"Goo!" Wei Zongze couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The situation in front of him has completely exceeded his imagination. If he hadn't been wearing this official uniform, Wei Zongze would have even thought of running away.

Qin Yuesheng held the Suppressing Evil Knife tightly, for him, there was no fear in his heart.

If I can defeat this monster once, then I can defeat it a second time. This time, I must chop it into pieces. I don't believe that he can still survive.

call out!

Qin Yuesheng rushed over without hesitation.

A knife slashed out like lightning, slashing towards Shen Lang's face at top speed.

With this knife, Qin Yuesheng used his body skills to the limit.

But Shen Lang suddenly thrust his hand into his chest, and pulled out a crystal-clear long sword with a blue crystal blade.

Frost and Winter Snow Sword!

Qin Yuesheng's eyes froze. He had seen this sword before, and it appeared in the Heavenly Demon Heart Realm together with the Heavenly Demon Evil Blade that night, but the masked child did not bring it out of the Heavenly Demon Heart Realm.

Qin Yuesheng thought that the sword was lost there.

But now this sword actually appeared in this monster's body...


The Suppressing Evil Knife and the Frost and Winter Snow Sword meet and touch each other. Both are extraordinary weapons, but everything in the world has its own superiority and inferiority. The stronger and weaker are immediately reflected at the moment of encounter.

I saw that the blade of the Suppressing Evil Knife burst into a small triangular opening in an instant, and at the same time, a large number of cracks spread from the gap.


The white stone slab on which Shen Lang was standing could not withstand Qin Yuesheng's strength, and cracks like spider webs were instantly cracked. Although the Suppressing Evil Sword is not as good as the Frost and Winter Snow Sword, Qin Yuesheng's strength is real and cannot be underestimated. watch for.

However, the power of Frost and Winter Snow Sword is not so simple.

Seeing the place where the Suppressing Evil Knife and the Frost and Winter Snow Sword were in contact, pieces of ice suddenly froze, and the icy cold mist eroded the blade of the Suppressing Evil Knife.

Qin Yuesheng only felt that the handle of the knife dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant, and it became icy cold and tight.

Qin Yuesheng's complexion changed, and he quickly drew his knife back, but Shen Lang didn't intend to let him retreat safely. With a swipe of his sword, the cold mist turned into ice snakes and whizzed out instantly, carrying icicles all over the ground straight Congeal out.

Wherever the ice snake went, several finger-thick layers of ice froze on the ground, and at the same time, there were ice picks protruding sharply, and the momentum was astonishing.

Qin Yuesheng's high spiritual attributes allowed him to maintain a certain degree of calmness under any circumstances. Seeing that the ice snake was getting closer and closer to him, Qin Yuesheng held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and performed the knife technique of Guihai Yidao.

In an instant, the true energy in his dantian circulated all over his body at high speed, and as Qin Yuesheng slashed with the knife, a stream of knife energy flew out from the evil suppressing knife.


When the knife qi collided with the ice snake, the knife qi was instantly frozen into ice cubes, and then smashed into pieces by the ice snake.

On the other hand, the ice snake continued to press towards Qin Yuesheng unabated.

Knowing that the temperature of this ice snake is extremely low, even external martial artists cannot touch it, otherwise the body may be frozen to necrosis.

Qin Yuesheng quickly stepped hard, jumped up, and avoided the ice snake's attack by relying on his own jumping ability.

The ice snake fell on the ground behind Qin Yuesheng, and immediately froze that area into a pile of criss-crossed ice cubes.

Before Qin Yuesheng had time to land on the ground, his eyes went dark, and Shen Lang had arrived in front of him at some point.


A fist as big as a casserole slammed into Qin Yuesheng's face, and his whole body flew obliquely and fell to the ground like a shooting star in an instant. He smashed through the fence of Jiang's residence and fell to the street outside at the same time.

Wei Zongze looked secretly, the alienated Shen Lang was obviously stronger than before, even Qin Yuesheng was no match for him.

If Shen Lang escapes, the people of Qingyang City will suffer. People without martial arts are like ants in the eyes of Shen Lang, without the ability to struggle.

"Give me the rope net!" Wei Zongze shouted, took the already woven rope net from his subordinates, and immediately ran towards Shen Lang.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Yuesheng lay on the ground coughing up blood uncontrollably, his face was so painful that it was close to numbness, a burning pain spread from the place where Shen Lang hit him to the surroundings.

This caused Qin Yuesheng's eyes and nose to be sour, and tears flowed out of the eye sockets uncontrollably. This is the body's stress response.

Shen Lang followed and ran out of Jiang's residence, watching Qin Yuesheng suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Your smell... I recognize it, and you also hurt me." Shen Lang said slowly.

Qin Yuesheng struggled to get up from the ground, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you Shen Lang?"

"Kill you! I'll kill him again!"

Shen Lang suddenly burst into a rage, and brought the Frost and Winter Snow Sword to strike. Obviously, he didn't know a little bit of swordsmanship, but under the influence of his heavenly demonized physique, coupled with the Frost and Winter Snow Sword, is there any swordsmanship? The power of the attack will be great.

Qin Yuesheng quickly turned around and ran towards the Qin Mansion.

The opponent of the magic weapon can only be the magic weapon. If he wants to defeat Shen Lang, he must rely on the power of the evil blade of the demon.

Seeing that his target had escaped, Shen Lang was furious and wanted to catch up immediately.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly hit him, covering his whole body tightly, leaving no gaps.

Shen Lang only felt a force coming from behind to pull him, and the net on his body was extremely tough, so even with his strength, he couldn't break free for a while.


Shen Lang turned his head and roared angrily, and saw Wei Zongze tightly holding onto the other end of the rope net, preventing him from moving forward.

Seeing that Qin Yuesheng was getting farther and farther away from him, Shen Lang immediately stomped hard, grabbed the rope net and pulled Wei Zongze over.

Poor Wei Zongze had forged his hammer strength outside, and was still weak like a chicken in front of the demonized Shen Lang. Shen Lang slashed out with a sword, and directly split the rope net and Wei Zongze in half.

In the face of such magical weapons as the Frost and Winter Snow Sword, foreign forged warriors are simply not enough to look at.

Before Wei Zongze died, he still maintained that expression of clenching his teeth, and saw a crack running from the top of his head all the way to the heel of his leg, and his whole body was split in two. The blood didn't even have time to flow out. The freezing force of the body froze into countless red blood clots.


The two pieces of Wei Zongze fell to the ground in response, freezing the ground with a layer of frost.

Without Wei Zongze's obstruction, Shen Lang threw off the tattered rope net on his body, and immediately chased in the direction Qin Yuesheng was fleeing from.

Different from Qin Yuesheng's flying over the walls and leaping over the eaves, Shen Lang's whole body is like a rhinoceros who has lost his mind, rushing all the way in a straight line.

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