"Isn't this too exaggerated? Two super-classes, five first-class colleges, and more second-class colleges. When will the exchange be over?"

Looking at the registration form in front of her, Sun Jingrou couldn't help complaining.

But Li Yalin, who was squinting at him, couldn't help curling his lips secretly.

Since you complain, why are you laughing?

The corners of your mouth are almost behind your ears!

"Come on! Xiao Linzi, come and help me as a staff officer. Which one should we choose first? Is the Celtic Academy of Magic and Magic better, or the Celtic Magic Knight Academy?"

Look, I was still complaining just now, and now I came to Li Yalin for more information.

Celtic Star's two super academies, the status of which is equal to Ziwei Star's Ziwei Academy, may be the two strongest colleges and universities on Celtic Star.

It's just that the research directions of the two colleges are different, so there are also great differences in essence.

The teaching policy of the Celtic Academy of Magic is to develop the most powerful high-intensity magic, and strive to maximize the power of magic, regardless of other things.

The Celtic Magic Knight Academy is just the opposite. This school does not pursue powerful magic moves, but uses magic power to strengthen itself, completely reversed the weak magician, and made it almost Not inferior to the powerful physique of a warrior.

Of course, although it is a magic knight who uses magic to strengthen himself, there is still a natural gap with warriors in essence. Once a magic knight exhausts its magic power, its body is only stronger than ordinary people at best, and it is impossible to be like a warrior. Even after exhausting his strength, his fist was still as firm as a rock.

However, the specific differences will not be elaborated here.

All in all, the two major magic academies each have their own characteristics, so Sun Jingrou is even more entangled.

For her, the greatest significance of this exchange meeting is to promote the reputation of the high school, to put it more bluntly, it is to pretend.

But which one to choose for surgery, she hesitated a lot.

Where to start?

Sun Jingrou, who seems to have become a patient with difficulty in choosing, can only turn to Li Yalin beside her for help.

Now, she can only follow the advice of her eldest nephew!

so about that

"Which one can't you choose? Just pick one!"

"Okay, stop staring at me like that, can't I help you choose one?"

"Just the Magic Knight Academy. I'm still very interested in magic knights or something."

Chapter 163 Xiao Yalin is such a bad boy

Magic knight, this should be regarded as a new profession after the transformation of Celtic star magic civilization, and it is also a very interesting profession.

Obviously, he mainly focuses on cultivating magic power, but he does not forget to strengthen himself. Although no matter how much he cultivates with the body of a mage, his progress is limited, but if supplemented with that powerful magic power, the power will be really impressive.

At least in Li Yalin's view, the profession of magic knight is not inferior to Ziwei warrior at all, and even stronger to a certain extent.

After all, the martial arts of Ziwei warriors have been broken through generations, and some advanced martial arts have completely disappeared with that disaster. On the other hand, the profession of magic knights, although it has just emerged for a few decades, is based on magic, so instead more promising.

Of course, this alone is not the focus of Li Yalin's attention.

What really caught his attention was that the profession he inherited from Denisa—sword fighter—was very similar to a magic knight in various senses.

It's just that he doesn't have magic power himself, and the energy consumed when using professional skills comes from the strength of the warrior, so the mystery in it makes him feel that if he has the opportunity, he can indeed understand it.


Is it good to learn magic?

What if I have the talent to learn magic?

"Magic Knight Academy? Well, let's choose this one first!"

Regarding Li Yalin's decision, Sun Jingrou agreed without saying a word.

After all, she already suffered from difficulty in choosing. If she had a good suggestion, she would of course take it directly.

Otherwise, if she just chooses by herself, she can't be entangled to death?

What about Magic Knight Academy?

After receiving Sun Jingrou's affirmation, Li Yalin was looking forward to it.

The official exchange between the two parties is scheduled for tomorrow. When the two parties meet tomorrow, while being cautious, let's have a good experience of the so-called magic!

"Today's practice is temporarily over."


In the evening, Li Yalin entered the training space as usual. According to the routine training, he should have continued to fight against monsters. Even recently, he has gradually started to target the awakened ones, and his strength is steadily improving.

But what he didn't expect was that when he was about to start practicing as usual, Denisa suddenly appeared together with Mai Shiranui and announced to him that the practice was suspended, which shocked him.

What happened?

It's all right, how come the cultivation has come to an end for now?

"From today, we are going to open a brand new course for you, and we have also found a new teacher for you."

"Now, let's meet this new teacher."


Brand new course?

new teacher?

After hearing what Senior Sister Wu said, Li Yalin was really dumbfounded.

He is very clear that although he has devoted himself to training recently and his strength has grown very satisfactorily, it is really far from enough to say that he has cultivated to a certain level.

At least in Li Yalin's own opinion, there are still too many areas that he needs to improve.

But it's better now, start a new course directly?

Sister Wu and Sister Di are not afraid that they will not be able to chew too much?

But before he opened his mouth to ask, with a flash of light, a beautiful woman in a pure white dress inlaid with golden patterns, with bright silver long hair and red eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Elegant and noble, perfect and flawless, this is the first impression that Li Yalin had in his mind after seeing this person for the first time.

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