"Then you should make up for her," Aunt Mei said.

"Yes." Gao Fei agreed, and then remembered another troublesome thing, "By the way, I was trying to contact this child with a school recently, but it's not the enrollment season, and there are very few schools that can accept her." Less, unless it's some private schools, but I can't afford the expensive expenses of private schools..."

Unexpectedly, before the words finished, Aunt Mei suddenly laughed.

"Looks like we're meant to be, officer, guess what my job is?"

Gao Fei was slightly taken aback: "No way, Ms. Parker, do you work in a school?"

"Yes, I am a teacher at Chenxi School in Brooklyn." Aunt Mei said with a smile, "If you trust me, I will try to arrange for your daughter to enter school."

"Thank you so much." Gao Fei was overjoyed, and was worried that Carrie would not be able to go to school. Unexpectedly, Aunt Mei would show up to give charcoal in a timely manner. Especially because Aunt Mei's character is trustworthy, he entrusted Carrie to the She is also reassuring enough to fly high.

However, Aunt Mei was not sure. After all, she was just a teacher, not the school's management.

"Officer, don't thank me in a hurry. I can only help you apply for a place with the school's management. As for whether they decide to accept your daughter, I don't have the right to decide." Aunt Mei said sincerely.

However, just as he finished speaking, Peter, who was sitting next to Aunt Mei, suddenly whispered, "The school will definitely accept it."

"Huh?" Aunt Mei turned her head curiously and asked, "Why do you say that, Peter?"

Peter Parker was still very shy, and he didn't dare to raise his head when he spoke, but he still couldn't help the urge to speak, and whispered: "Please, Aunt May...don't you recognize the identity of this police officer? He It's Sergeant Goofy of Brooklyn, the hero who saved the citizens of Manhattan and Tony Stark..."

"What?" Aunt Mei really didn't recognize Gao Fei, and she suddenly realized after being woken up by Peter Parker, "No wonder I think Mr. Police Officer looks so familiar..."

System: [Worship from May Parker +5]

Well, Aunt Mei added another wave of worship...

Peter Parker cleverly said: "So as long as the school knows that the daughter of police officer Goofy is going to be admitted, they will accept it no matter what. To provide opportunities for the children of Manhattan heroes to study, which school will refuse such a thing?"

"That's true." Aunt Mei smiled and patted Little Peter on the shoulder, "You're such a clever little ghost."

Gao Fei also immediately felt relieved: "So my girl can go to school?"

"Yes, Officer Gao Fei, I will help you with this matter as soon as possible." Aunt Mei said with a smile.

And the person involved in this matter - Carrie, had already curled up on the co-pilot and fell asleep.


Soon the police car drove downstairs to Aunt Mei's house, and Gao Fei personally sent the two off the car.

"Thank you for your help today, officer." Aunt Mei finally thanked Gao Fei solemnly.

Gao Fei nodded with a smile, and then reminded in a low voice: "Ms. Parker, I think it's better for you to be more cautious recently. Those criminals may not have attacked you on a whim tonight. They most likely have ulterior motives."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Aunt Mei asked vigilantly.

Gao Fei smiled: "To ordinary hooligans, you are much more attractive than your nephew, but don't forget, the attention of those gangsters has been on your nephew just now."

After hearing this, Aunt Mei suddenly realized.

There is something wrong with the focus of these gangsters.

"So...they came here after Peter?" Aunt May said worriedly, "But Peter is just a child, what do they want from Peter?"

"That's unknown..." Gao Fei spread his hands, and then left his mobile phone number and handed it to Aunt Mei, "This is my mobile phone number, you take it first, if anything happens to Peter, Call me directly."

"Okay, thank you, officer." Aunt Mei hastily put away Gao Fei's contact information properly, "If there is any news from the school, I will also call you as soon as possible."

"Okay, good night then." Gao Fei nodded, "Go to bed early."

"Okay, Officer Goofy." Aunt May smiled at Goofy, then turned and dragged Peter Parker to the apartment.

Chapter 121 Follow-up Investigation

After being sent back to the Parker family, Goofy and Carrie continued on their patrol trip. At this time, Carrie was sleeping more deeply. The little girl leaned on the passenger seat and was breathing heavily. Her eyes were tightly closed and her slender eyelashes covered her. eyelids.

Gao Fei gently covered her with his coat, and turned on the air conditioner in the car. The winter night in New York is cold, and if you don't keep warm, you will easily catch the wind and chill.

Carrie didn't wake up from her dream until dawn appeared. What woke her up was the siren of Roger's police car who came to take over from Goofy.

"The police are coming! The police are coming!"

Subconsciously, Carrie is still the little tramp running around, and encountering the police means that she will be forcibly taken away.

Gao Fei hurriedly pressed her twisting little head, and reminded with a smile: "What are you afraid of, Carrie, your father is a policeman."

Carrie turned her head and saw Gao Fei and the uniform he was wearing, and then suddenly realized, she rubbed her eyes and said dumbfoundedly, "I forgot about it, I fell asleep..."

Gao Fei was so amused by her appearance that he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

After working with Roger, Gao Fei bought breakfast and took Carrie home.

The father and daughter had breakfast while watching the morning news on TV, and there was a warm feeling in the small apartment.

The news of the Green Goblin attacking Brooklyn made it into today's morning news without any suspense. The news used a lot of images of the FBI and NYPD being beaten and fled by the Green Goblin. The scene of bombarding the Flying Goblin was not recorded by the media because of the lack of cameras near the city park.

Therefore, there is no doubt that after this news is broadcast, the reputation of both the FBI and the NYPD will continue to decline among the public, and they will continue to be the object of ridicule by the public.

The following news reported that Norman Osborne, the chairman of the Osborne Group, was ill and was expected to temporarily withdraw from the group's board of directors.What the media claimed to the outside world was that Norman Osborn unfortunately contracted a "stubborn disease", but it is unknown what the "sickness" is.

However, apart from these two pieces of news, Gao Fei never waited for any other news—the news of Tony Stark’s accident in Afghanistan was completely suppressed, and there was no news about it in the country.

This is also expected. After all, Stark's safety is closely related to the stock price of the entire Stark Industries. Norman Osborn's chronic illness caused the stock price of the Osborne Group to drop by 5 points. Once the news of Stark's disappearance in Afghanistan is revealed, the stock price of Stark Industries may be cut in half.

After breakfast, Gao Fei simply squinted on the sofa for a while, then went back to work in the bureau after getting up.

The gangsters arrested last night must have a bigger secret, and Gao Fei will have trouble sleeping and eating if he doesn't figure out this matter.

After all, the previous incident of the Green Goblin has become a rut, and a little appeasement will lead to unimaginable consequences. In order to avoid the tragedy from happening again, Gao Fei must guard against it.

Back at the bureau, Hank, who had come back from a night's rest, had already accepted the job.

The five suspects were detained in the bureau, and Hank interrogated them alone.

When Gao Fei arrived, Hank had already finished interrogating three of the prisoners. Although there were still two untrials, the information that could be obtained was basically the same.

These five guys looked vicious, but they were full of loopholes when they spoke. In front of the experienced Hank, they explained clearly what Hank wanted to know without saying a few words.

"Hank, how's the situation?" Goofy asked while helping Hank make a cup of coffee.

"These five people are lackeys. Someone paid a high price for them to kidnap the child from last night." Hank said, "It's really strange that someone actually wants to attack the child..."

Due to different national conditions, the human trafficker industry in the United States is underdeveloped, especially the sale of children, which is an unpopular business.

Coupled with the fact that Peter Parker has no father or mother, and his family conditions are extremely poor, Hank really can't figure out what the kidnappers' purpose is for kidnapping him.

"Could it be because of the child's aunt? His aunt is a very beautiful woman." At this moment, Sam leaned over and asked. He still couldn't forget the Aunt May he met last night.

"Then they would have kidnapped aunt on the spot, instead of kidnapping the child." Hank expressed disgust at Sam's brain circuit, "Wasn't aunt right there at the time?"

"Oh, that's right..." Sam nodded resentfully, then turned and left in shame.

Hank felt that his partner Gao Fei was reliable, so he turned to Gao Fei and asked, "Gao Fei, what do you think?"

"Kidnapping this child is definitely not for money, let alone for his sexy and hot aunt... And what value can a little hairy boy in his early ten years have? Certainly not..." Gao Fei pondered, "So it seems , the kidnappers may want to use him as a clue to find some clueless information."

"For example..." Hank was opened up by Gao Fei, "His missing parents?"

Gao Fei had an approving expression on his face, the old man can teach a child!

"That's right, his parents disappeared at the same time. There must be something tricky about it. What kind of accident caused his parents to abandon their children and leave New York at the same time? This is worth thinking about..." Gao Fei said smoothly.

"Then we will proceed from two aspects. On the one hand, we will investigate the mastermind behind these gangsters, and on the other hand, we will investigate the child's parents." Hank said kindly.

"Okay, let's do that." Gao Fei nodded.

At this time, Hank took a sip of coffee, and suddenly lowered his voice: "By the way, Goofy, it's a new year now, and our department should reward you for your merits..."

"Oh?" Gao Fei asked curiously, "Will there be personnel changes in our branch this year?"

"Of course..." Hank said, "There were so many things happened in our Brooklyn area last year, and our branch office got a lot of limelight, especially you, who even won two medals for bravery..."

Goofy nodded slightly.

One of the two bravery medals was for stopping a large truck, and the other was for rescuing Stark and the citizens in Manhattan. However, the second medal has not yet been issued. It is estimated that NYPD did not expect a police officer to be there. It was too late to prepare for winning two medals within a quarter.

At this time Hanke continued: "So you must be promoted, even Sergeant Schneider has been honored by you, this time Sergeant Schneider will probably lead you up, the future of you two is boundless."

Although it sounds exciting to get a promotion and salary increase, it is not good news for Gao Fei. His current goal in life is to protect the neighbors in Brooklyn. It can't be realized.

"Oh, Hank, I don't think a sudden promotion is a good thing for me." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "Sergeant Schneider is indeed worthy of promotion, but I'm just a small police officer, and I haven't been in the job for less than a year Just getting promoted, isn't that a bit too exaggerated?"

"The procedure is indeed a bit complicated, but Sheriff Schneider is helping you find a way. Sheriff Schneider thinks highly of you, and he doesn't want you to be buried in our small police force..." Hank said.

However, Gao Fei had his own thoughts: "It seems that I have to go to Sergeant Schneider to talk to him. I have no plans to leave the 109th branch in the short term."

Chapter 122 Stalking Action

Gao Fei did what he said, and went directly to Sheriff Schneider's office to make it clear that he did not want to leave the 109th branch.

Sergeant Schneider was quite disappointed when he heard the news, and grabbed Gao Fei's hand to persuade him earnestly.

"Gao Fei, it's too insignificant for you to be such a capable policeman staying in this small area. Why don't you follow me to get promoted, I guarantee you have a bright future..."

Gao Fei has made up his mind: "Sheriff Schneider, I appreciate your kindness, but I still hope to stay in Brooklyn and give back to the community."

Seeing Goofy being so determined, Sergeant Schneider had no choice but to give in.

"Sigh... well, but after my promotion, Hank should take over the position of sheriff, and you can take over Hank's position at that time. Although the promotion rate is not large, at least you can get an extra thousand a month. 200 yuan salary." Sergeant Schneider said.

"Okay, thank you Sheriff Schneider." Gao Fei said happily.

After he had a daughter like Carrie, his daily expenses did increase. If he was only receiving the salary of a small policeman, he might not be able to support himself and Carrie, two big eaters. .

Therefore, this small promotion and high flight can still be accepted with a smile.

Sergeant Schneider couldn't figure out Gao Fei's thoughts at all, and said depressedly: "Officer Gao Fei, you are really hard to see through. If you were promoted with me, your salary would be tripled at least, but you rejected me. , the salary of succeeding Hank can only be increased by 1000 or [-] yuan, but you are so happy from ear to ear..."

Gao Fei laughed: "I am a person who is a little rich and safe."

Coming out of Sheriff Schneider's office, Hank has made new progress.

"Goofy, I have found the person who bought these five gangsters and kidnapped Peter Parker. He is a notorious villain in Queens. He lives on West Street. His name is William. We are going to split up now, and I'm going to follow William up." , you stay in the office to investigate Peter Parker's parents."

Gao Fei quickly shook his head: "No, Hank, you stay and continue to investigate Peter Parker's parents, and I will be responsible for tracking the villain William."

Because of his previous death experience, Gao Fei has become accustomed to taking more dangerous jobs from his colleagues, not to mention that Hank is the father of two girls, and he is no longer young. touch.

Knowing Gao Fei's good intentions, Hank asked back with a smile, "Why? Worried that your old buddy is not the opponent of that villain?"

Gao Fei didn't want to hurt Hank's self-esteem, so he patted Hank on the shoulder and said, "Of course not, it's just that I prefer to go out to work. Sitting in an office makes me feel uncomfortable. It's better to go outside to breathe fresh air."

"Okay." Hank finally compromised, and then wrote the address of the villain William to Goofy, "Don't rush to startle the snake, keep an eye on it for a while, and see who this bad guy has contact with. This time kidnapping Peter Parker William is by no means the mastermind of what happened, he should be just an intermediary, we will act after he contacts the mastermind behind it."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Gao Fei nodded, and after taking the address, he left the branch office and started to act.

They went home first and took lunch back to Carrie. The father and daughter had lunch together, and in the afternoon they went to Queens to carry out the tracking mission.

Carrie watched TV alone at home for a long time in the morning. She was really bored and panicked. During the meal, she pestered Gao Fei and wanted to go on missions with him. Every child has a wild horse in his heart. The small apartment But I can't close it.

Seeing how pitiful Carrie was, Gao Fei was inevitably shaken in his heart. After thinking about it, bringing a little girl by his side was just a perfect disguise. Villainous William would never have guessed that the NYPD police officer would take his daughter on missions.

So Gao Fei readily agreed, and Carrie was very happy. After lunch, Gao Fei changed into casual clothes, took Carrie into his second-hand Audi, and drove to Queens.

The villain William lived in the suburb of West Street in Queens. The environment in this area was relatively desolate. William's house was near the end of the street, with an intersection in the distance and a small supermarket opposite.

Gao Fei parked the car in the parking lot of the supermarket, and took Carrie to the supermarket for a stroll first. Carrie who went shopping was very happy, and picked out a lot of super high-calorie junk food.

After buying the stored grain, the two drove away from the supermarket. Gao Fei parked the car on the street diagonally opposite William's house, lowered the back of the seat and leaned back to look at the situation inside.

Carrie sat alone in the back seat quietly eating snacks. Now she has finally learned to chew slowly like a normal child, instead of swallowing everything whole.

The stalking task is long and boring, but fortunately Gao Fei also brought a little girl to relieve the boredom.

The two of them chatted one after another, and it was only now that Carrie was shocked to hear the bad news that she was going to school soon.

Carrie, who heard the bad news, instantly felt that she had lost her appetite, and stared at Gao Fei dumbfounded.

"What? You helped me find the school so quickly? Daddy Goofy!"

Gao Fei was amused by Carrie's despair and laughed out loud: "It's just an idea, and it's not fully settled yet. We have to wait for the school's notification. Do you remember the Parker family we rescued last night? Ms. Parker Just happens to be a teacher at a school in Brooklyn, so she can help you apply."

Carrie was completely speechless, and was in no mood to continue the conversation with Gao Fei.

Goofy could clearly see a sentence written on Carrie's face - why did Ms. Parker want revenge? !

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