"You...you are...what...?"

Looking at Fangzheng in front of her, Rui Pufan couldn't even utter a complete sentence. She knew that she was the bait, but...she came here to lure Akkad!But now, instead of waiting for Akkad, she actually waited for a giant dragon? !

Why?Why do dragons exist in this world? !

"Ah... ah..."

Seeing Fangzheng walking towards her again, Rui Pufan trembled. She screamed and raised the gun in her hand, aiming at Fangzheng.

"No, no, don't come here!!"


Screaming, Ripfan pulled the trigger.Soon, the magic bullet flew out, heading towards Fang Zheng with a series of dazzling trajectories in the air. ..

However, Fangzheng didn't even dodge the magic bullet that was galloping towards him. He just stretched out his hand and pointed it in front of him and grabbed it lightly.


The magic bullet capable of penetrating the steel fighter was held in Fang Zheng's hand like a small stone, and then his palm was clenched tightly. When Fang Zheng let go of his hand again, the magic bullet in his hand had completely disappeared, only turning into a A cloud of powder.

"Ah... ah... ah..."

Seeing this scene, the woman's eyes widened in horror, her body trembled, and she didn't even know what to say.She desperately raised the magic spear in her hand, but before the woman could fight back again, Fang Zheng's figure flashed and came to the woman, then he grabbed the woman's neck and lifted her high.

"No, don't...don't..."

In front of Fangzheng's outburst of undisguised Longwei, Rui Pufan had lost her composure and composure. She was screaming, trembling, and begging like a little girl.But none of this worked. Fangzheng just stared at the prey coldly. He raised the big sword in his hand and stabbed forward.


The big black sword directly pierced the woman's chest, nailing her to the wall.The severe pain made the woman's hands and feet twitch uncontrollably, and warm liquid seeped out from between her legs, emitting a strong fishy smell.

The next moment, hot flames erupted from the sword, enveloping the woman in front of her in an instant.

Chapter 6 Are you ready to go... What is this unfolding?

System repair progress (45%)

Standing on the burning aircraft carrier, Fang Zheng snorted softly as he watched the system prompt in front of him.He raised his head again and looked in front of him.I saw that the woman who was nailed to death on the wall by the pitch-black sword had been completely burned by the flames, leaving only the last trace of black ashes.

The entire aircraft carrier has been surrounded by fire. From the current point of view, I am afraid that it will not be long before the aircraft carrier will completely sink into the depths of the sea.

"Okay, now these bloody vampires are done..."

As soon as Fangzheng grasped the big black sword in his hand and pulled it out, he could feel that the fire of his soul was burning in his body, bursting and boiling for the addition of new firewood.A wild and bloody energy flowed down his blood vessels to every part of his body like oil, and then Fangzheng closed his eyes, then opened them again.

He raised the silver dagger in his left hand, pointed it forward and pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the light bullet flying from the muzzle of the silver-white dagger quickly took a series of dazzling trajectories in the air, and then smashed the square located in Fangzheng at an angle that was enough to kill Newton. The burning wreckage behind.

"Very well, it's still useful to look at this vampire."

Satisfied with what he had done, Fangzheng nodded.He had already killed three vampires in this world. After burning the golden-haired man at the beginning, Fangzheng's dragon power began to awaken in his body.And after burning the short-haired female man, Fang Zheng's body's "capacity plunder" belonging to the Zerg was also revived.Because of this, when Fang Zheng killed the black-haired female vampire in front of him, and burned her body and soul as firewood, he absorbed and obtained the female vampire's magic bullet ability.

Combined with the anti-gun that he learned from Blood Source, this skill obviously has some merits in Fangzheng's opinion.

Then next...

The storm blew up again, and right after that, Fang Zheng in the form of a giant dragon appeared from the sea of ​​flames again.He spread his wings, flew up from the flames, and flew towards the distant horizon.

illenniu, wash your neck and wait! !

According to the information provided by Akkad, Illenniu's headquarters is located in the untouched rainforest of South America. For humans, this may be a barren land that cannot be reached.But for Fang Zheng, this was only a few hours' journey. Not long after, when he swooped down from the clouds again, Fang Zheng soon saw the secret base hidden in the tropical rainforest.

Very good, you are ready to bear my wrath, a bunch of undead from World War II, you will be completely reduced to ashes in the flames!

Thinking of this, Fangzheng's eyes also revealed a icy light, and then he saw the giant dragon directly tearing through the clouds, swooping down, and landed directly in the hidden base with the ominous Third Reich flag hanging.


With the landing of the giant dragon, the ground began to tremble, and the dull sound echoed in the rainforest, startling flocks of birds and flying towards the surroundings.And Fangzheng raised his head up and spread his wings.

"Confess your stupidity! Sad undead! You have offended beings that should not be touched! Now, you are going to fight for your... people?"

It wasn't until this time that Fang Zheng realized that there was no sound in the entire base. Except for a few mice, he didn't feel any life reaction in this base at all.This made Fangzheng stunned for a moment. He narrowed his eyes and looked down at the base in front of him, but he didn't even see a single bit of light.Therefore, the scene that Fangzheng expected those remnants of the Third Reich to hold up their weapons in despair and tremble in front of him, and then be burned into coke by the flames is naturally impossible...

... Can't you make me pretend to be a B happily? !

Since there was no audience, it was meaningless for Fang Zheng to show his might to the air here, so he quickly returned to his human form, and then walked towards the secret base in front of him.

Where have all the people here gone?

It didn't take long for Fangzheng to discover that this base seemed a little abnormal. Judging from the internal situation, everything here was in order, and it didn't seem like he fled in a hurry just because he found himself coming.Not only that, but from the remaining traces of the base, it can be seen that the people in this base may have left in less than a day.

But the question is... where did they go?

Fangzheng turned the entire secret base from top to bottom, but he didn't even see a ghost, which is very unusual.You must know that even if it is a general mobilization, there will be a few guards at the base.But judging from the current situation of this secret base, they have already evacuated everyone, and there is no one left.

What's going on here, is Akkad's information wrong?Or the other party had already guessed that there would be today.

After turning the base upside down and still getting nothing, Fang Zheng reluctantly walked out of the secret base that had apparently been abandoned, and then took out his mobile phone to call Integula.Anyway, you have to report it to the other party to see what's going on?


But what surprised Fangzheng was that after he called Integula, there was always a busy signal?

Not connected?Or did you have too much fun chatting with door-to-door salespeople?

Fangzheng didn't think too much about it, he just thought that Integula had an urgent matter and turned off the phone.After all, people can directly enter the palace to meet the queen, and it is not impossible to work on state affairs at the moment...Of course, Fangzheng suspects that she is currently busy with those broken cars that he broke...

Well, after thinking about it, Fangzheng suddenly felt that it was better not to bother her, but to find Walter, a good old man.

So he called Walter again, but...

"The line is still busy? Could it be that you haven't slept in the past two nights and talked on the phone?"

Looking at the mobile phone that also gave out a busy tone, Fangzheng was a little confused for a while.He never thought that these two people would not answer the phone by such a coincidence... Wait, could it be said that these two people have an affair?Oh, it's not impossible to think about it this way. According to Walter, people watched Integula grow up, and Integula lost his father when he was young. Maybe he regarded Walter as his father. Generally, girls of this type have an Electra complex when they grow up, and looking at Integula, there must be no man outside to fall in love with her... Wait, maybe they really don't need it?

It's just that Walter's identity is a housekeeper, so in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he deliberately maintained etiquette outside, and then the two took advantage of the dead of night to talk on the phone in the dead of night to appease the pain of lovesickness and love?

Oh, thinking about it, Fangzheng suddenly felt extremely exciting. A love story between the domineering president and the loyal old housekeeper?If this is to be made into a TV series, it must take hundreds of episodes!

This is really big news!

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