Sure enough, at the next moment, the iconic burst of "hahaha" was laughed out of Reina's mouth again, but this time she looked a little shocking.

Amidst a burst of "hahaha" laughter, a picture of some granular objects turning into armor suddenly appeared on Leina's body. Gradually, she wore a set of dark black armor with inexplicable fibers or leather. Most of the armor It is an unknown metal, some places are very close-fitting leather or fiber, and the rest of the places with cloth are blood red.

Lu Xiaoqi looked at Lena who had finished dressing with psychedelic special effects, and had to admit that Lena had changed into a set of Chinese style... Uh, after the Lieyang style lady's armor, she really looked brave and heroic.

"Why is it a miniskirt again?" Xin Zhao sucked his saliva, raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth: "A real goddess, is there anything!"

Yeah, why are there miniskirts again?

Angel's armor style is like this, even Lena has the same style, I can't think of it, sister Qi!

As for the difference between Angel's armor style and Reina's, the biggest difference is that Angel's armor is bright silver, while Reina's is dark black, otherwise the fabric is mainly red.

"Don't just brag about yourself!" Liu Chuang urged, "What about ours?"

"What's the hurry!" Lena was a little upset when she was interrupted, and asked, "Is this goddess beautiful?"

All the friends said without hesitation: "Beautiful!"

Lena ticked the corner of her mouth and asked proudly, "Is she your goddess?"

All the friends shouted in unison: "It's our goddess... Sutra!"

After a fight, Reina helped arm them one after another.

It is a very mysterious method, described from a scientific point of view, that is, Lena opened the worm bridge with her own arsenal (subspace), guiding the equipment to form a link with the genes of her friends, and the equipment was affected According to the guidelines, according to the established procedure, put it on the body of the little partner to complete the dress.

When it was Lu Xiaoqi's turn, Leina threw a suit of armor on the ground and said with disgust, "Put it on yourself."

"No!" Lu Xiaoqi was still looking forward to that kind of mysterious way of dressing, first he was confused for a while, and then he shouted: "Why is it my turn, I have to wear it myself!"

"If you don't wear it yourself, don't tell me you want this goddess to wear it for you!" Leina yelled louder than Lu Xiaoqi: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Do you want Lena to say that she can't analyze Lu Xiaoqi's genes, and can't make Lu Xiaoqi's genes form a link with the armed forces?She wouldn't tell the truth about such out-of-the-box things.

There is another kind of armor that does not need to be genetically linked with the user, but it is an inferior product and does not conform to the treatment given to them by the Super Seminary for these reserve gods.

They were frolicking, while the marinated eggs and some members of the Avengers who had been standing in the distance for a long time had solemn expressions on their faces.

The Avengers have Iron Man, and Tony Stark actually looks cool when he's armed, but it's a mechanical principle they can understand.

Lena dresses up all the friends. It is a kind of miniature worm bridge that opens up. The equipment changes from particles to close-fitting armor, or the armor is fused with each other and then put on the body. No matter how you look at it, it is very mysterious. It belongs to the means that the Avengers do not understand at all.

"We should also have our own wormhole technology!" Bitten almost gritted his teeth: "We can't do anything about genetic engineering. When it comes to science...we can't fall behind!"

Banner said earnestly: "Genetic engineering is science."

Fortunately, the braised egg has a dark complexion, otherwise it would have been seen that she was blushing after being stunned by such a sentence.

"Natasha." Potato looked at Natasha, who looked envious, and asked, "Have you got any results after spending so long with them?"

Natasha smiled and shook her head: "Although they didn't shy away from anything at all, they didn't even care about my collection of hair. But apart from some verbal gains, there is nothing else."

Aren't genes just DNA? Human hair is also made up of DNA. Natasha has been with Lu Xiaoqi and others for a while, and she can collect some hair no matter what.

S.H.I.E.L.D. got the hair and carried out a research. It was able to detect the genetic arrangement, but it could only do this. It was completely at a loss as to what secrets were in the gene, let alone what it could research. results.

In the end it was Lu Xiaoqi who put on the armor by himself, muttering about it while putting it on, looking extremely aggrieved.

"You have been initially armed. I will transmit a code for a miniature wormhole to you. If you want to wear it in the future, you can enter the code and 'take' it out." The code that Leina said can be understood as a key, as long as the little partner is not too far away from her , can rely on the code to open her arsenal to get her own equipment, so it won't be so troublesome for her friends to have their own arsenal in the future.She kicked at Lu Xiaoqi who was still nagging, pouted: "Are you annoying? It's not very cool, you should study how to form a link by yourself."

Lu Xiaoqi didn't feel anything wrong after being kicked lightly. After hearing it, he suddenly understood a little bit, and laughed: "So it's not that you don't help me pretend to be aggressive, but you can't help at all!"

"Damn!" Leina regretted how she said so much, she became angry and started chasing and killing Lu Xiaoqi, chasing and cursing: "What's wrong with not being able to analyze your genes, Teacher Liu, Teacher Miss, etc. What Kaisha, Hexi, etc. Angel, they can't either. Am I ashamed? Where did I lose it! Stop for me!"

The rest of the friends didn't bother to boo, because they felt that they were indeed connected with the armor. After mastering the code given by Lena, they played happily, returning the equipment to the warehouse repeatedly, and then re-entering the code. Code to arm.

"Stop!" Lu Xiaoqi stopped suddenly, raised her hand and kept waving at Leina: "I understand!"

After hearing this, Leina didn't care about chasing and killing, and said with a look of disgust: "Ms. Miss presided over the research and built it, using dark iron element alloys and many super precious materials. It took only a few minutes, you tell...tell..."

Lu Xiaoqi used his actions to prove that the armor on his body was disintegrating into some particles, and after disappearing completely, he was rearmed from foot to head.

"What did you say?"

"Ah? Did the goddess say anything? She obviously didn't say anything!"

Chapter 45: We've long been out of bad taste

Asgard is also known as Asa God's Domain, which is rumored to be the God's Domain where the Nordic gods live.

Blue Star has myths about the Nordic protoss, and it can even be said to be far more widespread than the Sun civilization, and it is not lost to the angel civilization.

It is that the angelic civilization spreading beliefs in Blue Star is obviously crooked, and it has become an angelic army under the seat of God. The force has dropped to an unknown level.

"Are you all ready?" Natasha asked many friends representing the Super Seminary: "Okay, let's go."

Reina kept nodding her head expectantly.

Being able to discover a new civilization is actually a very interesting thing for Lena. She can have a good time in the blue star of the pre-nuclear civilization. Naturally, she hopes to find another place where she can have more fun .

It was Loki who came to pick Lu Xiaoqi and others to Asgard.

When Loki first appeared on the stage, he was dressed like a deer, but that divine attire...was a real divine attire, looking at the golden light, it showed a real local tyrant.

During the period, Xin Zhao couldn't help muttering the line "One knife level 999, if you are a brother, come and cut me", and said to Lu Xiaoqi with a bit of sourness: "You look full of golden body, it doesn't look like our armor is All in black."

Fortunately, it was not heard by Reina, otherwise I don't know what to do.

They chose an open space specially, and Loki called everyone to get closer to each other.

Loki looked up at the sky and said, "Heimdall, take us there."

The sky is a picture of a cloud being stirred in an instant. Under the background of great movement, a beam of colorful light shrouded it, and the ground seemed to be stamped with a complex pattern.

That is the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. Not only does it have the function of teleporting and picking up people, it can also be used as a star-destroying weapon.

After the colorful light disappeared, Leina stood there in a daze.

"Where are people?" Lena looked left and right, and those people and friends from the Avengers were gone.She looked at some people in S.H.I.E.L.D. and asked, "What's going on?"

Maria Hill from S.H.I.E.L.D. was a little overwhelmed, unable to answer for a while.

Lena still wanted to say something, and even her face was changing to a serious one. Seeing Lu Xiaoqi who suddenly appeared, she eased her emotions and said, "I thought that Asgard was plotting something."

"Conspiracy?" Lu Xiaoqi said with a puzzled face, "We still wonder why you weren't picked up. Their explanation is that your divine body is too advanced, and that bridge can't capture you."

"Oh! This goddess just said it? It turns out that Asgard's technology is too bad!" After finishing speaking, Lena asked with a look of suspicion, "Then how can they capture you?"

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