"This is a prestigious job! I see who will dare to bully us Chinese in the future!"

"There are not many Asian police officers in Brooklyn. You are really proud of us Chinese!"

In Brooklyn, the social status of the Chinese has always been at the bottom. A few years ago, the Chinese were stolen and robbed in Brooklyn, and the police would not even accept the report.

In recent years, with the increasing number of Chinese and a series of anti-discrimination campaigns, the status of Chinese in Brooklyn has improved, but Chinese police officers are still a rare species in NYPD, and the total number of Chinese police officers in New York does not even exceed 2%.

Once Gao Fei, who is of Chinese descent, joins the NYPD, it will definitely be a shot in the arm for Chinese people in Brooklyn.

Aunt Wang chattered happily, and a figure came out from the apartment.

"Mom, let the guests come in quickly, what's the matter with hanging people at the door?"

Gao Fei followed the prestige and saw the girl from Aunt Wang's family.Aunt Wang is right, this girl is indeed a beautiful woman with a lot of water.

She has the exquisite figure of a southern girl, but she is dressed like a Westerner. Her long black hair is tied behind her head, and her delicate facial features are in line with the oriental aesthetics.

"Oh, that's right, come in, come in." Aunt Wang hurriedly dragged Gao to the house, and hurriedly introduced him, "This is my girl, Jie Qian."

"Hi, my name is Cheng Jiexi." Jieqian smiled and said generously.

"I'm Gao Fei." Gao Fei greeted politely, and then gave him some red wine, "This is a gift for visiting."

"Thank you." Jieqian took the red wine and nodded with a smile.

Aunt Wang smiled ambiguously, her eyes narrowed.

Sitting at the dinner table, Aunt Wang served carefully cooked crabs. Gao Fei was not polite, took one and opened it with claws.

Cheng Jieqian was much quieter when eating crabs, and even specially brought a set of eight crabs from the kitchen.

Aunt Wang's mind was not on the dinner table at all, she was only busy connecting the two young people.

"Jessie is currently studying a master's degree in public administration at NYU. After graduation, she will work in the community. I don't ask my girl to make any career. I am satisfied with finding a job that guarantees income in drought and flood..."

Although Aunt Wang has been in the United States for nearly 30 years, she still has traditional oriental thinking in her bones. Cheng Jieqian, who grew up immersed in Western culture, obviously did not agree with Aunt Wang's rhetoric, and quietly rolled her eyes impatiently .

Gao Fei was busy eating crabs, no matter what Aunt Wang said, he kept nodding.

"Although Jie Qian grew up in the United States, she has always been unable to integrate into the local circle. Except for a few white friends, most of her friends are Asian." With less, it is even more difficult to find a partner. Seeing that Jie Qian has already completed her master's degree, she has never had a serious relationship."


Now Cheng Jieqian couldn't stand listening anymore, and threw the crab shell in her hand on the table heavily.

"Why are you anxious! Young people should be brave enough to accept criticism!" Ms. Wang plausibly said, "Dating a partner is also a kind of life skill, and not having a date means that this skill has failed!"

After speaking, Aunt Wang did not forget to pull Gao Fei into the water: "Are you right, Gao Fei?"

Gao Fei didn't listen at all, he gnawed on the crab legs and nodded: "Yes! Auntie is right!"

Cheng Jieqian's pretty face turned pale with anger, she flicked the tool in her hand, and the crab stopped eating.

Aunt Wang was not in a hurry to add insult to injury, but turned her head to cover Gao Fei's words.

"Gao Fei, how is your life skill?"

"How about what?" Gao Fei asked blankly.

"Auntie means, have you ever met someone?" Aunt Wang asked again.

"There are a few." Gao Fei replied perfunctorily.

According to the memories in the Marvel world, Gao Fei's love history is not monotonous. He tasted the forbidden fruit in his sophomore year, and he had already achieved a good record by the time he graduated from high school.

"How many... how many is it?" Aunt Wang is a strict person and does not accept such general answers.

"Two!" Gao Fei said firmly.

Thinking back carefully, there may only be two names that Gao Fei can immediately recall.

"Hmm... this is an appropriate amount, not too much, and it doesn't mean you have no experience at all." Aunt Wang murmured.

Cheng Jieqian couldn't listen anymore, and left the table angrily, "Mom, I finally understand, you are not thanking Gao Fei at all, you are arranging a blind date for us two!"

When Cheng Jieqian said that Gao Fei was stunned, yes, this is a typical oriental blind date!

But Gao Fei didn't care so much, as long as there were crabs to eat, Gao Fei silently caught another crab while the two of them were confronting each other.

Aunt Wang was exposed on the spot, and she didn't blush. After all, she broke through in strong winds and waves, and the old aunt was fearless.

"What's wrong with the blind date? Mom didn't do it for your own good! Your father left early, and my mother dragged you so big in a foreign country. Is it easy for my mother? Foreigners bully our orphans and widows every day, so my mother just wants to Find a pillar for the family earlier, what's the matter? Have you understood my mother's difficulties?"

"Then you can't just meet an Asian boy and arrange it for me..." Cheng Jieqian said desperately, "This is my business, I should make the decision myself!"

"Gao Fei is not an Asian boy who happened to meet, he is your mother's great benefactor! And he is going to be a policeman soon, NYPD!" Aunt Wang has become a die-hard fan of Gao Fei.

"So you're planning to sell your daughter's looks to find a police backer for our family, right? That's what you mean, right?" Cheng Jieqian became more and more angry as she spoke.

"Oh, Cheng Jiexi, you are amazing, don't feel too good about yourself, you think you are Sai Diaochan? You even betrayed your appearance, just because of your good looks, my mother feels for you Shame!" Aunt Wang has sharp teeth, and she is tough with her daughter who has a master's degree.

Gao Fei saw that the two women were getting more and more noisy and fierce, so he knew he couldn't get involved, so he wiped his hands with the tablecloth after eating, and sneaked out of Aunt Wang's apartment while no one noticed...

Chapter 9 Goofy Is a Good Guy

Walking out of the apartment, the time is exactly 08:30 in the evening. At this time, Brooklyn is full of dangers and criminals are ready to move.

Of course, Gao Fei would not waste this excellent opportunity. After tidying up his clothes, he was about to go for a stroll in the black area. Unexpectedly, before he left the residential area, an anxious call for help came from not far away.

"Anyone help? Come and help!"

Gao Fei looked around and saw an old white lady desperately asking for help. She shouted and looked up nervously. The child crawled to the window sill, half of his body leaning out.

If the child shakes a few more times, he will probably fall from the fifth floor.

The situation is extremely dangerous!

At this time, the old lady saw Gao Fei and hurried over to ask for help.

"Young man, help me, I just went out to buy paper and forgot my key, and I can't get in... Only my little grandson is left at home, who knows he climbed onto the balcony! Please save him, please Please……"

Seeing that the child poked a little further, and might fall from a high altitude at any time, the situation at this time was extremely critical, and there was no room for any delay.

Gao Fei pondered for a while, then patted the old lady on the shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you."

After that, he jumped up the fire escape outside the building, and then climbed all the way up.

For Gao Fei who suffers from fear of heights, this is a good chance to die!Climb up to the fifth floor with bare hands to save people, or you will fall to your death halfway through the climb!

In line with the principle of being responsible to the old lady, Gao Fei made a friendly reminder while climbing: "Old lady, don't have too much hope for me. I have a fear of heights, so I may not be able to save your grandson!"

When the old lady heard it, the young man who was afraid of heights bravely climbed the five-storey building to rescue the strange children!What awe-inspiring righteousness this is!


[Worship from Catherine +5]

[Worship from Catherine +5]


Goofy just collapsed.

"Old lady, don't just worship me, find other helpers, I'm not reliable!"

But the old lady turned a deaf ear, clenched her fists and shouted seriously: "Come on! Come on, young man!"

Gao Fei was helpless, so he had no choice but to continue to climb up. In a blink of an eye, he climbed to the third floor, and half of the child's body was already suspended in the air.

"Damn it, this kid is more deadly than me..."

Gao Fei gritted his teeth and jumped up with all his strength.

After upgrading two levels, his strength and agility surpassed that of ordinary people, and his climbing speed was also very fast.

The old lady looked dumbfounded, and crazily added admiration value to Gao Fei.

Gao Fei felt a burst of despair—the admiration value contributed by the old lady alone almost caught up with the group of passers-by at the intersection of death!If this goes on, he won't be able to die anymore.

But at this time, Gao Fei was already in a four-story building, and if he fell from here, there was at least a [-]% chance of dying, but when he saw the babbling child upstairs, and then saw the anxious and self-blaming child downstairs, The old grandmother, Gao Fei felt a sense of responsibility inexplicably.

"Save the child first, let's go to fate!"

Gao Fei made up his mind, exerted force on his feet and jumped up again!

At the same time, the child who died made a light probe towards Gao Fei, lost his balance and fell from the balcony in an instant.


The old lady hissed and screamed, her voice was extremely shrill!

However, the moment the child fell, Gao Fei stretched out his arms and grabbed the child's overalls!


There is no danger!

The child was caught by Gao Fei just as he fell.

The old lady wept with joy, covered her face and cried bitterly: "Thank you, hero, you are the hero of my family and the savior of my grandson!"

[Worship from Catherine +6]

[Worship from Catherine +6]

[Worship from Catherine +6]


Gao Fei quickly shook his head: "I'm not a hero! Don't worship me, I'm really not a hero!"

And at this moment, another piece of data jumped out from the background.

[Worship from Cheng Jieqian +5]

[Worship from Cheng Jieqian +5]

[Worship from Cheng Jieqian +5]


Gao Fei suddenly panicked.

"What the hell is this?!"


5 minutes ago.

Aunt Wang and Cheng Jieqian, who were arguing fiercely, finally realized that Gao Fei had quietly left. Aunt Wang felt extremely guilty, and quickly asked Cheng Jieqian to bring some crabs to Gao Fei.

Although Cheng Jieqian was 1 unhappy, she did not vent her anger on Gao Fei. After all, everything was caused by her mother's own initiative, and Gao Fei, an outsider, could not be blamed.

Speaking of it, Cheng Jiexi felt a little sympathetic to Gao Fei. After all, Gao Fei was a victim just like her. He just did good deeds and acted bravely. Who would have thought that he would save a crazy old aunt who was obsessed with selling her daughter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the door of the apartment, Cheng Jiexi heard her neighbor, Aunt Catherine, cheering for her. When she looked up again, she was stunned on the spot.

I saw Gao Fei climbing up the fire escape like Tarzan of the ape, and the target was a child who was half-protruded on the balcony. The situation in front of him was obvious, and Gao Fei was acting bravely again.

"Didn't he say...he's afraid of heights?"

Cheng Jieqian murmured, a feeling of admiration suddenly surged in her heart.

"Mom's right, he's really a... nice guy."

"Come on, goofy, come on!"

Seeing Gao Fei keep going upwards, Cheng Jieqian couldn't help following Catherine to cheer him on, and when he caught the falling child, Cheng Jieqian almost screamed excitedly!

"Great! Really great!"


Gao Fei hugged the child tightly, and rolled over along the balcony to enter the house. His fear of heights was not as serious as he thought, and climbing five floors would not cause him to stumble and fall.

Soon he was carrying Joe downstairs and returning the little doll to his grandmother, who had escaped death.

"Don't let others know about this, or you will be deprived of custody." Gao Fei kindly reminded, "There is still a long time in the future, don't let this kind of thing happen again."

"Thank you, thank you..." Catherine burst into tears, and her strong self-blame made her never forget today's lesson.

Gao Fei didn't stay long, and turned around to leave.

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