrined official has been seen a few times. Ten of them, each one is an eunuch who bullies others and is greedy for money, although this boy looks different from ordinary eunuchs, but has he put so much effort into making friends, isn't it too much?"

Yang Lin sat down on the chair, played with the hairpin he just got, and said casually: "Why is it useless, my son is counting on him for the provincial exam, not to mention the palace exam, which depends entirely on the emperor and the ministers in power. I can't pass it." In a few days, when he returns to Bianliang, the names of our father and son will be heard by the officials. By then, hehe"

In the business circles in Yangzhou, everyone knew that Yang Tong was famously rich and powerful, and even he felt pain in the flesh, which shows how much money Yang Lin spent to win over Tong Guan.

In addition, when Yang Lin and Tong Guan are together, they always turn the topic to the military, intentionally or unintentionally, which makes Tong Guan feel like he has met his confidant.

This guy is an eunuch with a humble background and has no foundation in the court. Once he gains power, he will have to rely on himself.Thinking of this, Yang Lin felt complacent. In the future, in this temple, we should play a role.


Bianliang City, inside the imperial palace.

Zhao Ji was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust whisk in his hand, and the fragrance was wafting from the incense burners around him. He was sitting on the futon surrounded by clouds and mist, which complemented the young emperor's spirit.

Standing beside him were two young girls, all of whom were loosely tied in a bun, with a few strands of black hair hanging down on their shoulders.The skin is delicate and tender, the eyebrows are bright and the lips are bright, and the eyes are delicate.

Tong Guan knelt outside the curtain and kept talking about the prosperity of Yangzhou and what he saw and heard.

When the servants came to the curtain with all kinds of rare treasures in their hands, Zhao Ji slowly opened his eyes. After all, he was a young man with a flamboyant and sloppy personality. He slapped the buttocks of the beauties on both sides, attracting giggling smiles. Only then did he begin to play with the treasures that Tong Guan had searched for.

Tong Guan tactfully kept his mouth shut, the belongings of the three ships he brought back have been distributed among the queens, concubines and several eunuchs in charge of the palace according to Yang Lin's suggestion.

Like Yang Lin and Cai Jing, he is an ambitious person, and he doesn't value property very much.For these, money is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Buying the people around the emperor and letting them blow the wind in front of the emperor every day, even if the emperor heard the unintentional conversation, it is a precious impression.

"That's right, this time Jiangnan's enshrining belongs to you, Tong Guan, which is the most suitable for me." Zhao Ji said with a smile, but it was as sweet as fairy music to Tong Guan's ears.

"It's worth dying for this old slave to be able to enjoy the fun of the official family. However, this old slave is stupid, so where can I find these good things? Cai Jing, the magistrate of Yangzhou, and Yang Lin, the first in the local government test, helped the old slave find them. Yang Lin's rich family heard that these were dedicated to His Majesty, so he not only helped out, but also paid all the expenses without taking any money."

"Oh? Cai Jing is the elder brother of Shangshu Zuocheng, Cai Bian, who is an official to the Privy Council. I didn't expect there to be such two loyal ministers in Yangzhou, who would take care of my worries." After finishing speaking, he happily picked up a delicate and elegant jade carving and rubbed it. "Good jade! It's the best suet white jade, smoother and more moist than a beauty."

Tong Guan said from the bottom of his heart: "Cai Yuanchang, Yang Wenyuan, the money and the house are not in vain, and I am worthy of you."

Chapter 11 Talking about the Fengyue Field of the Song Dynasty

Yang Lin used to read and practice calligraphy every day for more than ten years, and he never gave up.In order not to look too strange, Yang Lin will go through the procedure now, but it is just like watching flowers on horseback, not very distracted.

He has already memorized the Nine Classics and Three Biography fluently, even if he does not recite them every day, it will not delay the next provincial examination.

Now that the Song Dynasty selects a scholar, it is necessary to test the poems. I carefully recalled the poems that Yang Lin made before, and they are all low-level works.Although the previous owner of this body was erudite and memorized and worked hard, he had nothing to do with the word genius. He didn't have the talent and aura of the poets who are everywhere in Song Dynasty today.

If he was allowed to take the Provincial Examination in a regular manner, even if he could pass, he would only be at the bottom of the list. Although Cai Jing and Tong Guan have been hitched in advance, a Jinshi background can still save a lot of trouble.

The weather was getting cooler, and the westerly wind in late autumn was caressing the phoenix trees in the yard. Yang Lin stretched his waist, put down the "Gongyang Biography" he had been reciting for a long time, and turned his head to see Jin'er resting his chin on one hand, sleeping soundly.The little maid is only 14 years old this year, and it was when she was most tired of these things that Yang Lin couldn't help recalling the boundless sleepiness in the classroom when she was 14 years old.

No wonder these sages can become sages. Just saying a word has a hypnotic effect.

Yang Lin laughed at himself, then gently pushed open the wooden door of the study, and a gust of cold wind blew in.Jin'er shivered, and called out sleepily: "Master, are you done reading?"

Yang Lin ignored this little confusion, and stretched his chest facing the westerly wind that filled the courtyard. The sky in Song Dynasty was clear and blue, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers and plants in the air, which lifted people's spirits.

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