Most of them fail.

However, it is not without gains.

Just three months ago, he saw a descendant of a monster with a mythical bloodline.

——Ice Lizard (descendent of mythical bloodline)

——This is a descendant of a mythical monster that gave birth to a complete set of mutated organs and extended blood.Possesses good ice power.

This is the first time Wu Hao has encountered a monster with the power of blood. Although it is not the source of the blood, the blood contained in it is thin, not comparable to a real mythical monster.

But after a fierce fight, after Wu Hao killed the monster, he extracted a trace of his blood, and it was the power of this blood that gave him some hope.

He could actually absorb this thread of blood to stabilize his mental power, and although this thread of blood did not form effective blood elements, it did have a few scattered blood elements. When Wu Hao inhaled these scattered blood elements In the body, the suffix is ​​after the ghost characters, and the feeling of depression from the spirit is slightly relieved.

And the emotional will that has been calm, like a pool of stagnant water, also has a slight wave.

Although it lasted for a short time, this feeling was soon suppressed again, but it also gave him a glimmer of hope.

This led him to a lot of speculation.

Bloodline, bloodline factor, is likely to be something that can activate, or stimulate the spiritual power of creatures.

The principle is unknown for the time being, but it can stimulate Wu Hao's spirit, or strengthen his mental power.

Now, the reason why his emotional will is being suppressed more and more may also be related to his mental power, or to put it a little more mysteriously, the strength of his soul, which is too weak to resist the instinct of the ghost body.

In fact, this is also equivalent to a kind of erosion. It is just that he erodes himself, and the ghost body instinctively erodes his emotional will.

Reminiscent of the role of blood factor, what did you say at the beginning?

——The suffix defines the specific meaning of the rune!

In a disguised form, it is to limit the scope of the runes step by step, and narrow down the specific meaning of the runes little by little.

In the restriction and affirmation, gradually let a rune form a complete meaning.

This is like, human beings grow up from children. When they were just born, they can only be called human beings. Then they went to elementary school, junior high school, and high school to learn a lot of things. Finally, according to what they have learned, they are oriented to enter the corresponding majors in the corresponding universities. .

After graduation, they are directed to enter related jobs.

Such as engineers, such as scientists, such as the boss of a certain industry.

And further, there are materials engineers, physical scientists and so on.

At this time, people are equivalent to completing self-restriction, narrowing the meaning of the word forbearance, putting a certain label on themselves, and completely making themselves a talent in a certain aspect.

Through blood factor, self-limitation, self-control!

This is what Wu Hao realized.

Self-limitation, self-control, and not looking at the superficial meaning, you will feel that you are limiting yourself, and you may become weaker.

Not so.

Can you say that a child who becomes a physical scientist becomes weaker?

In the industry he belongs to, he is even stronger and more terrifying.

In related fields, it is the supreme authority!

Even derived to other industries, are very powerful.

Therefore, Wu Hao is also guessing that part of the reason why his emotions and will are being suppressed and worn down more and more in his current state is due to the influence of ghost characters. He needs to further limit the meaning of ghost characters and restrain them step by step. Get up, and finally be completely used and controlled by yourself.

At that time, there will definitely be no risk of being corroded by the ghost body's instinct again.

"However, if you want to suffix ghost characters step by step and define its meaning, you need a lot of blood factors."

"Also, the bloodline factors contained in the bloodlines of the descendants of mythical monsters are simply not enough to support this kind of consumption. They are too fragmented, too rare, and unsystematic."

"Only a powerful and complete mythical monster, the source of this kind of blood, can support its own consumption."

"So, this time the action"

"Only succeed, not fail!"

Holding the Ghost Claw, Wu Hao stared at the small black spots in the huge water with cold and ruthless eyes.

It is an island.

On this island, the ancestor of the ice monitor lizard that he killed probably survived.

That is, the source of the blood of mythical monsters exists.

At the beginning, he launched a large-scale search based on the range of the ice monitor lizard's life and the radius of its activities.

Since there are descendants of mythical blood, then there must be mythical monsters.

Hard work paid off, and after three months of uninterrupted searching, he finally discovered the clues of this mythical monster.

That guy lives on the island in the middle of the water in front of him.

Speaking of which, being able to discover something is also a matter of chance.

A few days ago, after hearing a beast roar, he felt a bit similar to the roar of the ice monitor lizard. He searched all the way and found this place.

Once in this water area, you can feel the surrounding temperature, which is colder than other areas.And the source of the coldness comes from the island in front.

The mythical monster suspected to be the Ice Monitor Lizard is probably on the island.

Wu Hao observed all around.

This water area is very huge, vast and continuous, and the waves are magnificent.

The water body is in a faint blue state, and the bottom cannot be seen at all, and the deeper it goes, the deeper it gets.

Hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, absolutely very deep.

In the waters, some huge black shadows flashed from time to time. Judging from their appearance, they were definitely huge monsters, and they were probably some big fish.

Some huge aquatic plants, really like trees, grow from the bottom of the water, and the parts above the water are more than ten meters high.

Like a forest in water.

When animals and plants mutate at an accelerated rate, even the creatures that grow in rivers, lakes and seas undergo earth-shaking changes.

Now, at the end of the year.

It's still cold.

But the strange thing is that there is no trace of ice crystals in the water, as if this piece of water is completely in summer and autumn.

Quite weird.

Wu Hao didn't act rashly.

When it comes to mythical monsters, you can never be too careful.Besides, this water area is too weird, and it is very likely to fall into it if you are not careful.

First of all, how to get there?

Floating over the water is definitely not advisable for the monsters in the water to be targeted.

Wu Hao turned his attention to those areas of aquatic grass belts that are linked together and layered on top of each other, like a forest in the water.

A meandering and slender strip of aquatic grass connects the island in the center with the shore where Wu Hao is located.

"Wait, what is that?"

Wu Hao was taken aback suddenly and frowned.

There is something wrong with the aquatic plants.

Chapter 91 The Ruins of Another World (Part [-])

s: Thanks aa2299, that's it, meow's tip.The third change is to add changes for the rudder master.There is still one more change, and Lori continues to work hard.Thank you for your support.

The scariest thing in the world is the unknown.

The most attractive thing in the world is also the unknown.

Exploring the unknown is the constant interest of many creatures in nature.

Human beings are no exception.

As for Wu Hao, the weird and grotesque who once belonged to human beings, although his emotional will has been suppressed now, his curiosity has not diminished at all.

The water near the water grass belt is very clear, which caused Wu Hao to instantly see the scene inside the water body.

In the waters of this aquatic grass area, there is actually a ruined building.

"God, how can there be such a ruin here?"

Wu Hao floated over, showing a surprised expression.

Even though his emotions were suppressed, he couldn't help but say something similar this time.

The ruins are just below.

Full of mystery and magic.

One can get a full picture of most of the ruins at a glance, and the rest are faintly hidden among the aquatic plants, which can be seen occasionally as the aquatic plants flutter.

The dreamy branches and the ruins of the centuries-old city in the clear lake water seem to enter the world of magical fairy tales.

walk into observation

This underwater ruins is very classic, like a legendary existence. It is composed of a series of concentric building bases floating in the water.

Some buildings just stand on those bases that float in the water.

Neither sink nor float.

If you look closely, these bases are actually made up of countless aquatic plants, with huge rhizomes attached below them. Although they hold up the stone architectural relics, they will not sink.

After thinking for a while, Wu Hao got into the water, and the ghost fog spread around, protecting possible crises.

After approaching these ruins, Wu Hao finally saw the whole picture of the ruins clearly.

The ruins of the ancient city include nine farm-like buildings, a bridge and road leading to the farm, stone fences, and gates.

These roads are composed of huge aquatic plants, linking all the buildings on the base.

There is no writing on the door.

Wu Hao couldn't get any information here.

No information recording items such as stone tablets were found.

But among the five farm-like buildings, there are some strange things.

The minimum size of each farm is three basketball courts, which represents the base below them. These things made up of aquatic plants are all giants.

Wu Hao came to a medium-sized farm, which is about the size of four basketball courts.

Here, he is a fascinating underwater forest, with many bare apple trees growing on the farm, without leaves or fruits, as if frozen for a hundred years.

Wu Hao searched here, but found nothing useful.

And for those strangest apple trees, the body of knowledge did not give any information.

It really seems like just ordinary trees that die after being flooded.

keep exploring.

In the second farm, some traces of animals were seen, but all the animals have disappeared.

The third farm seemed to be the gathering place of the relic humans. In the dilapidated stone house, he found some useful items.

There are also bits and pieces of information.

It was a record book made of animal skins, which had been soaked and almost completely torn apart, only a few pages where some information could be seen.

The words written are very mysterious and I don't know them at all.But the weird thing is, just like in Monet's world, although I don't know him, I can understand it!

Is this skill characteristic unique to grotesque?

Naturally proficient in all languages?

The only few pages left on the hide are recorded in this way.

S xxx, July 27

- we failed

——Erosion from the other world

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