
After lying in the ward for another two days, Gao Fei went through the discharge procedures and left the hospital.

With his current physique 1.9 times that of ordinary people, several fractures on his body will recover immediately. If he stays longer, his feet will be exposed sooner or later.

The little nurse Christine was reluctant to part with him, and on the day he was discharged from the hospital, he specially sent a bouquet of recovery flowers. As a patient, he was able to get the nurse to offer flowers on his own initiative. Gao Fei is still No.1 in the history of this hospital.

After Gao Fei was discharged from the hospital, he received a triumphant welcome from the hero. The NYPD also specially awarded Gao Fei the Medal of Honor representing bravery and fearlessness, with a gold star on a green background.Gao Fei inevitably gained another wave of admiration points, but fortunately, this wave of admiration points did not cause further upgrades.

Considering Goofy's injury, Hank didn't let him go to work immediately, but allowed him to continue recuperating at home for a while.But Gao Fei couldn't stay idle, he hid at home during the day and pretended to recuperate from his injuries, and at night he changed his disguise and went out to investigate the homeless incident.

Under the deep night of New York, Gao Fei walked through the streets of Brooklyn and came to the back of the business district where he had been robbed. The homeless Ole, who had been rescued by Gao Fei once, was still here, standing in a burning Roasting the fire next to the iron bucket.

"Ole! Ole!"

Gao Fei called his name in a low voice, and it took a long time for Ole, who was deaf, to hear him.

Looking back, he immediately recognized Gao Fei—there were few Chinese in this area, and those who dared to wander around at night were even rarer.

"Oh! My savior!" Ole is a guy who knows how to repay his kindness. He walked towards Gao Fei excitedly and introduced him to the fellow homeless people around him. "Look, everyone, this is me. The savior mentioned, he saved me, otherwise I would be thrown into the Hudson River to feed the fish!"

Gao Fei has a black line on his face: I'm not a rare animal, why should everyone watch it together!

His friends immediately came over together with Ole, and expressed their curiosity to Gao Fei.

"I heard that you are proficient in Chinese Kung Fu?"

"I heard that you and Ole teamed up to fight off dozens of men in black?"

"I heard that the group of men in black had knives and guns, and they were extremely cruel?"

"I heard that you are fast enough to dodge bullets?"

Gao Fei stared at the group of homeless people dumbfounded. Where did he hear these rumors?Most likely, Ole himself was talking nonsense in front of his friends and doing a lot of artistic processing of the experience that night.

"Listen, friends, I'm here to investigate the men in black who kidnapped you." Gao Fei said, "Have you seen them during this time?"

"What's there for them to investigate?" Ole said with an omniscient look, "I guessed their identities a long time ago. They must be from the government department. They think we affect the city's appearance and public security, so we have to Kill us all, it's that simple."

"That's right!" Another homeless man next to him said angrily, "In their eyes, we are even worse than street rats!"

"Damn, but we are also citizens, and we are also the masters of this land!" A white woman shouted angrily.

"Uh...I'm not, I came here by smuggling." A Latino boy said timidly.

"It's not that simple." Gao Fei quickly stopped them from speaking, and said in a deep voice, "The people who kidnapped you have complicated backgrounds, and they won't let it go. In order to prevent more homeless people from being killed, we must find them out. "

"Find out a government department? It's impossible." Ole insisted that the man in black was the government department.

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "No, they are not government departments, I assure you. Even if they are really government departments, I will bring them to justice."

"Bring them to justice?" Ole questioned, "Dude, you sound like a judge."

Gao Fei showed his ID: "I'm not a judge, but I'm a policeman. Any illegal behavior on my territory will be severely punished by the law! No matter if it's an individual behavior, a corporate behavior or an official government behavior!"

"What? Are you...the police?"

A few homeless men turned pale with fright, and a guy who was flying grass hurriedly threw his cigarette at his feet and stomped it out. The little brother who claimed to be a stowaway just now knelt down on the spot: "Officer, I'm just joking, please don't Send me back!"

Goofy is not interested in these trivial matters, he just wants to touch Norman Osborn.

"Don't be so nervous. I came here purely to solve the case of kidnapping a homeless man. You guys have to keep an eye on me and report to me immediately if there is any trouble, understand?"

"Understood!" The homeless people repeatedly agreed, these days there are not many police officers who are willing to stand up for the homeless.

"Okay, now answer me, have you seen the black truck or the man in black who kidnapped Ole last time? Or, did any of your homeless friends suddenly disappear?" Gao Fei asked in a deep voice.

Ole rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "I haven't seen the man in black again, but Fat Hart on East 108th Street has been gone for a long time..."

"That's right, I haven't seen Fat Hart for a long time. We used to rob together..." a burly homeless man added, but he quickly shut up in the middle of the sentence.

"Go to Fat Hart to have a look, maybe you will gain something." The stowaway brother couldn't wait to send Gao Fei away.

Goofy nodded slightly, then took out his phone and edited a text message to Eddie Brock.

It's time to send him out.

Chapter 21 Used Cars

After patrolling around Brooklyn again, Gao Fei did not find any useful clues. It must be that the mastermind behind the scenes lurked underground after poking out the basket, and did not dare to commit crimes against the wind in a short time.

In the early morning, Gao Fei bought hot dogs and coffee opposite Aunt Wang’s supermarket, and walked home while eating. When he got downstairs, he suddenly saw an old Chevrolet parked by the roadside, and then Frank was carrying two bottles of high-end Wine climbed out of the car.


Gao Fei shouted and walked over.

When Frank heard Gao Fei calling him, his expression changed suddenly, and he quickly stuffed the two bottles of good wine into his clothes.

It's a pity that Gao Fei had already seen it clearly, caught up with Frank, and sneered, "Hey, did you buy a new car?"

Frank smiled awkwardly: "Used cars are cheap, very cheap."

Gao Fei glanced at the high-end wine in his hand again: "And bought two bottles of good wine?"

"A gift from a friend." Frank replied without thinking.

"You think I'm a fool?" Gao Fei's tone became serious, and he grabbed his wrist tightly, "Tell me, where did the money come from?"

Frank tried to break free from Goofy's grasp, but suddenly found that his "broken" nephew was surprisingly strong.

"Please, Gao Fei, your uncle has been working hard all these years, and he always has some savings in his hand..." Frank said with a wry smile, "Buy a second-hand old car, and drink some good wine to treat yourself, what's the problem?"

"Stop talking nonsense to me, may I know how much money you have?" Gao Fei sneered, "I advise you to tell me the truth immediately, otherwise don't blame me for killing relatives."

"You kid is so heartless!" Frank saw that he couldn't fool Gao Fei, so he immediately played the bitterness card, "You grew up without a father and a mother, and it was your uncle who pulled you up with shit and piss. Now that you have joined the NYPD, you have started Riding on your uncle's head and domineering!"

"This trick is useless, Frank, this trick is useless to me!" Gao Fei has long been immune to his routine, "Even if you cry and cry, I won't be soft-hearted, so hurry up and tell me the truth!"

"..." Frank is completely at a loss. It's only because Gao Fei grew up with him and is so familiar with his routines.

"Okay, I can tell you the truth, but you have to promise not to beat me up first." Frank said nervously.

"You talk first, and I'll make a decision after I finish talking." Gao Fei was not fooled.

Frank completely surrendered, and said in a low voice: "Ahem, this money was obtained from a Chinese rights protection organization in Brooklyn. It was originally... It was originally a reward for your righteous deeds from this organization."

"What?!" Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Bonus for being brave? Are you sure you didn't blackmail people?"

"Extortion? Uh... your statement is a bit too exaggerated. I just think that as a Chinese rights protection organization, they should give you a certain material reward for your righteous deeds. But in order to ensure that they do so, I... also used the media to report to you They exerted some pressure...that's all." Frank chuckled, his cigarette teeth glowing golden in the morning light.

"Your uncle, are you blackmailing me in my name?" Gao Fei finally understood, and picked up Frank's collar.

Frank hurriedly persuaded in a low voice: "Gao Fei, don't get excited, be careful of your arm injury, let go quickly, your body is important..."

Gao Fei gave Frank a hard look: "Don't let me find out about this kind of thing a second time."

"Never again, never again." Frank quickly assured, "But Gao Fei, the money is really quite a lot, uncle is doing it for your own good..."

Gao Fei snatched the car keys from Frank's hand: "Since it's for my own good, then this car belongs to me."

"Hey!" Frank quit immediately, "Don't you have a police car to drive! What do you want this car for?"

"The police car belongs to Hank, I don't have a share." Gao Fei said convincingly, "Besides, Hank's Taurus was just scrapped by me for playing, and I am short of a car."

Unexpectedly, when the matter of the police car was mentioned, Frank immediately showed a shameless smile.

"Gao Fei, of course this car can be given to you. Uncle got the money for you..." Frank said glibly.

As soon as he saw this guy's shameless appearance, Gao Fei knew that he definitely didn't hold his fart well.

"What conspiracy do you have?"

"Conspiracy or not, it's so ugly..." Frank chuckled, "You are a well-known hero in New York now, a lot of media are queuing up to interview you, as long as you agree to be interviewed by them, I assure you, Within three days, I will help you earn more money..."

"Don't dream, Frank, as I said, you don't want to use my name to blackmail anymore." Gao Fei shook the key in his hand, "Also, if there are reporters who dare to come to interview, I will shoot one. I will kill two! Of course, you must be the first to die, you know?"

"Stinky boy..." Frank was upset in his heart, but he didn't dare to contradict himself, the policeman's nephew, and shook his head, so he had to compromise, "Okay, it's all up to you, Officer Goofy, I will obey your orders to the death .”

"It's not too bad." Gao Fei stretched himself, shook the key and went upstairs to sleep slowly.


When he woke up, Frank was long gone. Fortunately, this guy didn't dare to touch the keys of the Chevrolet, and the used car was completely owned by Gao Fei.

Looking at the time, at [-]:[-] pm, Gao Fei got up and washed his face, checked a few messages from Eddie, and prepared to continue the investigation.

Before he could go out, there was a knock on the apartment door.

Could it be that the reporter came to the door?

Gao Fei felt uneasy for a while, and walked over to look at the cat's eyes.

It turned out that Aunt Wang and Cheng Jieqian were standing at the door, and they actually came to the door.

"Welcome." Gao Fei quickly opened the door and said with a smile, "What brought you here?"

Carrying an insulated lunch box, Aunt Wang said with a smile, "The hero has been discharged from the hospital with honor, of course we have to come to express our condolences! Gao Fei is really amazing. He has made great contributions when he first joined NYPD!"

While talking, Aunt Wang opened the insulated lunch box, and inside was a feast of pork ribs cooked carefully.

"Come, come, taste the taste from home..." Aunt Wang said with a smile.

Cheng Jieqian stood aside and complained coldly: "He is a native of Brooklyn, what a taste of hometown..."

Aunt Wang rolled her eyes: "What do you know? A Chinese stomach is written in genes. Since Gao Fei's father is Chinese, he probably has a Chinese stomach!"

Gao Fei nodded quickly, but this has nothing to do with his Chinese father in the Marvel world. Traveling will only change Gao Fei's basic physical attributes, and his eating preferences are exactly the same as in his original world.

Chapter 22 Eddie's Intelligence

Aunt Wang's cooking skills are still online. A sweet and sour pork ribs is cooked to perfection. Gao Fei hasn't eaten Chinese food for a while.

"See? I said that Gao Fei has a Chinese stomach." Aunt Wang squinted her eyes and smiled, and she was very happy to see Gao Fei's enthusiasm for her cooking.

Cheng Jieqian couldn't understand Gao Fei more and more. How could this kid look like a native of Brooklyn?Just a real Chinese.

While Gao Fei was eating, Aunt Wang kept praising Gao Fei beside her. Gao Fei was almost fainted by Aunt Wang's rainbow fart, and gained a lot of admiration from Aunt Wang.

So unfortunately, Comrade Gao Fei was upgraded again.

Aunt Wang's worship became the last straw that broke the camel's back...


Physique: 1.9——2.0

Strength: 1.5 - 1.6

Agility: 1.5 - 1.9

Spirit: 1.5 - 1.5

Upgrade Reward: Fighting skills have improved.


Looking at the data gradually growing in the attribute panel, Gao Fei couldn't even eat.

Make me so awesome, how can I die?

If this goes on like this, we will hang everything in New York City, okay?

But the complaints belonged to the complaints, Aunt Wang's sweet and sour pork ribs were still swept away by Gao Fei, and the bones were almost chewed and swallowed.

After dinner, they chatted with Aunt Wang and Cheng Jieqian. The mother and daughter left at around 09:30. Of course, Gao Fei couldn't let them go home at night, so he specially escorted them back.

When he came out of Aunt Wang's house, Gao Fei received a text message from Eddie.

The content of the text message was very simple: Come on Pier 17 in New York Bay, bring the guys! ! !

In the end, the word "bring a guy" was followed by three exclamation marks, which shows that things are very difficult.

It seems that Eddie has encountered a hard problem, and he probably encountered the group of men in black head-on.

Gao Fei became excited, and hurried back downstairs to drive the second-hand Chevrolet, and drove all the way to Pier 17 on New York Bay.


There are few people in the upper New York Bay at night. There are not many people loading and unloading ships at this time. Pier 17 is even more remote. There has been no cargo ship docked here for a long time.

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