Ole had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed Carrie by the collar before she started. The little girl's miniature body was immediately picked up by Ole, kicking her legs in the air.

"Why are you running?" Ole looked at Carrie dumbfounded.

Carrie frowned, her face frightened: "He's a policeman, Ole! He's a policeman!"

"Carrie, the boss is different from other policemen. He is a good policeman." Ole quickly explained, "He won't bully us, and he won't arrest you for forced detention."

In order to reassure little Lolita, Oleite turned to Gao Fei and asked, "Right, boss, you won't take this little guy away, right?"

Gao Fei nodded: "Yes, if she doesn't want to go with me, I won't force her away."

Carrie was still skeptical, and turned her head to ask Gao Fei in a childlike voice: "Boss Gao Fei, are you sure you won't arrest me and let a random family adopt me? Because I have been treated like this three times, and I have Been in contact with three different families, but none of the families really accepted me, they all regarded me as a freak..."

"Think you're a freak? Why?" Gao Fei was quite puzzled. Carrie is obviously a cute little lolita, so how could she be a freak?

"Because I'm too greedy," said Carrie shyly. "The people who adopted me said I was going to eat them poor..."

When this matter was mentioned, Ole also frowned.

"It's true. This little girl's appetite is amazing. I swear, even when I was young, I didn't eat as much as she did."

"Hmph! If you despise me, I can leave you to make a living!" Carrie immediately pouted angrily when she heard Ole complain about her appetite, "Put me down, you put me down! I'll go now Go, go now!"

Ole hurriedly apologized to Little Lolita: "Carrie, I didn't mean to dislike you, I was just stating the facts. If I really disliked you, I wouldn't have saved you from the beginning. After all, you ate two of them at once. 12-inch pizza, that's dinner for me and Gerald..."

"But I'm really hungry..." Carrie said aggrievedly, "I'm just so hungry."

"Eat two 12-inch pizzas at once?"

Hearing this, Gao Fei was also shocked.

Considering that his physical fitness is five times that of ordinary people, eating three 5-inch pizzas for a meal is almost enough. Carrie is only so big now, and she can eat two 12-inch pizzas in one go!

Even if she can bear it, her stomach can't bear it, right?

Won't it explode?

"Ole, is this true?" Gao Fei asked dumbfounded.

"Of course it's true, boss." Ole pouted, "I can testify. And according to this little guy, two 12-inch pizzas are only half full."

"What?!" Gao Fei stared straight, "Is this really not bragging?"

"If you get the chance, I think you'd better see it so you know I'm not bragging," Ole said.

"Then I really need to see it." Gao Fei said, "You must all be hungry, right? Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Really?" Carrie, who was still wary of Gao Fei at first, immediately let go of her vigilance when she heard the meal, her whole body brightened, and she shouted bouncingly, "Long live Boss Gao Fei!"


Five minutes later, Happy drove Goofy's second-hand Audi over. After saying goodbye to Happy, Goofy drove Ole and Carrie back to Brooklyn.

In order to personally verify Carrie's food intake, and to comfort Ole who had been waiting for him outside the hospital for a week, Gao Fei personally invited the two of them to dinner, and ordered ten 10-inch pizzas at home.

Gao Fei contracted three pizzas himself, which is his standard appetite, but considering that his physical fitness has improved recently, it is not difficult to eat two more pizzas.

Ole's appetite is about the level of a pizza, and the state of being hungry and full all year round has ruined his digestive system.

And the one who was really scary was the little Lolita Carrie, this little girl really devoured food.

According to Aunt Wang's words - this little guy is probably reincarnated from starvation.

Goofy ate fast enough, but by the time Goofy finished the first pizza, Carrie had already eaten two pizzas.

By the time Goofy finished the second pizza, Carrie had already eaten four.

Seeing this, Gao Fei is already stupid, and his whole body is not well.

Nima's four pizzas are almost half the size of Carrie, right?Cooperate with this little girl and swallow half of herself? !

Afraid that Carrie would choke, Ole quickly poured water for her, and persuaded her while pouring water: "Carrie, Carrie, eat slowly, and no one is robbing you, don't choke..."

Carrie glanced back at him, and asked seriously, "Am I eating pizza fast? But I've been eating it slowly!"

Ole and Gao Fei were shocked.

Ole: "Then why don't you act like a gobbler again?"

"Okay!" Carrie clapped her small hands, and then methodically stacked the four corners of the pizza together, and then she lifted up the thickened version of the big pizza, opened her mouth, and without chewing, said "gudong" directly Swallowed in the stomach...

Chapter 94

Witnessing Carrie's "gobble up" with their own eyes, both Goofy and Ole were startled.

The two looked at each other, then slipped to the bathroom while Carrie was obsessed with her pizza.

Gao Fei lowered his voice and asked, "Have you seen it all?"

Ole was terrified: "I saw... She not only ate five pizzas in one go, but also swallowed half a pizza in one bite... My God, how can I afford this little girl?!"

Gao Fei's face was full of black lines: "Brother, you are probably making trouble! Carrie swallowed half a pizza in one gulp, and you are only worried about not being able to support her?"

"Then what should I worry about?" Ole asked blankly, "This kid has a problem with his digestive system?"

Gao Fei said in a deep voice: "Ole, my body has been modified, and my physical strength is six times that of a normal person, so I need more energy. I eat three pizzas for each meal... Carrie's current food intake is Twice mine, do you know what that means?"

Ole: "It means...she is growing?"

Gao Fei almost broke down: "It means that this girl's physique is not ordinary! Please, have you ever seen a child with a long body eat five pizzas for a meal!"

Speaking of which, Goofy poked his head out and took a look. Carrie was sitting there sucking her finger after eating the last piece of pizza.

"Six cards..." Gao Fei added in a low voice.

After some advice from Gao Fei, Ole finally realized it.

"Boss, you mean... Carrie's body has also been modified?"

"It's hard to say, maybe she has been modified, maybe she inherited special genes from her parents, or maybe she has experienced natural mutations—in short, this little loli is not an ordinary person." Gao Fei whispered.

"Could it be that aliens have invaded the earth? The aliens disguised themselves as little lolitas and deliberately approached me, trying to take me to an alien spaceship for human experiments!" Ole said while trembling, "Oops ! I almost fell for it!"

Gao Fei rolled his eyes: "Brother, if Carrie is really an alien in disguise, why does she deliberately show an amazing appetite? Isn't this a warning?"

After Ole thought about it, it was indeed the truth.

"I just said Carrie wouldn't hurt me, hehe..."

Seeing Ole's optimistic face, Gao Fei felt anxious for him - with a super loli like Carrie by his side, Ole might encounter a lot of trouble.

"Ole, don't let people know the difference between Carrie, understand? This will cause trouble for both of you." Gao Fei reminded.

"Don't worry, boss, I will protect the little guy." Ole promised with a nod.

"If you encounter any trouble, remember to come to me immediately." Gao Fei said, "Don't act without authorization, let alone take risks."

"Understood!" Ole agreed with a smile, then turned and went out to eat pizza.


After seeing off Ole and Carrie in the afternoon, Gao Fei tidied up the room and prepared to report back to the bureau.After all, the 109th branch has always had heavy tasks and a small police force. After Gao Fei fell, other colleagues must have suffered a lot.

Just when he was about to put on his uniform and go out, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and the footsteps stopped when he reached Gao Fei's door, as if he was hesitating whether to come in.

This made Gao Fei feel strange, who is hesitating at the door?

Could it be that some girl who had a crush on her and dared not tell her was standing at the door with a blushing face brewing emotions?

Thinking of this, Gao Fei walked to the door with a smirk on his face, and slammed the door open.

Let me see who this girl is!

However, when the door opened, Gao Fei was taken aback - the person standing at the door was not a girl, but a tall and thick man.

Queens 112th Precinct Sheriff, George Stacy.

"Sheriff Stacey? Why are you here?" Gao Fei was quite surprised, and felt a little disappointed.

George Stacey looked embarrassed, coughed and said: "Then what... I heard that you were discharged from the hospital, so I came here to see you."

"Didn't I just meet you in the ward a few days ago? I'm embarrassed to see you all the time." Gao Fei said with a smile, "Please come in, Sergeant Stacy, and have a cup of hot coffee."

"I won't go in. I'm relieved to see that you are safe and sound." George Stacy said with a smile, but there was a hesitant expression on his face.

Goofy kept muttering in his heart—why does it feel like Stacy has something on his mind?

After thinking about it, could it be that he has a clue about the case of human experimentation?

"Sheriff Stacy, how is the progress of the human experiment case?" Gao Fei asked tentatively.

"That case..." George Stacy smiled wryly, "It was taken over by the FBI, and it's out of my control now."

Gao Fei was about to ask a few more questions, but George Stacy was already leaving: "Officer Gao Fei, I won't bother you anymore. There is still something to do in the bureau, so I'm leaving first."

After saying that, George Stacy turned and left, disappearing into the corridor in a flash.

Looking at Sheriff Stacey's back, Gao Fei looked confused. He obviously came here for a request, but why did he turn his head and leave without saying a word?

No, there must be tricks in it!

Just when Gao Fei was wondering, the phone rang.

Then George Stacy's voice came, and it was his cell phone that rang just now.

"Hello? Dear..."——Under Goofy's amazing hearing, Stacy's voice downstairs can be heard clearly. Not only that, Goofy can even hear Mrs. Stacy's voice on the phone receiver.

Originally, it was extremely uncivilized to eavesdrop on other people's phone calls, but Gao Fei couldn't help but pay attention to the content of the call.

"Did you speak to Constable Goofy?"—that was Mrs. Stacy's voice.

"I didn't say anything, I regret it..." Sergeant Stacy whispered, "This is our business, and Officer Goofy shouldn't be allowed to take risks for us."

"But those people specifically asked you to bring Officer Goofy there, otherwise... otherwise they will..." Mrs. Stacy's voice was trembling, and her tone was filled with fear, "George, don't forget, Gwen is in their hands!"

"I know, I know... honey..." George Stacy's voice began to tremble, "but listen, I can't drag Cop Goofy into the water because of this, he has sacrificed enough for the people of New York Too much, do you want him to risk himself for our daughter? This is not a good idea, we can't be so selfish..."

After this sentence was finished, Mrs. Stacy on the other end of the phone began to sob and cry.

And after hearing this, Gao Fei already understood the ins and outs of the matter-a group of people kidnapped George Stacy's daughter Gwen, threatening George to lure him to the bait.

George originally decided to follow the robber's request, but at the last moment his conscience found out that he had given up this plan.

As for the identities of this group of people, Gao Fei could guess with his toes.

They must be Norman Osborn's men.

At this moment, George Stacy whispered: "Honey, don't cry, don't worry, I will save our daughter."

On the phone, Mrs. Stacey quickly stopped her and said: "Don't do this, George! Don't do this, if you don't take Police Officer Goofy there as they asked, these gangsters will definitely kill you! Don't go to death, hurry up Come home!"

But George made up his mind. He whispered softly to Mrs. Stacy: "I love you, honey, and I love the children, tell them for me."

After saying this, George Stacy hung up the phone and went straight out, and then a police car from the 112th branch started to drive away from the block.

A few seconds later, Gao Fei slowly walked out of the apartment.

"Don't try to be a hero alone, Sheriff Stacy, fighting alone is not your style..." Gao Fei said with a smile, "This is my patent."

Chapter 95 Kidnapping Gwen

George Stacy's police car sped through the Brooklyn twilight, aiming at an abandoned factory in the suburbs. His beloved daughter Gwen was kidnapped on the way home from school the day before, and the gangster called him that night Telephone.

As an experienced old policeman, George has dealt with many vicious kidnapping cases. In the kidnapping cases he has handled, the proportion of hostages who survived by chance is not high.

Because of this, George was very anxious at this time.

Unlike most previous kidnappers, this time the kidnapper's request was ingenious - the kidnapper asked George Stacy to take Goofy to an abandoned factory in the suburbs for an appointment, provided that he could not carry any weapons, let alone support.Once George violated any of these agreements, they would kill Gwen on the spot.

After hearing this request, George guessed that the kidnapping was related to the human experiment at the Holt Pharmaceutical Factory. He deeply regretted that he insisted on taking this case, and even more regretted that he dug deeper into this case and found out the truth. new leads...

But now it is too late to regret, things have already happened, and now he has no plans, no plans in his mind, his only thought is not to let his daughter face the group of murderous kidnappers alone, even if there is no way Back, he also went to see his daughter.

So George Stacy drove into the abandoned factory alone, and finally saw his beloved daughter as he wished.

Poor Gwen was firmly tied to an abandoned scaffolding. Her position was nearly ten meters above the ground. Seeing George Stacy get off the police car, the pale Gwen exhausted her last strength and screamed hoarsely. Shouted, "Daddy! Daddy!"

The old sheriff trembled all over, and his steps became a little messy. Looking up at his daughter, George shouted, "Gwen, don't be afraid, Dad is here."

However, before the words fell, there were dense sounds of loading the guns around.

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