In the middle of the basketball court, Reina held a super small solar flare in her hand, facing Du Qiangwei who was always on guard.

"Okay!" Reina's eyes were a little erratic, and she said casually, "I can analyze my solar flares."

"When you were playing, I was studying with all my might!" Du Qiangwei pursed her lips, not knowing who she was being stubborn with, and said, "It's not like you, who are completely indifferent to the situation we are about to face in the future .”

Lena was naturally unhappy, and choked: "What do you know!" While speaking, she threw out the ultra-small miniature flare in her hand, and the person also moved.

The field was very chaotic, it didn't seem like they were scoring goals, but it turned into a two-two confrontation.

In the end, it was Zhao and Rui Mengmeng who took the lead in putting on the black armor and summoning weapons. Their confrontation with bare hands evolved into a fierce fight.

Liu Chuang was hit by a rock and stopped holding the basketball hoop. After dressing up, he rushed to Cheng Yaowen with an ax on his shoulder and shouted "Wow".

In the end, only Lu Xiaoqi, Leina, and Qilin were left without clothes, and the rest were all wearing black armor and holding weapons, catching their opponents and attacking with all their might.

"..." Qilin was a bit of a chicken, she said sullenly: "I play with guns."

Lu Xiaoqi didn't wear any clothes, so no one fought him at all.

Who wants to fight someone who can flash displacement?

Leina relied on her own physical strength, and then pretended to be a little bully. Looking at Du Qiangwei, she pretended to say, "I am standing still."

Du Qiangwei was already holding a dart, looking like she wanted to attack but held back.

"Stop!!!" Jess yelled suddenly, and then shouted: "Assemble!"

It can't stop anymore, the basketball court is damaged to the point of disrepair, the roof will collapse anytime and anywhere, and a large group of people are attracted to watch outside.

A group of people gathered outside, and after they lined up again, the few people who didn't wear black armor looked a little out of place.

"Are you looking down on your opponent?" Jess mainly stared at Lu Xiaoqi, and shouted, "You can get hit by Cheng Yaowen once, but you think Du Qiangwei's darts can't kill anyone!"

Lu Xiaoqi tensed his face and remained silent.

"I've made great progress!" Jess called out the names of a few people, especially praised Rui Mengmeng, and said: "I haven't seen you for three days. I'm talking about Rui Mengmeng. She is very good, very good."

In fact, everyone has discovered that when two people really fought against each other, the group of people who returned to the academy early obviously lost to the group of people who went to Asgard.

It's not just a difference in strength, but also a difference in vigor and mentality during the battle.

For example, Ge Xiaolun was caught and abused by Xin Zhao for a while. From the beginning to the end, Ge Xiaolun would hold the basketball and never think about fighting back. If it wasn't for Xin Zhao to keep his hand, Ge Xiaolun would have died thousands of times.

Their attention was not on Jess, they noticed that the injured members were recovering at an extremely fast speed, they were surprised and confused at the same time.

Jess noticed the abnormality of the students, and said proudly: "Don't be afraid of getting hurt. As long as you don't die, the medical officer's piano will help you repair it in a short time. So..." He drew a long tone, with Then he smiled ferociously before continuing: "The next training will be stricter!"

A howling sound was completely uncontrollable from the mouths of several students.


Thank you for the beautiful women in the north who are all over the country and all over the city for rewarding 100 starting coins again.

Thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Chapter 58: The movie that the whole universe pays attention to is about to be released

In the next half month, Jess let everyone really see what cruelty is, and he really practiced his friends to death.

It's not just simple training, there are many teams for high-intensity confrontation, usually many-to-many.

According to Jess, future wars will not depend on the number of people at all. No matter how many ordinary people there are, the number of people is meaningless in the face of enemies who are super soldiers.

In the war between super soldiers and super soldiers, a small number of team members cooperate to form their own unique tactics and complete the fatal blow to the enemy.

After the confrontation between the teams, the gaps between them were clearly distinguished again, especially the friends who went to Asgard were divided into a team to fight against those who returned to the academy early, and there was often an absolute difference. one-sided.

"I can't!" Ge Xiaolun was knocked into the air by Rui Mengmeng's heroic charge, and then chopped melons and vegetables by a dance of broken wings. Muttering sadly: "No, I am the power of the galaxy. Isn't it one of the three major projects? Why is there no power to fight back against Mengmeng?"

About the power of the galaxy and what, Ge Xiaolun asked several teachers again and again, and every teacher said that the priority of the power of the galaxy is the most important item among all the god-making projects.

Wandering Ryze didn't know the reason, and even told Ge Xiaolun plainly that, except for the power of killing gods, the genes of the other students were not at all stronger than the power of the galaxy.

Now it is Ge Xiaolun who thinks he is quite strong, and Rui Mengmeng, who is considered not strong at all, has been defeated several times. In addition to Rui Mengmeng, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Li Feifei and Wei Ying, and of course Lu Xiaoqi and Lei Na, It really shouldn't be too easy to defeat Ge Xiaolun, causing Ge Xiaolun to begin to doubt whether the power of the galaxy is as powerful as the teachers said.

Du Qiangwei jumped out of a miniature wormhole, saw Ge Xiaolun lying on the ground with a face of doubting his life, contempt appeared in his eyes, and incomparable contempt in his heart, the next moment he opened the miniature wormhole again and left.

In fact, what Du Qiangwei looked down upon was not the power of the galaxy, a god-making project, but Ge Xiaolun.She is always very upset by Ge Xiaolun's disgusting eyes, and Ge Xiaolun's performance in all aspects is too poor, so she really doesn't have a good impression.

Ge Xiaolun naturally saw Du Qiangwei, but his eyes were only focused on the round and upturned part, and he didn't see Du Qiangwei's expression and eyes.

They were in an abandoned town where all the residents had been evacuated, leaving behind a mess of streets and dusty but empty buildings.

The brief but crisp sound of the gun was Qilin pulling the trigger, and the bullet was blocked by Liu Chuang's tomahawk.

When Qilin was about to change positions, she was hugged by Lu Xiaoqi who suddenly appeared, and the next moment they disappeared by the window on the second floor.

"You're going to die!" Qilin didn't care that she was hundreds of meters in the air, and she was constantly falling, so she was about to slap Lu Xiaoqi in the face, and shouted: "I'm getting more and more like a wretched man!" !"

Of course Lu Xiaoqi blocked it.He asked with some confusion: "Just hit me. Why did you slap me in the face?"

Qilin looked like she was going to be blown up, and then shouted: "What do you think!?"

Lu Xiaoqi understood a little bit, and immediately let go of Qilin's hand, and the two separated immediately.

"..." Qi Lin realized that she was falling from a high altitude, and she danced and danced at the same time: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

On the side of a road for external traffic in the town, a box-shaped military vehicle was parked next to the building.

This was a command vehicle, and Jess was naturally in it, along with a few other people.

"Student Lu's ability is very incomprehensible." Yuqin is a sweet-looking soft girl, who knows how old she is if she doesn't tell her?While she was busy operating a large-looking device, she looked at the screen and said, "Qiangwei's time-space gene allows her to detect the worm bridge of the dark plane, and it is easier to operate the space to open the wormhole. His The move doesn't take advantage of the worm bridge."

Jess was watching Liu Chuang split open the earth wall that Cheng Yaowen created with the "Heart of the Earth" genetic manipulation with an axe. Not only did the earth wall collapse, but Cheng Yaowen was also sent flying backwards.

"According to our current research, his ability is very special, but it does not have the strategic value of roses changing the battlefield situation at the strategic level." Jess said that Du Qiangwei can open miniature wormholes, and some weapons can use miniature wormholes to ignore distance. An instant attack: "The college has not been able to clearly know what gene Lu Xiaoqi is, and it is completely unable to give a clear position."

"Maybe it can be used as an assassin." Yuqin said while healing the injured student, "There is no information about the opening of the wormhole, and it appears quietly, which is hard to guard against."

Yuqin's treatment method is to store some energy in the black armor in advance, and then use her special genetic ability to remotely mobilize energy to heal the injured.

There are not only Jess and Yuqin in the command vehicle, but also several other men and women in military uniforms operating the instruments.

The confrontation ended when Du Qiangwei was stabbed in the back of the neck with a sword from behind by Lu Xiaoqi who suddenly appeared.

Before that, Qilin fell to the ground less than 20 meters, and was embraced by Lu Xiaoqi who flashed and shifted again, and then flashed and moved to the ground again.

The personnel quickly assembled again.

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