
Hearing this, Fangzheng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that he just said something casually just now, but Nimfu really helped him find a mount?

This little angel is too hard!


At this moment, Fangzheng suddenly heard a series of hurried running sounds from a distance.He immediately turned his head, and together with Fina, looked in the direction of the sound.

And under the gaze of the two, a huge figure slowly emerged from the wind and snow, and came in front of them.

Chapter 79 The Land Forsaken by the Gods


Looking at the tall figure in front of him, Fangzheng couldn't help but whistled.And Fina's eyes widened in surprise, she opened her mouth and was speechless.

What appeared in front of the two was a huge black bear.But compared to the bears that Fangzheng had seen in the animal world before, the black bear in front of him was bigger in size. It was nearly two meters tall just lying on the ground on all fours. It stood like this between Fangzheng and In front of Fina, she stared at the two humans in front of her.Immediately afterwards, Fang Zheng saw the little blue-haired angel approaching from behind the giant bear.

"How? Look, Master, I just discovered this. I have already made an appointment with it. It agrees to be your mount temporarily and take you two down the mountain."

"very good."

Fangzheng touched Nymph's little head, and the little angel showed a happy smile, then she stretched out her hand and placed it on top of the giant bear's head, as if communicating.Then the giant bear squatted down obediently, motioning for the two to ride on its back.And since there was such an easy-to-use vehicle, Fang Zheng naturally rode on it unceremoniously.As for Fina, the priest girl hesitated for a moment, but finally sat behind Fangzheng cautiously.

Then the giant bear stood up and carried the two of them quickly towards the foot of the mountain.

This giant bear was huge, but it ran very smoothly. Sitting on its back, Fang Zheng and Fina felt even more stable than sitting on horseback.I don't know where Nimf found this giant bear, and how he "convinced" it to serve as a mount for the two of them.

But in any case, with this giant bear, the next journey will be much easier.As one of the top predators in the forest, this bear obviously belonged to the king of the mountain, and no animal dared to provoke it.And different from that huge body, the speed of this giant bear is also quite fast, so that Fangzheng even felt that if he put a battle armor on the outside, he might be able to go directly to Zul Aman as a mount and fall... ...

This bear is big, Amani and bear to understand?

Of course, this was just Fang Zhengxian's thoughts when he was passing the time. This Xiong Da obviously had a very comfortable life in the mountains and forests, and he didn't plan to hang out in a ghostly place like Zul'Aman.In fact, less than an hour later, it led Fangzheng and Fina through the forest to the Dark Swamp.

This is a dark swamp.

Although he had heard about the Dark Swamp from Garrison and Knight Conan, and Fina had introduced the history of the Dark Swamp to herself, Fang Zheng still couldn't help feeling a little lost when he saw this pitch-black land with his own eyes.

The snow was still falling, and the pure white snowflakes fell on the ground, covering the whole earth in a piece of white.However, this is only limited to the mountains and forests where Fangzheng is located. In front of his eyes, at the foot of the mountain and bordering the dark swamp, a black and white boundary extends from here.The snowflakes didn't seem to have left any marks on this swamp at all, only the dark soil and the dots of ruins in the distance.

The Dark Swamp is indeed dark.

"Roar... Roar..."

Standing at the foot of the hill, the giant bear also stopped. It opened its mouth and let out a low growl towards the dark swamp, as if it was facing some terrible enemy.Nymph flew to its side, stretched out her hand to hold the giant bear's head, and after a while, she turned around to look at Fangzheng, shaking her head.

"This child can only send the master here, it doesn't want to enter that swamp..."

"It's ok."

Hearing Nimfu's uneasy and apologetic answer, Fang Zheng waved his hands, then turned over and jumped off the giant bear, and came in front of it.Then Fangzheng stretched out his hand to touch it quietly, and the next moment there was a salmon in his hand.

"It's really nothing good, so let's take this as the fare."


Looking at the fish in Fangzheng's hand, the giant bear was stunned for a moment, and then cautiously approached. It first sniffed the salmon in Fangzheng's hand, and then took a bite after confirming that it was all right.Then the giant bear roared, nodded to Fangzheng, then turned and disappeared into the forest.

"Sure enough, it feels good to have a mount."

Watching the figure of the giant bear disappear, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and then looked at the girls beside him.

"Let's go."

The road to the Dark Swamp was not easy. In fact, if Fang Zheng had to describe it, then his feeling of walking on the Dark Swamp was similar to walking on the Zerg Creep.The ground under your feet is not hard ground, but soft soil. Even through the leather boots, you can feel a warm agitation underneath, as if you are not walking on a piece of land, but a person with a foul smell all over your body. The monster is physically the same.

The fluttering snowflakes also disappeared. In fact, when Fangzheng stepped into this swamp, it felt as if he had stepped into another world.The dense clouds above almost covered all the light, even in the daytime, it looked so dark and gloomy.The cold wind passing through the swamp is like the wailing of ghosts, as if the ghosts who died hundreds of years ago are still lingering on this land.

"This was once a prosperous country..."

Fina looked at a ruin beside her with a complicated expression. It could be vaguely seen from its appearance that this place should have been a manor.But now, the manor has been completely burned to a pitch-black wreckage.The pillars collapsed, and only a few walls still stood there, still telling the glory of the past.

"But it is man, not the devil, who destroys it."

Fangzheng glanced around, then took out the map to check the location, and at the same time replied casually.After hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Fina's expression was a bit complicated. She hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Mr. Fangzheng... Do you think war will disappear?"

"War, war never changes."

After comparing the directions, Fangzheng continued to walk forward, and at the same time replied without looking back.

"Frankly speaking, from my standpoint, I certainly hope that my life will be peaceful and stable. I can comfortably eat at home and wait to die. I don't have to worry about anything, I don't have to do anything, and I am happy every day. But it is a pity that this world There is never such a good thing in the world, fighting is everywhere, sometimes you have to fight for something. To be honest, I can't understand the thinking of that country. The only mistake they made was to underestimate the determination of the other side to resist to the end That's all."

"And what about the battle of Order and Chaos?"

"Chaos...Frankly speaking, it is still too far away from me, although I have seen the Son of Chaos once..."

Having said this, Fangzheng suddenly paused for a moment, then he turned his head to look at Fina, showing a funny smile.

"By the way, Miss Fina, have you thought about something?"

"what's up?"

Perhaps Fang Zheng's gaze was a bit "bad", so Fina also became nervous instinctively, and asked.

"That is... maybe chaos is also part of order?"

"Hey... hey hey?!!!"

This time, Fina seemed to be terribly frightened. Before Fangzheng could finish speaking, she widened her eyes and screamed.

"This, how is this possible! Order and chaos are sworn enemies! Moreover, the two are completely different!"

"Oh? Then tell me, according to your understanding, what is order? What is chaos?"

"Because, because order is..."

Perhaps Fangzheng's question was so inexplicable that Fina didn't know how to answer it for a while.She opened her mouth and was stunned for a while, then she clapped her hands as if remembering.

"Order has identifiable characteristics and obeys rules and laws. Chaos is chaotic, without rules and laws... How can the two be the same?"

"If according to what you said, then chaos is indeed a part of order."

"How is this possible? Chaos has no laws and..."

"The characteristics of chaos, didn't you just say it?"

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