"Double? Anna, just dream." Sam curled his lips, "I'll be satisfied if you can give me an increase of 200 yuan..."

"200 yuan? This is life money!" Anna said with reason and evidence, "Who doesn't know that being a police officer in New York is a terrible job? Do you think 200 yuan can save the avalanche of turnover rates?"

Roger also agreed deeply: "Well, I also think that the salary increase this time must be quite large."

Then Roger turned to Goofy: "Goofy, how much do you think we can raise?"

Gao Fei shrugged: "I can't say it's bad, but I also agree with Anna's opinion, the range will not be too small."

Anna smiled triumphantly: "Heroes see the same thing!"

After some gossip, the poor policemen in the 109th branch began to wait for Hank to come back. Although it has not been officially recognized, everyone believes that Hank was called to discuss a salary increase.

It took three full hours before Hank rushed back from the outside in a hurry. As a result, as soon as he entered the door, everyone swarmed around him.

"Sheriff Hank is back?"

"The Sheriff has worked hard."

"Does the sheriff drink water?"

Hank was stunned, why are you so attentive?It made me feel embarrassed.

"Ahem, I'm back, I don't work hard, and I don't drink water..." Hank scratched his big head with few hairs left, and then said to Gao Fei, "Gao Fei, come with me."

After speaking, he went straight to the office.

When everyone saw Hank's performance, their hearts suddenly became cold.

It looks like Hank was called out, not to talk about a raise?

Anna was on the verge of tears: "I'm happy for nothing."

Roger waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go, everyone is still a poor policeman."

Sam shrugged. "I gotta go out and buy a donut to comfort myself."

Steve quickly raised his hand: "Sam, bring me one, thank you."

Sam nodded obediently: "Got it, captain."

Goofy followed Hank into the office, and Hank signaled him to close the door.

The things discussed behind closed doors are always big things, and Gao Fei knew that Hank must have received a tricky task.

"What's the matter, Hank?" Goofy asked in a low voice after closing the door and sitting down opposite Hank.

Hank's expression was solemn: "Guess who was looking for me just now?"

"Over there? Or the FBI?" Gao Fei asked.

"No, it's the military." Hank whispered, "The military invited me to tea."

"Why?" Gao Fei didn't understand now, "How did the military deal with our NYPD?"

"They need our help." Hank said, "According to the people from the military, a very dangerous criminal has sneaked into New York, and he is still holding hostages..."

"Very dangerous?" Gao Fei raised his eyebrows, "How dangerous?"

Considering the catastrophic events happening in New York these days, it's time for the NYPD to redefine what it means to be "very dangerous". Like serial killers, high-IQ criminals, etc., it can only be regarded as "dangerous" at best, not "very dangerous". very dangerous".

At this time Hank took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "He defeated an army by himself..."

Gao Fei was taken aback when he heard the words. From this point of view, he really deserves the description of "very dangerous".

And before Gao Fei could speak, Hank added: "...twice. He defeated an army twice by himself. Even in the face of an army equipped with the most advanced modern weapons, he can retreat unscathed .”

Gao Fei nodded slightly, and now he realized who the criminal the military was going to arrest was.

Bruce Banner.


The big scary monster has finally come to New York.

Chapter 162 Wanted

Goofy guessed right, Hank quickly showed Bruce Banner's information in front of Goofy.

"This criminal is called Bruce Banner. He was originally a nuclear physics expert at the Military Academy of Sciences. His body was mutated in a certain experiment and he could turn into a huge green monster..."

Goofy was very familiar with the Hulk, so he didn't need too much introduction from Hank. He stared at the photo of Bruce Banner on the screen and listened quietly to Hank's description.

After Hank finished talking about Bruce Banner, he called up another photo of a beautiful woman.

"This is the hostage taken by Bruce Banner, Elizabeth Rose. Her father is the famous General Thunderbolt, and he is also the main person in charge of the military who has contacted our NYPD this time to capture Bruce Banner."

Gao Fei nodded slightly, but he knew in his heart that the truth of the matter was different from what the military described.

Bruce Banner and Elizabeth are lovers. The two fell in love long before Banner turned into a Hulk. Later, Banner turned into a Hulk. The military wanted to capture it for research, but Elizabeth wanted to protect Banner. , Then disobeyed the order of her father, General Ross, and eloped to New York with Bruce Banner.

So strictly speaking, this is not kidnapping.

Elizabeth Ross is not Bruce Banner's hostage either.

But the appearance of Bruce Banner will undoubtedly bring danger to the citizens of New York.

Although Bruce Banner is a kind person, he will lose his mind when he transforms into the Hulk. The crazy Hulk has amazing destructive power, and it is easy to demolish half of the street casually.

Can Gao Fei allow such saboteurs to run rampant in New York, otherwise how many innocent passers-by would be reduced to cannon fodder?So regardless of whether Bruce Banner kidnapped Elizabeth or not, Goofy had to "please" him out of New York.

"I see, I'm going to investigate Bruce Banner's whereabouts now." Gao Fei said.

Hank nodded, and then said worriedly: "The criminals this time may be more dangerous than the Green Goblin, Professor Lizard, etc. You must protect your own safety. If we NYPD can't handle it, we can ask the military to do it, don't Take your own life in vain..."

Gao Fei didn't dare to let the military take action, he knew General Ross's style.

This brash general knows how to be tough with the Hulk, and when he sees Bruce Banner, he can't wait to try all the weapons on him.In this way, Bruce Banner has to transform even if he doesn't want to, and then the irrational Hulk will have a bloody fight with the military...

They are happy with themselves, but the common people suffer, especially in a densely populated city like New York, how many citizens are used as cannon fodder for you?

Goofy gets a headache just thinking about the scene in Hulk 2, it's an epic disaster.

He can't let the disaster repeat itself.

"Don't rush to alert the military, I have my own plan." Gao Fei told Hank, turned and left the office.


Coming out of the sheriff's office, Goofy led his colleagues from the 109th branch to hunt down Bruce Banner.

Goofy remembers that Bruce Banner came to New York to meet a cell biologist code-named "Mr. Blue" who claimed to be able to free Bruce Banner from the Hulk.

But as for which school this "Mr. Lan" worked for, Gao Fei couldn't remember clearly. The description of "Mr. Gao Fei is not a hardcore fan of Marvel, so of course he can't remember these details.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to hunt down Bruce Banner. Finding him in the huge New York City is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After assigning the task to the police officers of the branch, Gao Fei mobilized George Stacy, Eddie, Ole and Frank to search with him. Anyway, there are many people and strength, and clues can always be found.

Although Gao Fei couldn't remember the school where "Mr. Lan" worked, he was sure that Bruce Banner's target was a professor of biology and cytology in a certain university in New York, so he directly narrowed the search net to the major campuses in New York. It also greatly reduces the workload of search and arrest.

In the end, Ole, who has a lot of connections, made a great contribution. According to the photos provided by Gao Fei, he found the suspects who were suspected to be Bruce Banner and Elizabeth Rose near Grayburn College of Empire State University. A small hotel outside the campus settled down, and the location of the hotel happened to be in Brooklyn.

After hearing the news, Gao Fei did not notify the NYPD immediately. Notifying the NYPD is equivalent to notifying the military. General Ross is preparing a long gun and a monster waiting to capture the Hulk. Once they hear If the wind blows and the grass moves, I am afraid that a fierce battle will start.

So after careful consideration, the safest way is to talk to Bruce Banner first.

It would be best to get this giant Buddha out of New York City. When the time comes, find a place with few people. You and the military will fight as you like. Who wins and who loses is your own business, as long as you don't hurt innocent people.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei called his partner Steve, and the two of them changed into casual clothes, got into Gao Fei's private car, and drove towards the address provided by Ole.

On a street outside Greyburn College, Gao Fei found the humble hotel, and the two went to the front desk to inquire briefly, and then confirmed the room numbers of Bruce Banner and Elizabeth Rose.

Gao Fei walked to the door and knocked lightly on the door.

As the door knocked, the sound of two people getting out of bed nervously came from the room. With his excellent hearing, Gao Fei could accurately judge the movements of each of them.

One of them opened the window gently, as if observing the escape route through the window.

The other person carefully packed his luggage, ready to run away at any time.

Both of them were very vigilant, and neither of them planned to come to open the door.

Gao Fei coughed, and said close to the door, "Dr. Banner, I am a policeman from Brooklyn, and I have no ill intentions towards you. Otherwise, I would have notified the military a long time ago, and together with NYPD, your room will be completely sealed off." .So...you'd better open the door, let's talk calmly, running away is not good for both of us, you are a smart person, you should know what I said is right."

Hearing this, the person standing by the window obviously hesitated for a moment, then turned to open the door.

The person who packed the clothes quickly grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "Bruce, don't go..."

Dr. Banner shook his head: "Betty (Elizabeth's nickname), this police officer is right, if he really wanted to arrest us, he would have notified the military to surround us... He is very sincere, I want to hear Listen to what he's going to say."

Chapter 163 The Stubborn Banner

Bruce Banner opened the door to welcome Goofy and Steve in plain clothes.

Elizabeth Ross, on the other hand, was vigilant, and looked at the two police officers anxiously with her big eyes.

Gao Fei smiled slightly at the two of them, and said straight to the point: "Dr. Banner, I didn't want to arrest you this time, because I know that arresting you is very difficult, and innocent citizens will be implicated..."

Bruce Banner was taken aback when he heard the words, he had never encountered this kind of policeman.

Elizabeth also liked Gao Fei a little more. It seemed that he was the kind of good policeman who cared about the citizens.

"What's your name, please?" Dr. Banner asked.

"My name is Gao Fei." Gao Fei said.

"My name is Steve Rogers," Steve said.

Banner smiled slightly at Steve: "That's a good name, it's the same name as the hero of World War II, Captain America."

Steve smiled and said nothing, without explaining much.

Elizabeth asked: "Two police officers, since you are not here to arrest Bruce, what are you here for?"

Afterwards, Elizabeth guessed by asking and answering: "Could it be that... my father sent me to arrest me?"

While speaking, Elizabeth vigilantly made a gesture of crossing her arms.

Gao Fei was speechless. Miss, you are too self-indulgent, aren't you?

Besides, what are you doing with your hands on your chest?Not too big!

"Ahem, Miss Rose, you misunderstood. Although your father is the famous General Thunder, we little policemen are not at his mercy. He has no right to send us to arrest you, and we have no intention of arresting you."

Only then did Elizabeth breathe a sigh of relief, and let go of her hands clasping her chest.

Goofy turned to Bruce Banner: "Dr. Banner, we are here this time to ask you to leave New York."

"What?" Banner was caught off guard, "You asked me to leave New York?"

"Yes." Gao Fei said seriously, "You should be aware of your current state. Your whole body is like an unstable bomb that will explode at any time and cause indiscriminate damage. Every time you transform, it may destroy you. Lost countless families..."

Steve also agreed and said, "Dr. Banner, you don't want to see such a tragedy happen, do you?"

Before Bruce Banner could speak, Elizabeth couldn't help standing up and defending him: "But it's not Bruce's fault, he is also a victim. When he became a monster, he was totally irrational!"

"It's really not Dr. Banner's fault to become a monster. I understand that he doesn't want to become a monster himself." Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "But knowing that he would become a monster and destroy the entire city, he came to the population on purpose. Dense New York, that's Dr. Banner's fault."

Elizabeth still wanted to argue, but found that she had run out of words.

Goofy pointed out Bruce Banner's mistakes straight to the point, making it impossible for her to excuse Banner.

Bruce Banner took a deep breath, and then pleaded in a low voice: "Officer, I understand your concerns, and I also know that you want to protect the citizens of New York... But to be honest, I found a biological expert, he Claiming to be able to separate the monster from my body and save me from turning into a monster... and this expert's laboratory is in New York, so I took the risk to try it."

Gao Fei deeply understood Banner's helplessness: "I understand your difficulties now, and I also understand that you want to get rid of the monster in your body once and for all. But have you ever thought about whether this expert's experiment can be successful? Once this experiment fails and you turn into a Hulk in the lab, then the whole college, the whole of Brooklyn, the whole of New York... how many people will pay for your wrong decision?"

"What's more, the military is now searching for you all over the city. General Ross has never hesitated to turn innocent citizens into cannon fodder in order to catch you. Once he finds out your whereabouts, the military will turn the entire New York into a battlefield."

Bruce Banner held his head helplessly, and whispered: "But what should I do? I can't spend my whole life entangled with that big green monster, can I?"

Gao Fei said: "Dr. Banner, I will help you, and I will do what I said. But your plan this time is completely wrong. You should not let innocent citizens of New York take risks for you. Now the military has started The whole city has hunted you down, and under such circumstances, it is impossible for you to complete the experiment quietly, listen to my advice, and leave New York immediately, as for the plan to separate the Hulk in your body, we will discuss it later."

"But this opportunity is once in a lifetime, and I don't want to miss it." Bruce Banner said stubbornly, "Officer Goofy, why don't you persuade the military not to interfere with me?"

"Because you are the risk in New York, not the military." Goofy said in a serious tone, "Dr. Banner, even if there is no arrest by the military, can you ensure that you will not transform in New York? According to my Understand that any unexpected stimulus from the outside world will awaken the Hulk within you."

"I know you're trying to control your emotions and avoid letting that big guy go, but what if you get hit by a car when you're crossing the street, get shot on the road, or even have a balloon explode right next to your ear ...In this case, wouldn't you transform immediately? At that time, you will destroy everywhere, kill people and smash stores, and finally use nonsense like 'I lost my mind when I transformed, and the destruction has nothing to do with me' Excuse me, Dr. Banner, don't you feel guilty?"

"I..." Bruce Banner lowered his head, and Goofy did hit him in the gut.

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