s: Thank you Yunxue Moke for your reward.The little friend read it from Koukou specially, and came here to support Loli.Thank you.Thank you also for this period of time, all of you who have been with Lori as always.I love you guys.Keep asking for support.



Somewhat unbelievable.

Before reaching the peak, Wu Hao seemed to see the strange trace mentioned in the suspected mission.

Of course, he wasn't so sure.

It was a paw print with a diameter of four or five meters, printed on the ground, and it was seven or eight square meters in size.

This paw print is very large, even surprisingly large.But what was strange was that there were only three claws, and what was even more strange was that he only saw a few paw prints sporadically, but they all looked the same, even the lines in the paw prints were the same, it seemed to be one paw.


What creature has a claw?

Still three fingers.

And there are such big paw prints?

No wonder the mission reward said that there were some weird and strange traces.

Standing on the edge of the paw print, Wu Hao visually measured the depth of the mark, which was forty to fifty centimeters deep.If it was an animal with a single paw, how heavy would it be to leave such a deep mark?

You must know that the rocks of Feilai Peak are very hard. At the beginning, Wu Hao searched for crystals in the solidified lava shell and carried out his own mining activities, but suffered a lot.

The hardness of the rock is simply abnormal.

However, such a hard rock has left such a deep mark.

Thinking about it is a little creepy.

The ghost mist filled the imprint, and suddenly a needle prick, with some sulphurous and pungent smell, spread out.

Great fear

Big crisis

It can cause serious damage to him, and even defeat his body.

The instinct of the ghost body began to run wildly, and the ghost mist roared, as if urging him to leave here.

In this breath, Wu Hao felt a fatal sense of crisis.


What exactly is the creature that left its footprints?

To be able to bring him such extreme pressure.

It can be determined that it is not weird, so if there is no mistake in the guess~

This is a monster from Shan Hai Jing!

Even if it is not a creature recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, it is at least a corresponding mythical creature with the power of a complete bloodline.

Here I want to focus on explaining what the Shan Hai Jing monster is.

The so-called Shan Hai Jing creature is a more powerful mutant monster designed by Weird Games based on the Shan Hai Jing passed down in ancient China.

In the final analysis, it is still a mutant monster.

But because of its historical transmission characteristics, mysterious factors and so on.The Shan Hai Jing monster is even more weird and powerful.

They are the existence that claims to be closest to God.

Such monsters generally have a complete combination of mutated organs, or even more than one set.

A strange power was born, comparable to the power of runes, which is the so-called bloodline.

Mythical creatures are a general term for a large class of powerful monsters. Monsters with the power of blood can be called mythical creatures.

Therefore, as the name suggests, Shan Hai Jing monsters are all mythical creatures, but mythical creatures are not necessarily Shan Hai Jing monsters.

The monsters that can be climbed in the Book of Mountains and Seas are all powerful monsters that have been rumored to have a long history in Huaguo since ancient times, or they are guys with special functions.

For example, the original squid.

Even such as Taotie, Huangbei and so on.

Of course, in the real world, how could a small book of mountains and seas record the many powerful mutant monsters in this world?

This world is rapidly mutating all the time, and the monsters that give birth to complete bloodline power are even more diverse.

The thing that left footprints in front of it is probably a mythical monster.

As for whether it is a monster recorded in Shan Hai Jing, it is not known.

After capturing this thing, Wu Hao is not sure whether he can complete task two.

After all, the mission requirements are monsters recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Take it one step at a time.

Wu Hao continued to climb upwards.

Begin to gradually approach the peak.

The three-fingered footprints gradually increased.

He also noticed that eggshell-like fragments began to appear on the surrounding cliffs.

It was still stained with a trace of mucus.

The closer you get to the peak, the more eggshell mucus stains the surrounding area.

This seems to be the eggshell of a small creature. Looking at the densely packed broken eggshells around it, it seems that all of them have been hatched.

Wu Hao even looked at the dust on the rocks, and could see some fine crawling marks.

Moments later, he saw the creature in the eggshell.

It's a small bug-like creature with silver skin and black eyes that hides in the biomes in the cliffs.

It is about seventeen or eighteen centimeters long, with two horns and three symmetrical insect legs on each side.

The tail is divided into two like scissors.

"It seems like"


But this is the first time I have seen such a big stupid bug.

Looking at the densely packed broken eggshells on the surrounding rock walls, Wu Hao's expression changed again and again.

So many eggshells, are they all mutated stupid bugs?

He couldn't help thinking of a frightening term.

Mutation frenzy!

A horrific disaster caused by the same mutated creature in a grotesque game.

Because of the number of its mutations, tens of thousands, once activated, it will frantically destroy everything in sight like a tide.

That's why it's called a mutation frenzy.

Generally speaking, the mutation frenzy is launched by ants, bees, spiders, mice and other creatures with large numbers.

Occasionally, more powerful mutant groups such as wolves are launched.

The latter is relatively rare, only occasionally circulated.

Back then in the weird game, after passing through the era of fog and officially entering Chapter 1, it was the prelude to a frenzy of mutations that swept across most of the human world.

The human world at that time was almost destroyed by a sudden frenzy.

With great difficulty, relying on various scientific and technological means, they gained a firm foothold, and finally realized such things as mutated creatures, and thus opened a grotesque era in which vast grotesques and mutated creatures echo each other.

The time period after the Age of Mists is also known as the Age of Grotesques.

Of course, at the very beginning, people only knew about mutant monsters, but they didn’t know anything about the weirder and more dangerous grotesques.

Therefore, the original grotesque era is also called the Mutation Era.

That's a bit of a stretch.

Let's talk about stupid things.

Wu Hao is quite familiar with this gadget.

Once upon a time in the world silverfish were small wingless insects that could be found in dark areas of buildings and on wooden buildings and trees by the sea, they were notorious for damaging paper products hibernating in water in cold temperatures , their state at this time is like small stones or gravel.

Therefore, Wu Hao can't see any stupid bugs now, it is very likely that these guys are hiding in the corners of the rock wall, disguised as stones.

However, after Wu Hao used the ghost fog to investigate, he didn't find any creatures.

no pretense

These guys have all disappeared.


Where did they go?

Continuing to go up, you can gradually hear the whistling sound, and after turning over a rock wall, Wu Hao has completely reached the top of the mountain.

Came to the place described in the task reward.

This turned out to be a huge rift valley sunken inward.

There are six trumpet-shaped giant caves in the valley, and each cave has a strong suction, which can be felt from a distance.

It can be seen that all life that goes deep into the hole will be sucked into it, and the hole is bony.Even if it is seven or eighty meters away from the entrance of the cave, it will be sucked in by the entrance of the cave and swallowed in one gulp.


What exactly is this?

Could it be that these strange openings are the strange traces prompted in the mission?

Chapter 69 Inside Feilai Peak (seeking support)

s: Thank you little panda son, ghost wolf kg, idixin, omniscient and almighty god, and the little brothers in the dream throne for their rewards.Thanks to all the friends who support Loli.My stomach hurts today, just a little bit, the update is a bit late.Finally ask for support.

What's in the cave?

A bunch of idiots?

The huge suction caused the surrounding air to be continuously extracted, forming a turbine-like horizontal vortex.

Howling, issued a piercing and sharp wind.

On the top of this huge mountain is actually a sunken canyon, which is full of unknown wind tunnels.

Like the crater of doomsday.

The strange sight made Wu Hao stunned for a moment.

The closer it was to the entrance of the cave, the more astonishing the suction, and later on, the gust of wind even reached a frightening level.

In an instant, Wu Hao's ghostly fog body was pulled into a wind tunnel.

Wu Hao instantly transformed into the ghost fog.

In an instant, the world was spinning.

It can be seen that the ghost mist is constantly being cut back and forth by the blade formed by the swirling gas.

A terrifying power that can even split the hardest diamond.

Some rocks, sand, etc. that were rolled in were cut and smashed in an instant.

However, such terrifying damage has little effect on the ghost fog.

All physical damage, as long as it does not involve the rules, is almost immune to Wu Hao.

Having ghost fog is equivalent to wearing a buff of physical immunity for a long time.

If it weren't for the bets that were put into the enchanted world before, more than half of Guiwu Shengsheng was invested, and it has not fully recovered until now.

The wind blade at this moment can't even split it.

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