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Chapter 39 Leek Box

From Huashan to Heimuya.

From summer to autumn.

After staying in more than twenty towns, Ling Chi and Shuang'er finally arrived at Blackwood Cliff under the secret attention of countless pairs of eyes.

Seeing this scene, countless forces cried.

Too bitter, too difficult.

Ling Chi, an old tortoise who killed thousands of knives, finally arrived at Heimuya.

Knowing that the Sun Moon God Sect's thousands of congregants had set up a formation at the foot of the mountain, all the forces that had enemies with the Sun Moon God Sect were extremely excited: kill!kill!Kill these evil cult demons and eliminate harm for the martial arts world!

Another wave of Sun Moon God Sect followers who supported Ren Yingying began to gather [-] miles away from Heimuya. As long as Lingchi and Dongfang Bubai are both hurt, it will be the time for them to regain power.


On the mountain road, Ling Chi pushed the small wheelbarrow forward steadily, and Shuang'er sat on the wheelbarrow to enjoy the scenery in the mountains.

It was late autumn now, the mountain had turned gray, and the autumn wind was bleak. Ling Chi was very poetic for a while, and he began to chant: "The wind is rustling... ah bah!"

Shuang'er chuckled: "Brother, have you really been admitted to Shuimu University?"

"It's absolutely true." Ling Chi said solemnly, "The identity of the champion of the city's liberal arts."

"Well, my brother is amazing." Shuang'er cupped her face in both hands, with 'worship' on her face.


A second break!

Ling Chi sighed: "Poetry is no longer the mainstream in my world. If you want to be admitted to a good university, you must develop comprehensively and comprehensively. Unless the ghosts who are partial subjects make a big noise, otherwise no good university will be admitted."

"In this case, why does brother still go to school?" Shuang'er asked.

"Because there's no other choice."

Just as he was talking, Ling Chi suddenly stopped and said, "I'll go to the woods for convenience."

"How long?" Shuang'er asked.

"5 minutes."


Five minutes later, Ling Chi came out of the woods, saw Shuang'er sitting on the scooter, and said with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

Shuang'er shook her head, smiled and said, "I'm not hungry!"

"Then eat at Heimuya!" Ling Chi pushed the cart and continued to move forward.



In the depths of the woods, an old man in black robe looked at the corpses scattered all over the place, and saw that they all died without exception with a sword cutting their throats.

"Master!" A bearded middle-aged man dressed in white with a clean appearance flashed out from behind, cupped his fists and said, "There are 160 and five corpses in total, all of whom are undefeated in the East."

"Good kill!" The black-robed old man's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Left to the left, can this Lingchi be used by me?"

"This..." The bearded middle-aged man hesitated.

The black-robed old man said in a deep voice, "But it's okay to say."

"Yes, Master!" The bearded middle-aged man straightened his thoughts and said, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"It's not easy?" The old man in black robe thought thoughtfully: "That is to say, can you recruit?"

"It's just that the subordinates think so." The bearded middle-aged man said: "After investigation, Ling Chi is not married."

The old man in black robe frowned: "You mean..."



"Ah Choo! Ah Choo!" Ling Chi stopped and rubbed his nose.

Shuang'er turned her head: "Did brother catch a cold?"

"How can I catch a cold." Ling Chi shook his head: "Someone must be plotting against me."

Shuang'er chuckled lightly: "It's not just one or two people who plot against brother."

"Wait a little longer." Ling Chi looked at the dark crowd in front of him: "It will be gone soon."


Heimuya, the main altar of the Sun Moon God Sect, has tens of thousands of congregants, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

Ling Chi pushed the small scooter unhurriedly to an open space and stopped.

Shuang'er jumped off the cart and helped Ling Chi unload the cart.

Tens of thousands of followers of the Sun Moon God Sect just watched helplessly as they put down the things on the cart.

Put all kinds of ingredients in their place, then ignite the small stove, put the pan, brush with oil, and bake the box.

The fragrance slowly appeared and wafted around. All the members of the Sun Moon God Sect within a radius of [-] meters smelled the fragrance and swallowed subconsciously.

Ling Chi baked the box while shouting loudly: "Leek box! The fragrant and delicious leek box, men can't stand it if women eat it; women can't stand it after eating it. Men can't stand it after eating it. Ten taels of silver each, the quantity is limited, if you want to buy it, hurry up !"




The scene was completely silent, and not a single one of the tens of thousands of people spoke.

Seeing that no one bought his leek box, Ling Chi frowned, and looked around, surprised to see a familiar figure in the crowd: "Hey! This guest officer!"

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