However, these privileges are of no use to Fangzheng, because he is not a follower, but a master.

In this way, Joan of Arc's remaining opponents who are somewhat effective are only EX-level anti-magic power.

Hmm... But it's not the same thing, Fangzheng didn't use magic now, but directly slashed up with his sword.

So Joan's last advantage was gone.


The pitch-black sword collided with the flag, causing Joan's body to shake suddenly.Then he backed away, while Fang Zheng moved forward, his eyes fixed on Joan of Arc, waiting for the opportunity to make the final blow.Fangzheng understands very well that under the current circumstances, a long battle is not conducive to his performance.Joan of Arc's stamina is much higher than that of the red archer. If she were to switch to the red archer, she would be able to kill her in seconds by getting close to her.But facing Joan of Arc, Fang Zheng did not have such confidence.After all, her life-saving invincible treasure is also very annoying, she must create an opportunity, draw her attention, and then... kill with one blow.

At the same time, Fangzheng also needs to be on guard against Joan of Arc's impulsive jumping over the wall. He has not forgotten that Joan of Arc still has the right to enforce orders with two strokes of the command spell. If not, then the situation on my side will be dangerous.

So Fangzheng didn't come up to grab the rhythm of the instant kill like he did with the red ARCHER, but gradually put pressure on Joan of Arc, telling her not to make up her mind to use the command spell immediately... After all, judging from the previous situation, this RULER is still very disciplined, unless it is absolutely necessary, she will not use her privileges at all.

Fangzheng was very cautious, but at this moment Joan of Arc seemed a little anxious.The reason why she came here was not because she received "enlightenment", but because Joan of Arc sensed Xiao Hei's breath.Then she felt it carefully, and was surprised to find that Black did not have an ASSASSIN, but instead had two CASTER and ARCHER.

This is clearly a violation of the regulations!

Because of this, Joan decided that this violating MASTER was the reason why she was summoned to appear as a RULER.

Not to mention that after Fangzheng showed his formidable combat power, Joan of Arc was even more sure of this!

It should have been like this.

But what Joan of Arc didn't expect was that when she was fighting against Fang Zheng, trying to clear this violating MASTER out of the Holy Grail War, her "revelation" suddenly launched!

"Revelation" is Joan's inherent skill, its function is similar to "intuition", but it is different from pure battle intuition, Joan's "revelation" is more like the "revelation" that received the will of God in the dark and gave the guidance of fate ".

But this time, the "enlightenment" that Joan of Arc received was to ask her to leave immediately and not to confront Fang Zheng! ?

what on earth is it?

At this time, Joan was also puzzled. She had always trusted her revelation, but now the revelation showed herself that she should choose to leave rather than fight. What is the reason for this?Could it be that this MASTER is not a violator?What is going on...?

At this moment, Joan of Arc fell into confusion and confusion.

But also because of this, she didn't notice the cold murderous intent that flickered in Fang Zheng's eyes.

good chance!

Sensing that the other party seemed to be distracted, Fang Zheng did not miss this opportunity, only to see that the pitch-black sword in his hand suddenly erupted, and slashed at Joan again heavily with howling flames.Joan of Arc, who came back to her senses, hurriedly raised the flagpole in her hand, trying to block Fang Zheng's blow.

However, this blow was completely different from before!

Sword of One! !

The power accumulated in countless timelines was concentrated at one point and exploded instantly. Joan of Arc felt as if she was hit head-on by a tank, and the flagpole in her hand immediately swung to the side.But this is not the end, because at the same time that the flagpole in her hand blocked Fang Zheng's black sword, a powerful force of existence poured into Joan of Arc's body along the flagpole like a flood, and then burst suddenly in her body!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Accompanied by the screams, countless scars erupted on Jeanne's body, and blood splashed all over the ground, and she herself was also scarred all over her body, and she directly hit a huge tree trunk not far away. The impact force even made a huge gap in the thick tree trunk that was full of five people hugging each other.

No, you must use the Noble Phantasm......!

Aware of the approaching danger, Joan of Arc no longer considered the issue of revelation at this moment, she hurriedly raised the flag in her hand, trying to activate the treasure to protect herself.

At the same time, however, a gunshot rang out.


The whistling light bullet pierced through the darkness and hit Joan's body directly. This shot did not cause any harm to Joan, but it made her body go limp suddenly, and she lost her strength and fell to her knees. At the same time, the flag tightly held in Joan's hand was also let go and fell to the ground.

Me, what am I...

Joan had no idea what had happened, but she had no chance at this moment.Fang Zheng's figure appeared in front of Joan of Arc. He stretched out his left hand to grab Joan of Arc's neck and lifted it high. The next moment, the big black sword pierced Joan of Arc's chest, nailing her to death. on the trunk behind him.

At the same time, flames erupted.

The scorching soul fire roared out from the pitch-black sword, enveloping Joan of Arc in the blink of an eye.

nailed it!

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing in the flames, Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a slight pain in his arm.

what happened?

Fangzheng raised his right arm, and then he was surprised to find that there were three more Command Seals on his right arm that originally represented Illya and Xiaohei Command Seals!

Not only that, when the three command spells appeared, Fangzheng felt... the connection between him and Joan!

What is this ghost?

Seeing the three extra command spells on his arm, Fangzheng was taken aback for a moment, and at this moment, he suddenly noticed something, and hurriedly withdrew his sword and backed away.With the disappearance of the flame, Joan of Arc's figure reappeared from it, and she fell heavily to the ground, looking dying.

"What's happening here?"

Looking at Joan of Arc who looked like he was about to die in front of him, Fang Zheng frowned.He could feel that just now, a very powerful will intervened in it, and gave himself these three Command Seals.

So this ask him to accept Joan as his servant, and then spare her life?

Is there such an operation?

Chapter 698 Communication with the Will of the World

Fangzheng had to admit that he was really stunned by this wave of coquettish operations.

I've never seen someone so spineless, kneel down and beg for mercy as soon as he made a move, and even surrendered and begged for inclusion?

And this rhythm?

Although Fangzheng really wanted to ask Joan of Arc's current psychological condition, but the battle between him and Joan of Arc had already attracted the attention of other servants, and now these servants were approaching the position where the two sides were fighting.So Fangzheng easily resisted Joan of Arc, and then directly used a teleportation technique to run first as a respect...

And when the followers of the black camp came to the battlefield, except for the ruins, Fang Zheng and Joan of Arc had already disappeared.


The aura of magic flashed in the air, and the next moment Fangzheng carried Joan of Arc to a flat land among the mountains.He glanced left and right, and then threw Joan, who was still weak, to the ground.Although Joan of Arc still maintains a clear consciousness at this moment, perhaps because too much strength was consumed in the previous battle, she can't even stand up now.


Thinking of this, Fangzheng glanced at Joan of Arc and noticed his eyes, Joan of Arc couldn't help curling up, staring at her in horror.At this moment, she no longer had the majestic look she had before, she was just like an ordinary girl... Huh?

"You are Joan's possession body?"

At this time, Fangzheng observed carefully, only to find that there are two souls in this young girl's body, one of which is already quite weak, and the other is very ordinary.It seems that Joan of Arc was exhausted in the battle with Fang Zheng, and now she has shrunk to a corner to sleep, but now the girl herself has regained control of this body.

"Yes, it is."

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