The matter of Wu San and the two of them was just a small episode to Ye Yun, and he soon put it behind him. For him, finding Zhu Guoshu is the serious thing, and everything else can be put aside.

When Ye Yun went to the location of Zhu Guoshu according to the map, Wu San and the two staggered and supported each other and returned to the border city. The first time they returned to the border city was to find cotton clothes, because the frosty sun on their bodies could not be dried at all. To change, can only wear a few more clothes to keep out the cold.

However, what frightened them was that even though they had wrapped themselves in cotton balls, they were still shivering from the cold. In the end, they had no choice but to invite senior monks to take action, and it took two elixir to relieve the chill that had penetrated into the bone marrow of their bodies.

"Zhang Lao Liu, we should settle this account carefully." Wu San felt the warmth of the sun shining on his body, and said through gritted teeth.

Half an hour later, Wu San and his companions blocked Zhang Laoliu in his residence. A few minutes later, Wu San and his companions left Zhang Laoliu's residence covered in blood. Shoulderers who specialize in providing information.

Ye Yun didn't know what Wu San and the others were doing, but he had already expected that Zhang Laoliu's fate was already doomed when he let them go, unless he was stronger than the two combined or Others had to intervene, otherwise Zhang Laoliu would have escaped death after all, but he didn't take this matter to heart when he came out, and now he has arrived at the area where Zhu Guoshu is located according to the map.

Standing on the flying sword, Ye Yun looked at the map, and then at the weed-covered mountains in front of him. He really wanted to put the map in his hand back into the mind of the person who drew it.The mountains stretching for dozens of miles in front of him are actually just a small hill with the size of two fingers on his map, how can he find it!The previous map is quite reliable, but why did it change so much when we got here?He really couldn't figure it out.

"Forget it, let's look for it first. Didn't the map say that vermilion fruit trees grow on cliffs? I'll look for the cliffs here first, and the aura of places with vermilion fruit trees must be stronger than other places. It should be There will also be guarded by monsters or spirit beasts, as long as I look for them according to this condition, I can always find them."

Although the Great Wilderness is called the Great Wilderness, it is not really very desolate. Although the Great Wilderness is not full of forests and old trees like other places, there are still a lot of wild grass and low shrubs, and the Great Wilderness does not lack elixir and animals. It was precisely because of this that Ye Yun's search did not go smoothly.

Although he didn't find the vermilion fruit tree, he did find two elixir plants before nightfall, a sunflower and a nine-leaf clover.The sunflower is named because it always faces the sun, and the name of the nine-leaf clover is similar, but the nine-leaf clover grows an extra leaf every ten years, and it turns every 90 years. After nine reincarnations, it will transform into a reincarnation grass. The power of rejuvenation, and the one Ye Yun found already has six leaves, which means that this nine-leaf clover has grown for 60 years.

Although the quality of these two elixirs can only be regarded as ordinary, they are already considered good. Sunflower is an important material for refining Huiyuan Pill (recovering mana), while Nine Leaf Grass is used for refining Jiuzhuan Pill (healing wounds). The main ingredient, the harvest is not bad.

Before night fell, Ye Yun hurried back to the border town. If it was not forced, few people would spend the night outside the wilderness at this time, because it was too dangerous.As far as Ye Yun knows, just three years ago, also during this time period, a cultivator with the strength of the ninth level of the Demon Dao Qingyun relied on his own strength and did not return to the border town but stayed in the wild for the night. People heard a huge movement in the wilderness, and the sound did not stop until early morning.

The next morning, soon after the city gate was opened, monks found a large number of battle traces outside the city. Finally, many monks followed those battle traces into the depths of the wilderness, and found that the magic monk had turned into a skeleton. It was also from the clothes on the skeleton that he could barely be identified, and judging from the traces of the battle, besides a large number of ordinary beasts, there were at least ten monsters who fought with him that night, and at least one monster reached the height of [-] At the level of the ninth floor of Yuqing, no one will spend the night outside the city at this time of year, and even if it is too late, they will rush back desperately.

Although Ye Yun is conceited that he is not weak, he is not stupid either. It is obvious that the monsters outside the city are clearing the field. No matter how strong he is, he can't stop the monsters swarming up, let alone the huge number of ordinary beasts. , procrastination can drag him to death.

During this period of time, fighting is not allowed in the border town at night. This is the default rule of the border town. Once someone violates it, they will be chased and killed by everyone in the border town.Therefore, the border town during this time period is the safest at night, and everyone can sleep peacefully, and Ye Yun did the same.

After a night of no dreams, Ye Yun got up early in the morning and had breakfast, and started his own search for the vermilion fruit tree this time. Unfortunately, Goddess of Luck did not take care of him today. He still found nothing until noon. Looking at the hot sun above his head, Ye Yun I can only pause and find a place to rest for a while, and have lunch casually.

There may not be many other things in the wilderness, but wild rabbits are everywhere. I caught a wild rabbit from the grass and cleaned it, then put on the seasoning made by Zhang Xiaofan, found some dry firewood, burned some of it into charcoal, and moved it to the grill that was set up. The rabbits were roasted on the ground, while the fire next to it continued to burn charcoal, and the smoke rose along the cliff, and along with the smoke, there was a little smell of roasted rabbits.

A few minutes later, the outer surface of the rabbit was roasted golden yellow by the scorching charcoal fire. Seeing this, Ye Yun took out a knife and scratched the golden rabbit so that the deeper rabbit meat could be roasted. The aroma of the roasted rabbit is more intense.

Ye Yun took a sip of the aroma of the roasted rabbit, picked up the seasoning bottle, and was about to sprinkle some more seasoning, so that the meat inside could be fully flavored, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a sound coming from above his head. The high-pitched hawk crowed, and Ye Yun, who felt that something was wrong, grabbed the long sword next to him and used force under his feet, and quickly flew backwards, before retreating seven or eight meters, a golden figure passed by the grill in an instant. The golden roasted rabbit that was baked to maturity disappeared without a trace.

After stabilizing his figure, Ye Yun raised his eyes and saw a golden eagle with a wingspan as wide as a palm shooting away, and the golden eagle was still holding a tick on its shiny metallic claws. Tick ​​dripping golden baked rabbit.

The eagle may have sensed Ye Yun's gaze, but turned around and gave Ye Yun a look of contempt, then uttered a provocative cry, bowed its head and pecked at the roasted rabbit under its feet before walking away.Such a provocative move made Ye Yun explode in an instant. He squeezed the sword art with his right hand, and the black long sword came out of its sheath instantly, and chased after the golden eagle whistling with a light blue light.

The golden eagle didn't expect Ye Yun to be able to control things. A look of panic flashed in his eyes when he saw the whistling Feijian, but he was replaced by shame in the blink of an eye. He is the master of the sky, so what if that human being can control things , it is the overlord who rules the sky.

Chapter 48 kill


There was a loud eagle cry in the sky, and the golden giant eagle seemed to be provoked, dropped the roasted hare under its claws, turned around and rushed directly at Ye Yun's flying sword.Ye Yun didn't expect that the eagle would turn its head back. It was too late to change the sword tactics, and the flying sword shining with light blue light directly collided with the golden eagle's sharp claws with metallic luster.


When the two collided, there was actually a sound that only gold and iron collide, and sparks burst out when the two collided.

When he missed a hit, Ye Yun quickly changed his spell, and the flying sword in the air began to dance flexibly, constantly attacking the golden giant eagle, and the giant eagle is indeed the overlord of the sky. At the critical moment, Ye Yun blocked Ye Yun's flying sword with his paws or wings, and there was a dense "clang clang" sound in the sky for a while, and of course, acne sparks burst out continuously.

In just a few minutes, Ye Yun attacked more than a hundred times, but to Ye Yun's surprise, the giant eagle actually stopped them all, and even the feathers were not messed up much.Although he is now simply controlling the flying sword to attack without using powerful sword tactics, Ye Yun was surprised that the eagle could persist to such an extent.

Although Ye Yun was very surprised by the strength of the eagle, it was an indisputable fact that the eagle snatched his roasted rabbit, and if he hadn't flashed so fast just now, he would have been decapitated, so this eagle must die.

Seeing that he couldn't kill the eagle with the flying sword, Ye Yun took the long sword back, and when he saw the small gaps on the long sword, he was speechless. This is a sword that cuts iron like mud. Now it's just a head-to-head fight with this eagle for a while, and the gaps are covered. Ye Yun can only say that he is worthy of a monster, and his physical defense is also perfect.

Ye Yun looked at the golden giant eagle, and thought silently in his heart: "The physical defense of this eagle is really not covered. It is thicker than fine iron. Ordinary attacks really can't pierce its defense. In this case, look at my defense. A total blow!"

In a sudden thought, Ye Yun's whole body was agitated with mana, and his body slowly rose from the ground. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he stood upright in front of his chest. When the light was so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it, Ye Yun suddenly let out a long roar, and the human sword united with lightning to stab at the giant eagle.

When Ye Yun used his mana to perform the sword art, the golden giant eagle was not idle, and the monster power on it also quickly gathered in front of him to form a golden feather. When Ye Yun used the sword art, it also After preparing the ultimate move, the golden feather shot out with a slight flap of the wings. Both of them had the idea of ​​killing with one blow. Now it depends on which side is stronger.

It was too late and then too fast, the distance of two to five 600 meters was fleeting, and the two sides collided in an instant, but the scene of the needle tip facing the wheat awn did not appear, Ye Yun's long sword touched the golden feather It was as if the hammer that was smashed hard hit the glass, the golden feathers shattered into pieces, unable to even block it, and Ye Yun broke through the attack of the golden giant eagle without stopping and directly pierced through the glass that was blocking him. The golden giant eagle in front of him.


The giant eagle let out a mournful cry, and the blood on its body continuously spilled from the big hole that Ye Yun made. The pair of huge wings flapped vigorously twice and fell powerlessly. However, at this moment, something that shocked Ye Yun happened. The golden giant eagle, which was supposed to hit the ground, changed its previous sadness, and roared proudly, emitting a brilliant light like a shooting star, and flew straight to the sky, turning into little golden lights and dissipating in the sky.

"It's so proud of the sky! Even if you die, you have to die in the sky without falling into the mortal world. Although you are just a monster, you have successfully won my respect." Looking at the golden male who turned into golden light and returned to the sky, Eagle, even Ye Yun, who is his opponent, couldn't help but admire him.

After thinking about Ye Yun for a while, he packed up his novelty and flew to the cliff behind him. His roasted rabbit didn’t know where it fell, and now he is still hungry. As the saying goes, eating is the biggest food in the world, so it’s okay to feel a little bit of emotion. alright.

Half an hour later, the strong fragrance floated out from the bottom of the cliff again, this time finally no one (object) came to disturb him from eating, and Ye Yun had a good meal.

After tidying up the fire on the ground, after a short rest, Ye Yun picked up the sword formula and flew into the air again. He didn't want to waste too much time looking for the vermilion fruit tree. It's not particularly valuable to him.

With the idea of ​​looking for it if he can find it, and forgetting if he can't find it, Ye Yun stood on the flying sword and searched the cliff carefully.Suddenly, a faint fragrance was brought down by the mountain wind, which shocked Ye Yun. This is the unique fragrance of elixir, and although the fragrance is faint, it lingers, which means that the elixir must be It was nearby, which instantly lifted Ye Yun's spirits.

Now that you smell the fragrance, you just need to follow the fragrance to find it, and you don't need to carefully search every inch of the cliff, which made Ye Yun's search speed soar a lot in an instant.After Ye Yun flew nearly 500 meters to the top of the mountain, a young eagle's cry came faintly to his ears, and when he looked up, a small tree with a height of one meter and verdant green was immediately reflected. his eyelids.

The small tree is rooted in the crevices of the steep rocks, and it is only one meter high. The leaves are only the size of a thumb, and they are emerald green. The red fruit slightly smaller than the thumb is looming.

"Zhu Guoshu!" Ye Yun couldn't help exclaiming. He really didn't expect to find Zhu Guoshu in this situation, but he was relieved when he saw the cave next to Zhu Guoshu. The golden eagle is the guardian or owner of this red fruit tree.

After careful inspection and found that there was no danger, Ye Yun took out a small jade bottle from the pouch on his waist and came to the vermilion fruit tree.

After coming to the vermilion fruit tree, Ye Yun was not in a hurry to pick the vermilion fruit. Instead, he took a closer look at the vermilion fruit tree, and after seeing it, Ye Yun really saw some information.

The vermilion fruits on the vermilion fruit tree are all ripe, but there are not six, but eight, because Ye Yun also saw two fresh fruit stalks, presumably they were picked by the golden eagle, but Ye Yun didn't know whether the plucked vermilion fruit was eaten by the golden eagle or fed to the little eagle. This made Ye Yun very lucky. If he came a day or two late, he probably wouldn't have his share of these vermilion fruits.

Gently pick all the six vermilion fruits on the tree and store them in a jade bottle, pick a few leaves and put them in to prevent the medicine from being lost, and then close the lid.

After dealing with all this, Ye Yun turned his gaze to the cave next to him.

Chapter 49 The Herd Gathers

Perhaps the young eagle heard the voice outside the cave and thought it was his mother who had returned, and the young eagle's chirping never stopped, which made Ye Yun couldn't help but flew towards the cave.

The cave is not deep, only five or six meters, and the width is nearly six meters, so the light in the cave is not bad. Ye Yun saw the huge nest made of branches inside the cave at a glance, and there was a pile of snow-white trees on the other side of the cave. Dry bones.

Those snow-white dead bones were piled up very messily, and Ye Yun couldn't identify what species they arrived at, but with sharp eyes, he saw two yellowed skulls from the pile of dead bones, which didn't look like they were from a while ago. , I don't know that the unlucky guy happened to pass by here and was killed by the giant eagle.

Ye Yun flew into the cave with his sword after careful observation and confirmed that there was no danger in the cave, and when Ye Yun jumped down from the flying sword, the chirping in the eagle's nest became more urgent. Parents who eat.

Slowly curious, Ye Yun approached the eagle's nest, and finally saw the young eagle that kept singing.It was a bright red eaglet the size of a hen, and just as Ye Yun expected, the eaglet hadn't opened its eyes yet, and there were only a few scattered hairs on its body. It won't be Ye Yun as its parents.

Ye Yun fell in love with this young eagle at the first sight. Although it looks ugly now, as long as it grows feathers, it should be no worse than its parents. Ye Yun looked amazing when he was young. When Condor Heroes, I imagined that I could also raise a divine eagle, and then I rode it soaring in the air. Now I have a baby eagle in front of me. How can I miss such an opportunity?Moreover, it has been so long since he killed the giant eagle, and considering that there is no shortage of food under the cliff, there should be only one adult eagle in this nest, that is to say, if he does not adopt the young eagle , it will be starved to death.

There is nothing to hesitate, just looking at the eagle before, you can tell that this young eagle will be very handsome in the future, and it will be good as a helper or a mount when it grows up, so Ye Yun took out several thick hawks from the bird's nest. I chipped the wood, made a simple cage with the tough withered grass in the bird's nest, put some twigs and withered grass to make a simple bird's nest, and then lifted the young eagle into the cage with magic power, tied it firmly Then he carried the birdcage and walked outside.

Ye Yun went to the entrance of the cave to look around, then picked up the sword formula and Yujian and returned to the border city. Now that he has found Zhu Guo, and also picked up a baby eagle by accident, it is already considered a good harvest. The next time Here, he is preparing to use vermilion fruit to cultivate while feeding the young eagles and waiting for the arrival of the beast horde.Now that we are all here, how can we miss this interesting thing?

Eagles are carnivores, so Ye Yun caught a wild rabbit on the way back, peeled off the skin, and used a knife to peel off all the meat on it and fed it to the young eagle.When entering the city gate, a monk who must have been an adult wandering around the border town saw how extraordinary the little eagle was, and wanted to buy it at a high price, but Ye Yun didn't sell it.

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