Dark, dense clouds covered the entire sky, and below it, the huge city was extremely dim, looking like a lifeless cemetery.For a moment, the world seemed to be nothing but black and white.

Then, a voice sounded.

"I, since I am the swarm..."

The next moment, the eyes suddenly opened up.A huge monster emerged from the clouds, and things like insect eggs fell from its body one after another, hitting the ground heavily, punching out big black holes one after another.The soldiers shouted loudly and launched an attack with all their might.But the next moment, their bodies were completely penetrated and torn to pieces by the monster emerging from the pit.

"The army is wiped out, the world is burning under my feet..."

Countless swarms of insects flowed through the city like seawater made of flesh and blood, and they destroyed everything that could be seen.Human beings formed the final line of defense on the square. Countless soldiers lined up and held their weapons tightly. Behind them, the giant steel cannon slowly raised its body and let out an earth-shattering roar.

The sparks exploded among the worms, and then disappeared, like the waves caused by a small stone hitting the sea water, small, fragile, and meaningless.

"Finally, I want to complete my revenge on this planet."

The blazing flames gradually extinguished, and the human barrier was broken like a bubble under the attack of the swarm. At the end of the square, a towering statue fell to the ground.And at the end of the clouds in the distance, a huge battleship fell from the sky, covering the whole world in a white light of death.

"Because I am the Queen of Blades!"


Fangzheng opened his eyes. At this moment, his entire face was dark. He just stared at the dimensional code in front of him, not knowing what to say.

First Arthas, now Kerrigan, are you forcing me to walk on the road of pride?

I'm not reconciled if you don't play this system to death, right? !

Chapter 31 Deep into the Canyon

After examining this soul stone, Fang Zheng was surprised to find that, unlike the Lich King, the Queen of Blades' soul stone was more practical in terms of practicality.

The reason for saying this is because of the nature of their soul stones.For Fang Zheng, the soul stone is embedded in the dimensional code. If he does not actively activate it, there is only such a buff that has an effect on undead creatures.And if you want to exert the true power of the Lich King, you must fully activate the soul stone.

But the Queen of Blades' soul stone was not like this. In fact, although her activation times were the same as five times, Fang Zheng discovered after investigation that the real power of the Queen of Blades was exactly the opposite of that of the Lich King.If the Lich King needs to consume the number of uses of the soul stone to exert its true power, then the soul stone of the Queen of Blades can only exert its most powerful power when it is not activated.

And the reason lies in that gain.

For this gain buff, the description is only one sentence.

With just this sentence, Fangzheng immediately understood what it meant.

To put it bluntly, in the state of the soul stone inlaid with the Queen of Blades, he can directly open the Zerg base, and then play real-time strategy.After all, the most powerful thing about the Zerg is the constant swarm. The overwhelming Zerg army is their real power. On the contrary, Kerrigan's personal combat power is actually quite limited, in other words.If so, after the demise of the Scourge, he can still rely on his own strength to save the defeat.But in a different way, once the Zerg army is finished, she has almost no other choice but to run for her life.

So for Fang Zheng, this soul stone is more suitable for his daily use, but...Kerrigan, Kerrigan, why are you Kerrigan?

The Lich King is not very likable, and the Zerg is even worse. Fang Zheng can be sure that once this thing appears on the surface, it will definitely be regarded as the vanguard of the demon invasion... You say If you don't give me Jim Raynor, you can give me Artanis, why is it Kerrigan?

Fangzheng has already felt the deep malice this system has given him. After all, he is also its creator. In other words, if this game is a child, then he is a father. Is there such a cheating child?

It seems that bear children are cheating.

Although very helpless, Fangzheng still had to choose to put away this soul stone.It definitely won't work in the main world, but it might be usable in the dungeon world, and I don't know what world I will be sent to next time when the mission transmission is turned on.

Thinking of this, Fangzheng couldn't help but glanced at the dimensional code in front of him again, the cooling time on it had already entered the countdown.

In 13 hours, the teleportation will start again.

The night passed.

The next day just after dawn, everyone set off again, but to their surprise, unlike the day before, they didn't encounter a single undead creature along the way.This made Marte and the others look extremely gloomy. You must know that they are not escaping from the Shadow Canyon, but returning the same way. Logically speaking, the closer they are to the center, the more enemies there should be.Fangzheng and Knight Conan encountered several waves of soldiers from undead creatures on the road to the bloody river beach before. It doesn't make sense that now they are "taking themselves into a trap", but the enemy doesn't pay attention.

Then there is only one reason, obviously something more important than them has attracted the attention of that Lich.

And the more important thing is what Marte said - the dark ritual.

"It looks really bad."

Standing on the cliff and looking down, Marte's face was gloomy like a piece of ice.Below the cliff is what appears to be an abandoned quarry.It seems that it has been a long time ago, and I don't know when it was a product.But for Malte, he obviously didn't come here for archaeology.

"That quarry is the old lair of the lich. We were ambushed here, but now we can't see half of the undead creatures... Could it be that the ceremony has already started?"

Hearing Malte's self-talk, Fangzheng frowned. Because of the special effect of the soul stone, he has a strong sense of undead creatures.Just as Marte said, he couldn't feel any undead creature's breath outside the quarry, but that didn't mean they didn't exist.In fact, deep in the ground, Fangzheng has noticed some clues.There are a large number of undead creatures gathering deep underground under the quarry, and they don't have to ask to know that they are definitely not having a party there.

"What's next?"

Fangzheng didn't tell Malte what he felt. In fact, he didn't want to go all out for a dark ritual with unclear details. Maybe he was trying to call his lover back from the underworld?To be honest, after getting along with these Templar knights, Fang Zheng found that they were indeed worthy of the title of knight. They were just, kind, brave to sacrifice, fought for justice, had no dirty thoughts, and most of them were very approachable.To be honest, Fangzheng respected them very much, but he didn't have any special thoughts about it.It's like watching a Hollywood blockbuster. It's really touching to see those soldiers willing to sacrifice for the country to stop some monsters and monsters. Other countries sacrifice their lives?

Not to mention that Fangzheng has been in this world for less than a month, and he has no feelings for this place at all. Strictly speaking, he only knows a Stone and a Miss M. It is naturally impossible for him to work hard for this world.So Fangzheng decided to put Marte as the leader first, and concentrate on making soy sauce, and it would not be too late to withdraw if the situation was not good.

Anyway, the cooling time for his teleportation is almost over now, so it's not too difficult to find a chance to teleport to the invincible Hearthstone.

"Let's go down and see the situation first."

Finally, Malte made a decision.

"There must be something wrong here. I don't believe that the other party will be so negligent. Even if they really want to hold a ceremony, there won't be no scouts outside."

Now that Marte gave the order, Fangzheng naturally didn't intend to object. He just walked down the cliff carefully with several others, looked around and walked towards the quarry.

There was no one in the huge quarry, only the swirling wind whizzed through the gap, Fangzheng held the Duankong sword tightly, and carefully glanced around——The Lich King's sense was only limited to the undead, It has no effect on living things, and there are no undead creatures here, so it doesn't mean that he can rush in and die.


But soon, Fangzheng discovered that the situation here was not quite right.Among the ruins near the quarry, he found bone fragments scattered all over the place. Judging from the appearance, these should be the remains of undead creatures that had been exterminated.Originally, Fangzheng thought that this was the trace left by Malte and the others after their fight, but soon he discovered that there was a circle of footprints next to it——the footprints were very new, and they didn't look like they were left a long time ago. It's like it's only recently...and just before they got here.


Fangzheng frowned, clenched the long sword in his hand, and slowly walked towards the ruins step by step along the footprints.From the outside, it seems that there used to be a house where a supervisor lived, but now most of it has collapsed, and only a few walls are still standing there.Fangzheng stared at the wall in front of him, then thought for a moment, then raised the long sword in his hand.


But what Fangzheng didn't expect was that before the long sword in his hand was swung down, suddenly a black shadow leaped across the other side of the wall and rushed towards him straightly.Fangzheng was also taken aback when he saw the black shadow jumping out suddenly, he hurriedly raised his long sword and swiped forward, colliding with the black shadow.Then there was only a crashing sound of "boom", and the black figure flipped back suddenly, and then stood firmly on the ground.And until this moment, Fangzheng finally saw the true face of the black shadow clearly.

"What is this?"

Looking at the black shadow in front of him, Fangzheng was also dumbfounded.What appeared in front of him was not the undead creature that Fang Zheng had imagined, on the contrary, it was a black cheetah, but it was different from ordinary cheetahs in that its body looked like a starry sky in the universe. Dark blue, the whole body looks translucent. Not only that, Fangzheng can also see straight silver-white lines connecting its limbs and head from inside the black panther's body. If it moves, it looks more like a constellation in the starry sky.

What the hell is this?

Just when Fangzheng was in doubt and was about to call Marte and others for support, suddenly, an excited voice rang in his ear.

"Mr. Fangzheng! It's great that you're fine!"

Hearing this voice, Fangzheng was stunned for a moment, and then behind the black panther, a girl in a cloak ran out of the ruins panting, and waved to him happily.As for this girl, although Fang Zheng is not very familiar with it, he is not unfamiliar either.

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